What Is The Real Power of Click-to-Action Interactive Marketing?

Maria Bondarenko
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2024
Image by creativeart on Freepik

When users engage with interactive elements within an ad, they are not only entertained but also invested in the experience. The interactive nature of these ads fosters a stronger emotional connection, making users more receptive to the CTA prompts that follow. Whether it’s exploring a 360-degree product view, playing a mini-game, or customizing preferences, each interaction can lead users seamlessly to the CTA, guiding them towards the desired action with a sense of empowerment. Behind their effectiveness lies a deep understanding of human psychology.



One main psychological impact of CTA advertisements is the development of a feeling of urgency. Using words such as “limited time offer” or “buy now,” marketers appeal to humans’ natural inclination to act quickly when faced with time constraints.


CTA advertisements frequently trigger FOMO, a psychological reaction when people are afraid of missing out or not having the opportunity to obtain something even if they don’t really need it. Advertisers take advantage of this fear by demonstrating the benefits that others have already experienced. Phrases such as “be the first to get/buy/benefit from …” or “join thousands of satisfied customers” create a sense of FOMO, encouraging people to interact with the advertisement.


By creating a picture that there is a limited number of places/items/goods/etc advertisers trigger the need to buy. Phrases such as “only 10 left” or “limited seats available” create the desire to secure the product or service before it becomes unattainable.


Using phrases like “discover the secret” or “which one would you choose?” advertisers spark curiosity in consumers. This creates excitement and prompts engagement as people seek to uncover the hidden wonders within the ad.

With time, clickable options have turned into fully interactive advertising experiences where people can fully participate in an ad, choose options, and even control the narrative of advertisements.

Interactive digital marketing’s effectiveness is exemplified in its ability to boost conversion rates. According to statistics, conversion rates can double when using interactive content. Brands that strategically incorporate interactive features in their marketing efforts see a significant 70% boost in website conversion rates.

Interactive content is distinctive within the realm of social media. It generates four to five times greater page views and engagement than static posts. Additionally, a remarkable 79% of consumers are inclined to pass along interactive content to their friends, expanding the brand’s audience and nurturing natural growth.

Interactive content is used not only in advertisements, but in marketing campaigns in general since it proved its undoubtful power to engage consumers.

Famous streaming platform Netflix even created the whole episode of the TV series Black Mirror “Bandersnatch,” which was released in 2018.


Set in a dystopian future, it offers standalone stories where viewers control their own reality. The film’s innovative use of interactive technology and dark, thought-provoking narrative garnered critical acclaim. It achieved commercial success, with over 4 million viewers choosing different endings, making it a groundbreaking entry in interactive entertainment.

Interactivity has also been successfully used to attract attention to world problems. Thus, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) utilizes interactive content to promote awareness of environmental concerns. WWF’s website features immersive 360-degree videos of places like the Amazon rainforest, offering an engaging way to learn about environmental issues and experience different environments.


These captivating videos not only educate viewers about various environmental issues but also shed light on the wildlife impacted by them. Moreover, WWF’s 360-degree videos offer an enjoyable and interactive way of experiencing diverse environments, making the learning process engaging and entertaining.

Therefore, the sky’s the limit when it comes to applying interactive marketing. From non-commercial organizations to famous brands and companies, clickable ads and interactive videos are widely used to attract customers' attention and engage consumers.

To learn more about interactive advertising, new technologies in marketing, and gamification of ads, please visit gamified.marketing

Maria Bondarenko, Business Intelligence Specialist @Multiplayer



