Explorer v2.0 and Updated Staking

Michael Wagner, CFA
Multichain Ventures
3 min readSep 30, 2020
Tokes Block Explorer

Block Explorer

I am quite pleased to announce the official release of our new block explorer, complete with several informational statistics to assist with tracking the progress of growth within the tokes ecosystem.

Metrics included in this release:

  1. Market price per $TKS tracker (daily).
  2. Wallets possessing a balance of tokes (daily). We are seeing a considerable increase in wallets over the past weeks, a good indicator of adoption.
  3. Quantity of transactions (daily). Again, a solid indicator of usage.
  4. Tokes in circulation. Will present the change in circulating supply over time.
  5. Network value per day represents both quantity of transactions based on the underlying value of those transactions (daily)
  6. Block processing times (per block)

These statistics are an enhancement on our initial version, which provides transparency around transactions, wallet lookup functions, a rich list, alongside the ability to download our mobile wallet. In a future update, we will include additional statistics related to staking.

Of particular note, there is now the added feature of “Staking”…

Staking Updates

Upon the launch of our new staking protocol, covered in this blog post, we became aware of potential opportunities for exchanges to circumvent our intended path of execution, which would preclude those wallet balances from receiving rewards. As a result, we have implemented a new, simple method of verifying proof of keys.

Through a Waves Keeper integration, users will now be required to sign a single transaction to verify ownership of the address used to stake. Once signed, the address will be permanently white listed to receive future distributions, assuming a balance exists.

Signing this initial transaction is quite simple, and should take between 30 seconds and several minutes, depending on whether or not the user already has the Waves Keeper browser extension installed. For those unaware, Waves Keeper is similar to MetaMask (Ethereum), but for the Waves ecosystem, and enables in-browser management of wallets. A few simple steps follow to assist with the initial signing:

NOTE: In every instance, this is a two-step signing process. The first signature grants permission to Multichain to view wallet balances. The second signature is the actual script invocation to approve staking. Both must be completed. You will also need .005 waves in your wallet to invoke the script.

Scenario One: If Waves Keeper is installed, and tokes are stored at an address added to keeper, simply click “Stake Tokes” and sign a transaction for the wallet address holding your TKS.

Scenario Two: If Waves Keeper is installed, but you hold your TKS in either the waves.exchange or Multichain Ventures mobile wallet, you will need to import your seed phrase into Waves Keeper and sign the initial transaction. Alternatively, you can move funds to an address on Waves Keeper, and sign the transaction with that address.

Scenario Three: Waves Keeper is not installed. You will need to click on the “Stake Tokes” link, and follow the instructions to install Waves Keeper. Then proceed to instructions from Scenario Two.

Upon completing the staking process, you will see an animation in that section of the site indicating that staking is live. Once again, in a future release we will provide more comprehensive details related to individual staking, including anticipated rewards, average balance for a period, network value staked, and other informative metrics.

Staking Approved

In light of these changes, we will be resetting the staking start period, and providing everyone an opportunity to stake using the new method. As a result, the new staking start period will begin on October 16, 2020, at midnight UTC.

As always we appreciate your continued support. Should you need any assistance with these changes, or otherwise, please reach out at support@multichain.ventures, or Telegram.

