When you Find What you Love, you are no Longer Working.

Steven R
Multimedia Production I
1 min readJan 26, 2023


Edited by Steven Ramirez

Kimberly R., used to work in an office with four walls that did not allow her to do what she was most passionate about. But two years ago, everything changed. She decided to start working as a professional animator. She felt inspired to begin her journey as an animator after being influenced by the many Disney characters she watched on TV, among others. The key to her success is “Working in what you love.”

On this 59 seconds podcast, you will be able to dive into the mind of a professional animator that told us how is her lifestyle as an animator and how it's her routine when it comes to imagining a fantasy world that captivates the mind of the children that is inside of you.

If you have ever wondered how a person who loves what they do sounds and works, Kimberly would be the perfect reference for you!

“When you find what you love, you are no longer working.”

— Kimberly Ramirez

