Interactive and UGC Videos: The Power to Boost Marketing Campaigns

Maria Bondarenko
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2024

Time doesn’t stay still, and neither do marketing strategies and advertising approaches. Marketing should keep pace with customers' preferences and use innovative ideas to keep customers engaged and involved in the brand’s development. The latest approaches to that are User-Generated Content (UGC) and Interactive videos. They provide customers with a brand new level of customer-brand relations.

Why UGC videos?

User-generated content (UGC) enhances the trustworthiness and credibility of a brand’s story. Unlike content created by the brand itself, UGC carries an inherent authenticity that deeply connects with audiences. This authenticity creates a relatable experience, making the brand’s story even more captivating. An incredible phenomenon occurs when a brand actively encourages customer testimonials: customers transform into passionate brand advocates. Their genuine recommendations act as powerful social proof, undeniably strengthening the company’s reputation for trustworthiness and reliability.

Why Interactive Video Ads (IVA)?

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According to the latest report, “Global CTV & Creative Insights,” choice- and non-choice-based formats generated a +600% lift in engagement over the standard pre-roll video, with non-choice-based ads accounting for a 17% lift. They also generated 92 seconds of additional time earned on top of time spent watching pre-roll.

Interactive video ads drive a 47% gain in time spent with a marketing message compared to a non-interactive ad, according to a study from Magna, a media strategy group of ad giant IPG Media Lab.

Moreover, customers also stress the importance of interactive ads. 64% of people said they preferred viewing an interactive video to learn about a product rather than reading text-based information.


What Are the Benefits of IVA and UGC?


The synergy between interactive videos and user-generated content goes beyond just engagement. It nurtures the growth of active brand communities. Users inject vitality into the brand's online presence by contributing to UGC and engaging in these communities. These digital hubs create a real feeling of connection and dedication among participants, strengthening their emotional bond with the brand.


Brand storytelling is no longer a one-sided conversation. Viewers can actively influence brand narratives through interactive films and user-generated content, creating a cooperative and engaging experience.


Interactive video ads (IVA) and user-generated content (UGC) can be a treasure trove of valuable customer data and insights. By incorporating interactive elements into videos, brands can track viewer choices and preferences. This data can reveal which aspects of a product or service resonate most with viewers, allowing for more targeted marketing campaigns in the future. Similarly, UGC provides a window into how real customers interact with and experience a brand. Analyzing trends and sentiment within UGC can help brands identify areas for improvement or highlight unexpected strengths.


The combination of IVA and UGC allows for a more personalized marketing experience. Interactive elements can tailor the video content based on viewer choices, showcasing features or benefits that align with their specific interests. Additionally, UGC featuring satisfied customers can be incredibly persuasive, allowing viewers to see themselves reflected in the brand story. This level of personalization can significantly increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

By embracing IVA and UGC, brands can craft dynamic and engaging narratives that resonate with their audience. This two-pronged approach fosters a sense of community, empowers viewers to participate in the brand story, and provides valuable data to fuel future marketing efforts. As technology continues to evolve, IVA and UGC will undoubtedly play an even greater role in shaping the future of brand storytelling.

To learn more about interactive advertising, new technologies in marketing, and gamification of ads, please visit

Maria Bondarenko, Business Intelligence Specialist @Multiplayer

