Day 26 — Odds and Ends

Logan Molyneux
2 min readDec 1, 2016


First, a leftover video story.

Second, some tips gained from the semester.

  • Shoot horizontal. Please just shoot horizontal photos and videos unless whoever you’re working for specifically requests a vertical shot.
  • Use the best equipment you can. The latest iPhone turns out good videos; other smartphones, less good. I realize the equipment office is a hassle, but if you’re serious about producing high-quality work, you need high-quality equipment.
  • Match the format to the story. I gave you some canned assignments this semester — do a video story, shoot some photos, etc. But even when the format chosen for you, make sure you’re making the best use of it. Video of talking heads is boring. Posed photos look fake. And so on.
  • Don’t be afraid of voiceovers. The control it gives you over the story is invaluable. Let this be your default. Do a sound portrait if you have a ton of great natural sound. Do a standup if you have some sort of live demonstration as part of your story.
  • Work to make the story self-contained and whole. If we look at a graphic, we should be able to understand the story without you explaining it to us. Same goes for a video or photo. If the item itself is not self-explanatory, you’ve gotta include some text with it — a caption, a subhead, a description, something to provide the reader with context.
  • Go deeper. I realize you’re just turning in class assignments. But my guess is that you didn’t get into journalism to do quick-hit stories about nice people you know. Seek out stories that matter to a wide range of people. Go after solutions to problems. Uncover things people didn’t know they didn’t know.

Third, an AMA with Dr. Logan Molyneux. Ask me anything about the journalism industry, my research, my career path, higher education, work-life balance, whatever.

And finally, consultations on your final projects.



Logan Molyneux

Journalism professor at Temple University, former city editor at a small daily newspaper.