Social Media Tools: Keeping Up with Technology and Engagement

Maria Bondarenko
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2024
Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

The social media environment is dynamic due to users’ activities, thus, it is always changing. Due to the popularity among people, almost every business worldwide tries to establish a strong presence on social media networks. Consequently, brands have no choice but to use the most effective present-day technologies to engage potential consumers and cultivate a sense of belonging.

Modern social media marketing requires a more analytical and customer-oriented approach to compete with other companies. This requires marketers to have a new approach to navigating the world of social media, which requires new tools, new ideas, and new technologies to execute the social media content properly.

AI-powered Content Generation: A Marketer’s Ally

The emergence of AI-content creation has been a relief for social media marketers. AI saves time on activities like research and writing content that usually take a lot of time while providing a perfect platform for strategizing and reaching out to the audience. It also helps in content diversification to ensure that the feed of the audiences is always being updated with fresh content.

In addition, AI guarantees that content is always produced with a consistent and coherent style, which means that less work hours will be spent on creating posts, stories, and other content. Due to its analytical features, AI can implement a method for customizing the content that is relevant to the intended audience, and at the same time, keep the necessary writing style.

The Power of Interactive Content

Static content formats are not relevant anymore. On the contrary, such formats as polls or quizzes, as well as augmented reality applications, increase audience engagement and conversions. The move from simple exposure to active participation increases involvement, keeping users’ attention longer, and making a brand easier to remember.

Social media platforms offer a diverse range of interactive tools to leverage:

Polls and Quizzes: These formats build on the self-evident desire of people to participate and engage in fun rivalry. Such quizzes can educate and entertain simultaneously and even unveil specific user preferences concerning brands or certain products. Audience polls can be used to understand the preferences of customers and learn more detailed information about them.


Interactive Stories: Features like Instagram Stories that enable brands to share short content and directly interact with the audience include polls, sliders, and question stickers. This fosters relationships and promotes real-time interactions.


Augmented Reality (AR): AR integrates digital elements into the real world creating intricately detailed experiences. Perhaps you’d like to apply cosmetics to a virtual face or ‘place’ furniture in your living room before buying it. They create memorable experiences that in turn motivate consumers to try products and increase their chances of buying them.

Interactive Video Ads (IVA): IVAs have the capability of transforming previously dull ads into something that engages the audience. Through the ad, potential customers can directly communicate with the brand and they can answer questions choose options, or customize a product. This kind of approach to adverts enhances the overall effectiveness of the adverts and branding.

Conversational Marketing Tools: Building Relationships

The use of conversational marketing tools in social media marketing brings a lot of opportunities to businesses. One of the benefits of using chatbots is that customer service is available at all times and customers themselves receive an individual approach, even if they purchased outside working hours.

Chatbot services can also provide lead generation and reduce the burden on the teams to handle these tasks. These tools help achieve more product recommendations based on the customer’s browsing history and other information, resulting in more conversions. Furthermore, conversations with customers provide important information about adjustments that can be made on a strategic level within businesses.

The Blockchain Revolution: Transparency and Engagement

Image by wirestock on Freepik

Currently, the application of blockchain technology is viewed as a solution to improve the quality of data and the process of marketing in social networks. It offers data authenticity, relevant and accurate information that is paramount in the measurement of marketing success including the rates of user engagement, click-through rates, and conversion.

Direct Engagement and Reward Mechanisms: The basic advantages of using the blockchain approach include the removal of intermediaries and reduced fees for transactions. This increases direct customer and publisher/ advertiser interaction, making the advertising process more transparent and effective. Also, cryptocurrencies like Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) for the users, can be rewarded for paying attention to relevant ads. This makes it possible to have the best result in terms of advertisement while at the same time providing customers with valuable rewards.

Privacy Preservation and Targeted Marketing: Blockchain is secure and protects user data and information. This technology could be potentially useful for marketers to gather relevant consumer information without violating the user’s rights. As few people submit their data willingly to marketers, it ensures that the marketing is customized and focused, resulting in better conversion rates and improved customer experience.

AI-generated content, interactive content, conversational marketing, and even blockchain allow brands to keep up with the rapidly changing social media landscape. This way, they will be able to enhance their connection with the audience and develop a healthy community.

To learn more about interactive advertising, new technologies in marketing, and gamification of ads, please visit

Maria Bondarenko, Business Intelligence Specialist @Multiplayer

