Multichain Announcement, August 2019 — Upcoming Exchange Listings

Multichain News
Multichain Ventures
2 min readSep 19, 2019

As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter, Q4 of 2019 will usher in a new tokenomic and distribution model for Tokes (TKS), along with multiple exchange listings. As we inch closer to the final months of 2019, it seemed appropriate to announce that an initial exchange offering (IEO) for TKS will be offered by the close of the year, after which trading of TKS will resume with our new exchange partners.

In the lead-up to this process we will undergo a heavy marketing and outreach push in order to bring new visibility and awareness not only to the Tokes Platform, but to all of the new products and brands within the TKS ecosystem. After a long vetting process with multiple teams, we have selected and begun initial engagements with a new marketing partner in order to bring this goal of broader visibility and brand awareness to fruition. As dates and timelines around strategy are finalized, we will disclose the new marketing partners and exchanges, but we believe we have selected the right parties to push Tokes into the next phase of adoption.

All of these efforts will be strategically aligned with the current roadmap:

Q4 2019

  • Beginning of engagement with new strategic marketing partner
  • Announcement and start of new tokenomic/distribution model for Tokes (TKS)
  • Public access to the Merchant Gateway (no more whitelist!)
    * Brick and mortar — point of sale tools
    * Web components — ecommerce tools
  • Release of new white-labeled brands
  • White-label availability of the software
    * Customer deployments
    * Large scale licensing opportunities
  • Multiple exchange listing announcements

Q1 2020

  • Sales and business development efforts for new brands
  • Enhanced and increased marketing efforts

Q2 2020 and Beyond

  • Participation in Nevada’s closed loop pilot program
  • Continued response to state and federal RFPs for blockchain deployment

Here’s a teaser for one of the new brand identities launching very soon…

