Transform Your Phone Into a Tool.

A tool is only as good as the hands that use it.

Micah Carroll
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2020


So, within this day and age we’re all walking with some sort of smart phone and referencing it every moment of the day –– if it’s an awkward encounter or we’re just looking for something to do.

Now what you do is the question I was to propose to you.

How do you utilize this device of yours.. do you consume content that moves you forward.. or do you simply use it as an entertainment device all the time?

Don’t get me wrong I’m sure some of you don’t mind it but I’m speaking to those who are looking to optimize this tool of ours.

Where do we start with all of this?

I’m going to be referencing an iPhone because that’s what I have.

But all phones start with a home screen and the layout of the applications within it.

Here’s an example of the layout I have.

I’m going to share with you the reasoning behind my layout.

Each row stands for a different category for the apps, for example.

  • Row 1 is all socializing apps, and just things you’d probably consider social media.
  • Row 2 is all of the finance apps within my phone.
  • Row 3 is all the mindfulness apps or just health.

And so on, I’m sure you’ll understand.

The first 3 apps within each row are the most used apps within the category.. and then the rest are nested.

I get everything at a glance and don’t get me wrong.. it does require a level of self control but that’s a discussion for another day.

Speaking on Self Control for Apps

I believe it’d be great to transition over to some of my honorable mentions for applications.

  1. Forest — Lately all my friends and I have been doing this productivity timer which rewards you with trees and a detailed look at how many minutes of pure focus you have.
  2. Insight Timer — This is a free alternative to many meditation apps out there, and I really dig this one for the variety of meditations out there.. There’s something for if you want something deeply spiritual or just something for the skeptics.
  3. Audible –– Now, if you can afford spending $15.00 a month.. this is a no brainer.. turn your commutes into interesting knowledge sessions.
  4. Todoist –– I’ve played with app after app and I always end up back here.. I LOVE the points feature.. and let me mention the design.
  5. Citymapper –– If you commute on public transport.. this is also a highly efficient app, showcasing all of the different routes with calories burnt etc.
  6. Hoopla –– Get ahold of a library card and you’ll be set with unlimited audiobooks and some kindle reads (check out libby too)
  7. Bank of America –– Now If you’re not checking your finance apps, there needs to be an update. We need to start discussing finance in the open light instead of looking at it as something slime like.
  8. Instagram –– I’ve created so many relationships from Instagram and continue to grow my brand with using it.. don’t sleep on the right community (if you’re interested in communities join the slack )
  9. Pinterest –– I speak on vision boards time and time again, just start searching up a “vibe” for example — mindfulness” and watch what pops up.

These are some my honorable mentions in terms of the apps that I NEED on my phone vs some that end up coming and going.

To Recap this all

  1. Organize your apps with intention.

Don’t just let things pile up, showcase what you want front and center. For example if you want to start using duolingo more.. then start putting it front and center.

2. Think on the apps you NEED.. not just the one’s you want.

Something that will really impact your life in a positive way from it being on your phone.

Besides that,

I just want to thank you for reading this article and taking a moment to analyze something you use on a frequent basis.



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