How to Basics: Multi-tasking at its Core

Carmen Ruan
Multi-task Basics
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2017
Is multi-tasking really as hard as it seems?

Hello to all fellow readers! My name is Carmen Ruan, and I am currently a Business Administration student intended on concentrating in marketing, finance and human resources at the University at Buffalo. My purpose for writing this blog is to inform and focus on tackling down the benefits of an often overlooked soft skill we commonly have known as multitasking. Upon coming to college, one skill that I have been trying my hardest to pick up on has been multi-tasking. This is due to the strenuous work loads and the lack of time to complete the work for all my classes, workstudy and also studying for exams.

Multitasking is a skill in which people are capable of executing more than one task simultaneously. The reason why this soft skill appeals to me is that I am not very good at it. I have friends that are so good with multitasking that even if they are watching a movie and drawing, they can still understand the book that they are reading. I have noticed that the people in my family are often not good with multitasking and it leaves me to wonder if this skill ties to genetics or can it be improved through practice. This soft skill also appealed to me because it relates to my philosophy of work.

I see work as an exchange of our precious time for services and products. If a person can do more than one task at a time, then they can save so much more time and become more efficient with their work. This skill can benefit almost everyone because multitasking can be used in daily life things such as eating and talking to someone on the phone and ranges to being a working office environment where people have to pick up calls if needed and work on their tasks at the same time.

Multitasking can only be considered successful if you can focus on each task while minimizing all sorts of errors while in use. However, I want to know if it is possible to practice on improving one’s multitasking skills. I intend on doing more research on all areas on multitasking as well. Some of the things that I will tackle down for this research include the pros and cons, advantages, and why this soft skill is important. My research will be focused on observing others, doing trials and errors on myself and to record changes, planning ahead, starting with fundamentals, and drawing from past experiences.

