Uncovering the Scent of Code: Understanding and Eliminating Code Smells

Ali Karaca
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2023
plague doctor from 17th century

In the world of software development, code is the driving force behind functionality, user experiences, and innovation. Code is like a recipe that tells the computer what to do. But just like not all recipes turn out tasty, not all code is perfect. Some code can be a bit, “smelly”.

Imagine you have a favorite dish, like pizza. If you add too many toppings, it becomes messy and hard to eat. In the same way, when people write code, they can make it messy and hard to understand. This messiness is what we call “code smells.”

What are Code Smells?

Code smells are like warning signs in your code. They don’t mean there’s a bug, but they suggest that something might be wrong or messy. Think of them as little red flags that developers should pay attention to.

if it’s “working” don’t fix it

Code smells can be caused by a variety of factors, such as:

  • Lack of experience or knowledge on the part of the developer
  • Time pressure
  • Rushing to meet a deadline
  • Changing requirements
  • Legacy code that has not been refactored

Why Do Code Smells Matter?

Code smells might not seem like a big deal, but they can cause several problems:

Increased development costs:

It takes longer to develop new features and fix bugs.

Reduced code quality:

Makes code more prone to errors and security vulnerabilities.

Increased technical debt:

Code smells are a form of technical debt, which is the cost of fixing or changing poorly designed code in the future.

Reduced developer productivity:

It is more difficult for developers to understand and work with code, which can reduce their productivity.

Common Code Smells

Code smells come in various flavors, each signaling a different issue within the codebase. Some of the most common code smells include:

1. Long Methods/Functions:

Code smells often start with excessively long methods or functions. These make code hard to read and understand. Break them down into smaller, more focused units.

2. Large Classes/Modules:

Just as with methods, large classes or modules can be problematic. They often try to do too much. Split them into smaller, more manageable parts.

3. Duplicated Code:

Copy-pasting code is a telltale sign of a code smell. Duplication can lead to inconsistencies and make maintenance, a nightmare. Extract common functionality into functions or classes.

4. Conditional Complexity:

Excessive nested conditions and loops can make code hard to follow. Simplify complex conditionals by using techniques like the Strategy or State pattern.

5. Inconsistent Naming:

Meaningful and consistent variable and function names are essential for readability. Inconsistent naming can lead to confusion. Ensure your code adheres to a consistent naming convention.

6. Magic numbers/strings:

Magic numbers/strings are hard-coded values that are not explained in the code. This can make the code more difficult to understand and maintain, and it can also lead to errors if the values are changed.

7. Primitive Obsession:

Relying too heavily on primitive data types instead of creating custom types can lead to code that is hard to read and understand. By encapsulating related data and behaviors into well-defined classes, code becomes more expressive and maintainable.

8. Shotgun Surgery:

This smell occurs when making a small change requires modifying multiple unrelated parts of the codebase. Properly segregating responsibilities and ensuring code follows the Single Responsibility Principle can help avoid this smell.

9. Data Clumps:

When two or more pieces of data, such as variables or fields, are frequently used together in various parts of your code. These data elements are logically related or represent some meaningful concept together. By encapsulating related data into a single structure, you can improve code organization, reduce redundancy, and enhance the maintainability and readability of your code.

10. Feature Envy:

This happens when a method in one class excessively uses the data or behavior of another class. It indicates that a method is more interested in the features of another class than its own, suggesting a potential design flaw. Moving the method or behavior to the class that holds the relevant data can improve code organization and encapsulation.

11. Inappropriate Intimacy:

When one class uses/depends on the internal fields and methods of another class excessively or inappropriately, which can cause maintenance and extensibility issues as changes in one class may have a significant impact on the other class.

Difference between Inappropriate Intimacy and Feature Envy:

Inappropriate intimacy occurs when two classes are too tightly coupled. This means that one class has too much knowledge of the other class’s internal implementation. For example, one class might directly access the private fields or methods of another class.

Feature envy occurs when a method in one class uses more features of another class than it does of its own. This can make the code difficult to understand, because it is not clear which class is responsible for what. For example, a method in one class calls three methods on another class and only one method on itself.

Detecting and Eliminating Code Smells

Detecting code smells requires experience and a keen eye, but several tools and techniques can assist you in the process:

1. Code Review:

Regular code reviews with your team can help identify code smells early in the development process. Peer reviews provide different perspectives on the code, which can reveal issues that might go unnoticed otherwise.

2. Static Analysis Tools:

There are numerous static analysis tools available that can automatically detect code smells in your codebase. Tools like ESLint, Checkstyle, and SonarQube can be integrated into your development workflow.

3. Refactoring:

Refactoring is the process of restructuring code to eliminate code smells while preserving functionality. Techniques like extracting methods, splitting classes, replacing primitives with objects, applying SOLID principles and removing duplication can help improve code quality.

4. Coding Standards:

Enforce coding standards and conventions within your development team. Consistent coding practices make it easier to spot and eliminate code smells.

5. Education:

Invest in the continuous education of your development team. Knowledgeable developers are more likely to write clean, maintainable code from the outset.


In conclusion, code smells are like warning signs in the world of software. They tell us when code might be messy or hard to work with. By understanding what they are and how to clean them up, developers can create better and more reliable software, just like a chef can make a delicious meal with a clean and organized kitchen.

