Day 15 — Video story inspiration

We’ll talk more on Thursday about how to prepare for and shoot a video story. for now, consider these video stories done by student journalists like you. Watch for what works and what it takes to put together a good video story.

Less effective

First, tell me what isn’t working in this piece:

And perhaps this one:

Some better examples

Here are videos produced by the Hearst Award winners. Students from across the country submit videos, and the best shooters are chosen to come to San Francisco for a four-day competition. They get their assignment Monday and turn in their finished video Thursday evening. I share these ones because they were created by students like you.

Here’s a good one:

Here’s a better one:

And here’s the best story from all the student entries that won this person an invite to San Francisco:



Logan Molyneux
Multimedia Storytelling — Spring 2017

Journalism professor at Temple University, former city editor at a small daily newspaper.