Horses and People

Heidi Aleman
Multimedia Production I
2 min readJan 25, 2024
Yvonne petting her horse Snuffy

When moments of stress arise in Yvonne’s life she is reminded to remain calm and levelheaded, similar to when she tends to her horses.

When Yvonne Hubshman opens the door to her new arrivals, most bearing a dark past, some will walk right up to her. She can feel what they need right away and intuitively knows what they are asking for.

However, for some, it is unknown if they will ever trust people again. “Some of them I still to this day have a hard time getting close to”

Nonetheless, in her barn, there are many success stories of horses who were able to trust and be happy again. For example, her biggest horse Snuffy arrived with bad health and was full of fear but now is the most affectionate. It is because of this success that Yvonne wakes every day thinking to herself “Where is the next horse?”

Alongside her, a group of people close to her help her in continuing the work that she does. “From my heart, in order to do this, it takes a lot of support for me.” Among them, her husband who ironically is not a horse person, has supported her in what she loves to do and thanks to him and the people close to her, she can continue.

