Tokes Wallet: A New Look

Michael Wagner, CFA
Multichain Ventures
2 min readDec 11, 2019

As we continue our brand migration from Tokes Platform to Multichain Ventures, we will be periodically rolling out UI updates to our existing software suite. In this latest update, the Tokes Platform mobile wallet is getting a refreshed design, and being renamed to MV Wallet in app stores.

MV Wallet

The wallet will retain all of its original functionality, with support for both legacy tokes (TKS), as well as Waves, which is currently utilized as the transaction fee currency. However, with the reissuance of MV tokes (MVTKS) in the coming weeks, the legacy asset ID will be deprecated, and support added for the new asset ID. Anyone with a balance in their wallet will automatically see it updated with the new asset following the balance snapshot distribution in 2020. Additionally, those with a balance in a mobile or desktop wallet at the time of our snapshot will see their holdings increase by 25x (i.e. 100 TKS wallet = 2500 MV TKS after snapshot distribution).

Those following our project for some time will note that in its current format, all mobile wallets require a balance of Waves for transaction fees. I’m elated to announce that the reissuance of the asset is accompanied by the ancillary benefit of enabling sponsored transactions. When the new asset rolls out, all transaction fees will be paid with TKS, eliminating the need to to carry a waves balance for transactions.

The new application is currently available in both the App Store and and Google Play store.

iOS: Download

Android: Download

Ensure you are downloading the MV Wallet, by Multichain Ventures, Inc., if you search the app stores independently.

App Layout

