The Fork In The Road. Part 3.

Brian Roemmele
Published in
35 min readJun 25, 2021

The Fork In The Road. Part 3

“Click Here To Agree”

It was April 24th, 2015, 6 years ago and the world changed in a massive way that few understand in 2021. This was the release date of a device that would actively track human biometrics and telemetry and sold at a mass scale. Although there were antecedent devices spanning back to the 1960s, this was the first time such a telemetry system was embedded into a mass consumer product.

What was this first mass scale human biometrics telemetry sensory? A heart rate monitor. What was the device? The original Apple Watch. This fundamentally changed how people saw human biometrics and telemetry monitoring on a minute by minute basis, and imparted a level of trust that the results of the monitoring were private and useful to them and their doctor only. One of the Forks In The Road ahead is how expansion of this and other technologies will create a series of unintended situations where quite possibly you may “lose yourself”.

It is important to understand that this is not a Luddite anti-technology manifesto. This is part of the Fork In The Road series of articles, and it is designed to show the transition we are all going through started 14 years ago with the first mass scale networked pocket super computer, the iPhone and the world it unintentionally has brought about.

Apple Watch Series 1 review: Fewer features, but better value

We are entering into a period that has no clear example from history. Our technology is about to change who we are in ways that would challenge science fiction writers. Some may claim there is an inevitability to what is ahead and champion a dystopian world where inconvenient human emotions and humanity is tossed into the trash heap like an obsolete computer. I am not a utopian or a dystopian, I believe in the human spirit transcending all obstacles. It is how you and I got here and how we will get “there”. However, our awareness and discernment has never been more vital.

The rise of the computer has always cast an existential threat to humanity. The very first computers were used to tabulate the census, calculate the ballistics of missiles and track your taxes. The fear seemed to be hard to justify for most thinking people in the 1950s. However, it became the base of many Science Fiction books and movies. As the 1960s and 1970s computer mainframe technology became more known through IBM and the NASA space program, some academics began to ponder about the possible privacy and authoritarian misuse. Some of this pondering went to slumber by the rise of the Personal Computer and the concept of locally stored data with no network connections. This concept of personal data fit the times and the founders of Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, they distrusted the concept of any centralized databases and literally marketed against them and of course IBM.

This all began to change, first slowly, with the rise of the Internet and then the rise of the iPhone. In one generation, we read none of the 1000s of Terms Of Service pages and we just “Click Here To Agree” to anything that is even slightly interesting on the Internet, for an app or even a “smart” toaster. We have all done this 100s if not 1000s of times already. The “logic” was “I have nothing to hide”, “my data is boring”. Perhaps in the innocent and ancient days of 2007 it was to some extent.

This is how we got here. But where we are going is a massive Fork In The Road. This is part 3 of my Fork In The Road series, although it may be the last installment of this series for a bit, there will be quite a bit more I will add in the future.

In part 1, I addressed how on June 29th, 2007 the world changed. This was the start of what I call a 14 year open experiment of a networked, always-on, pocket super computers. It is, at minimum a habit that has taken your time and at worse, a fully debilitating addiction that has just about taken over your life.

In part 2, I explored the 20 human senses and the deep information overload we are experencing in our wrold today. It is a sense starvation of all the other human senses with an almost singular focus on the visual sense.

In this article I will help point to how the technology addictions that began 14 years ago, tied with “sense starvation” and almost singular stimulation of the visual sense has lead us to the next massive shift to the “Click Here To Agree” experiment that is just starting.

I also for the first time introduce The Declaration Of Individual Ownership document I have been working on for over the last 25 years. It will be published publicly after members of Read Multiplex offer their insights and input. I hope a form of it will be established for every human alive today.

In this article I will explore this new chapter in humanity in a way I believe few have understood it. This is both a guide to your choices ahead and perhaps a road map to new business and investments that will fortify the choices you make once you know.

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What do you really own?

Some interesting folks have been advocating “no ownership” for years, all the way up to today (search: How many years? About 15000 years by my survey of history. Now, understand, most of these folks have “good intentions”. They want to lift folks out of poverty and make your life “easier” so you don’t have the dirty business of ownership of anything. It is always dressed up in the popular mindset of any particular epoch. From fashion to guilt to religious to authoritarian to “democratic” to fascist. The idea is to try to fit in. Today, some like to call it “the great reset”. But rest assured, it is no conspiracy, and it is an ancient idea. It is important to understand this backdrop as we explore the future but will not explore the philosophic/political concepts of this element of ownership in this article. Just know that it is the background noise the groups use, be it businesses or governments or groups here to “fix things”.

Shane Breslin on Twitter: "The Roman statesman, orator and writer Cicero  once wrote "Cui Bono?" It meant: "to whose benefit?". Below is a slide from  World Economic Forum a few months back.

You are a universe inside of universes. You have no absolute border in the abstract but in the concrete your physical border to your universe ends at the epidermis of your body, although it can be demonstrated your Auric field, magnetic field, electrical field and other fields extend future. For most of this article we will concentrate on the physical field.

There's a universe inside you - The twisted teachings of Mr. schmalz

Your universe is an equal mixture of the DNA from your mother and father (even if you are mixed in a test tube and have fragments of a few mothers and fathers). The internal world of your body, your universe, is owned by whom? A strange question? I hope you did not have to think long on this. YOU OWN YOUR UNIVERSE. Let me repeat this, your body is your universe and every single thing that takes place in it from thoughts to unique chemical reactions to your very DNA is owned by you.

Where does our genome come from? - Genomics Education Programme

Take a moment and let this idea sink in. It is not the top subject of just about any expert in technology, philosophy, religion, science even law. Now, some folks will give it a thought and shrug this off with “of course”. Unfortunately, this is not the case today and your ownership to your universe is being taken from you.

“YOU OWN YOUR UNIVERSE” — @BrianRoemmele, @ReadMultiplex, 1988

You have permission to use this quote.

What else do you own? Everything your universe produces. Even if you do not see the value, you own it. A significant part of that element of your universe has been taken from you. How you say? From working at a job to every single “Click Here To Agree” contract you signed. Terra bytes of data created in your universe and from your universe.

One way to see this is you are a factory that produces countless products, from your thoughts and feelings to your particular way you digest milk products. Most of it is unique to you, and all of it is unique in the whole of how all the factories come together and make you who you are. You own the output of your “factory”. And this means everything.

“What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence, a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” — Herbert Simon

So let’s start with the very elemental practical parts of your universe (we could go atomic, but this would make this more complicated, but you have a unique atomic structure). You are here by way of DNA. But not just DNA alone, but the unique DNA expression you present. How? Identical twins have the same DNA, however they can, express their DNA differently, so much so they could wind up being fully fundamentally different. DNA expression is not only a new study of science, it has a war from the Keepers-Of-The-Status-Quo saying “debunked” by some guy on Snooopes. However, the reality is the same DNA can express differently based on a number of elements including stressors of environment and psychology.

Thus, we will establish the first elementals here:

• You own your DNA
• You own your DNA expression

There is a universe in itself what DNA and its associated elements uniquely create but we know clearly one is the control of electrical processes in your universe:

• You own your DNA electrical processes

We know the DNA will establish chemical processes in your body in a precise way in you that is unique. These chemical processes define how your DNA may uniquely mount a response to trillions of challanges.

• You own your DNA chemical processes

Now at this point some experts will say I am misunderstanding or overly simplifying this, it is on purpose. This is not a doctoral dissertation on DNA, and even at that point, I would disagree to some old theories in use today. This is a basic overview of ownership, and clearly any logical review of just this basis shows your universe just from DNA is yours and unique.

As we zoom out, the entirety of your body universe has billions of processes per second taking place at any moment. Most of the processes themselves are not particularly unique but the combination of them all, is unique and is yours.

But it does not end there. Your universe has billions of invited and uninvited residents. In fact, most of your universe is not “human” it is the residents and unfortunately (most of the time) their waste products. How you support these guests and even the type of guests you invite or keep out is unique and owned by you. Some of these guests are vital to your existence, in fact, most of your “immune” functions are from invited guests in your gut. Unfortunately, most of your sickness is from the way you may unsuspected invite guests in to your universe that “wreck the place” and leave other residents and “you” to clean it up. In general, we can say this element of you is digestion and immunity

• You own your immunity
• You own your digestion.

Your immunity also is by way of your blood, white blood cells in particular and your lymphatic system. Your body has a unique way of reacting to invasion and the deportation of invaders. There are millions of nuanced responses and yours is quite unique.

• You own your blood and lymphatic fluid.

Your brain and your nervous system is being built and modified right at this moment. It starts from the moment of conception to your last day. The unique paths it takes is only present in your universe and it encompasses not just the way you see, hear, taste, smell, feel things but also the memories you encode as information and the memories that go unencoded as exformation. But it goes far beyond this. Your entire body is a memory system that encodes memories via neuropeptides in every single cell and also via and electrical system by way of the nervous system. There is also a microtubules photonic system that encodes perhaps more.

• You own your brain, neuropeptide combinations, electrical combinations, internal photonic combinations, memories including information and exformation.

Let’s take a moment and begin to see the scale of ownership in your universe. Just about all experts discard this idea because it has never been presented in this manner. In my 47 years of building around this axiom, I find it takes just about at this point for most folks to say, “wow, I never saw me and my universe this way. I never really understood my ownership”, now you do. I can go far deeper on just the things I have mentioned above, perhaps as a stand-alone book one day. However, let us agree that there is no debate you own all of your unique processes I have mentioned above in your universe. For if you don’t, what world would we be living in? The definition of slavery is ownership in whole or in part of another human. This is a basis international human right.

“The definition of slavery is ownership in whole or in part of another human. This is a basis international human right.” — @BrianRoemmele, @ReadMultiplex, 1988

You have permission to use this quote.

As you can see, we are a universe that connects as a beautiful tapestry, you can’t steal a thread and expect not to impact the owner of the universe. Nor can there ever be established any “higher purpose” where we should be forced and coerced to give up any part of our universe, unless we freely understand the implications and grant a very narrow use with a time expiration. You can choose to share elements of your universe on your terms, but you should not be compelled, and it can not be stolen.

Now we have established your inalienable ownership of your universe, we should examine your outer universe: your appearance, is a general but not entirely perfect way to express it.

Your face is fused together in the first weeks of your life. The way it is established makes it so unique that even identical twins upon very close examination shows unique differences, let alone the major differences of someone who look like you. Now imagine if you did not own your face. Some very famous people are now trying to defend themselves in court with what is known as “Face swap Porn”. The face of a famous person grafted on to a porn actor’s body. This can also be used in the political arena to injure and embarrass adversaries.

• You own your face, and its unique proportions and likeness.

I know some of us prefer to not own the mug we have, but it is yours. So are the exact dimensions and proportions of your body, even as you may expand and shrink over time. Your body shape and proportions are as unique as a fingerprint and even if you age and gain weight, you still maintain these proportions.

• You own your body visage and exact proportions and relationships to each part

Your eyes are formed in your early weeks of life. They are entirely unique on many levels, from iris to retina. Your eyes can identify you at a distance and up close. For example, in using a VR/AR device, you will “sign in” simply by wearing the device and the system scanning your eyes.

• You own your eyes and their proportions and relationships and proportions they create

Your voice box is formed in the first months of your life. It is literally your “voice”. It encompasses many elements from throat size to nasal passages to make it uniquely yours. Your voice is as unique as a fingerprint and fundamentally should be protected by ownership because of how it can be used for ill or folly.

• You own your voice

Your fingerprints, footprints and unique blood vessel paths are formed in the first months of your life. They are entirely unique and they are yours. These unique patterns have been used to send people to their death in a court of law. You must have a fundamental right of ownership over them.

• You own your fingerprints, footprints and vein pattern.

Let us take another recount here. Although visually there is biometrically much more to you, we can agree that you must own these things and in the past, these things have been used to identify you as a unique person in courts. There is no question they are part of your universe, and you own it.

How Valuable Are You?

I have established the basis of your universe of ownership and will now move on to how this impacts the Forks In The Road ahead for you. I will introduce a few other unique parts of you and by no means can I cover this all in an article, let alone a few books. Accept you own a lot in your universe, and know it is the most valuable thing you will ever own.

Yes your universe, given to you for “free” is the most valuable property you will ever own. I hope you will see some of that as we explore this more.

Some have estimated your context thus far minimally is worth $200 per year to Google and $240 per year to Facebook “Meta”. However, this is just a simple division of users vs. profits. In the real world, like all things, it is worth multiples of this. In my estimate (I will write a stand-alone article how I achieve this number) you are worth over $100,000 per year conservatively for the average person. Thus, if we don’t look at inflation, your universe is worth over $10 million dollars over the course of an average life span. Today you are getting nearly $0 directly and have given up $1000s of dollars per year for “free” products and services…


“Clicked Here To Agree”.

What Is an Arbitration Agreement? |

“Ah, Brian that is not how our world works”. Of course. But read on to see how your universe will be sliced and diced for “free” stuff and things you paid for and thought you owned.

Here is a list of just some things you have given up for free:

  • Location
  • IP address
  • Network information
  • Bluetooth information
  • Connected devices
  • IoT Devices
  • Computer Accessories
  • Personal demographics
  • Browsing history
  • Browser fingerprint
  • Device fingerprint
  • Search history
  • App data
  • Usage data
  • Performance
  • Diagnostics
  • Product interaction
  • Transaction information
  • Payment information
  • Purchasing records
  • Contacts
  • Social graph
  • Watch history
  • Listening interests
  • Reading list
  • Call metadata
  • Device information
  • Messaging metadata
  • Email addresses
  • Salary
  • Income
  • Assets
  • Health data
  • Ad interactions
  • In-app purchases
  • In-app subscriptions
  • App downloads
  • Music downloads
  • Movie downloads
  • TV show downloads
  • UUID
  • IMEI
  • Hardware Serial No
  • Cookies
  • Nearby WiFi MAC
  • Siri request history
  • Web sign-in
  • Songs played
  • Play and pause times
  • Playlists
  • Web engagement
  • library books
  • And much more

The early internet had no models for paying for a server and the staff to attend the servers because it was a seduction of give and take as we slowly became seduced. We gave it our time in hope there would be a “reward” and the Internet took our time. The first monetization at scale was the banner ad. It took your time, screen space and most importantly the download of data you paid for to see the ad and the data you thought was “free”. As the systems became more sophisticated, it tracked you and your path through data with the promise of giving you “more of what you want”.

I call this your path through data and information, and your context with data and information. At each step we felt little to no pain to Click Here To Agree and liked getting something for “free”. Today, just about the entire internet and app world and most smartphones and everyone in the chain of value is taking your path and context and making trillions of dollars on it. Now at this point you may say, “that’s fine, I have nothing to hide, and I get things for free”. You would not be alone, we all have said this, even the privacy advocates will admit they have to be a part of this contract.

Perhaps it would be ok if it stopped there. But we know what happened over the last 8 years especially. Our path and context has been so finely tuned it has been effectively weaponized against you, the owner and also to the greater world as it becomes amplified and used as a tool for those that have a greater agenda. Or worse, used to bare witness against you by stripping away your path and context or just your experiment in curiosity. Our path and context is now owned by companies that once had founders that “raged against the machine” who are long gone, even though a patina of tech “rebellion” ethos is still put on display as a comical cardboard corporate cutout.

But you may have seen soothsayers in the media telling you it is ok now. Yet your human instincts tell you otherwise, but you may dare not now express in online, for it will be used against you at some point when the mob we all fear, forms.

A short digression here. Speech in person and in private far away from technology (hopefully) is ephemeral and designed to not be archived, we call this a private conversion. Humans are designed to present ideas from consideration, even if many times they are not fully formed or even believed. We are “thinking out loud”. This is the hallmark of human creative thinking and brainstorming. It is also a hallmark of the emotional pressure release that has served us for tens of thousands of years. We need the safety of connection with others to speak our truth and our hearts, and now we will change it at some point as we mature and grow older. WE ALL DO.

Today a vast majority of speech is in an archival format we call text on the device, app or internet. What was ephemeral and transient now is permanent, at the very least by those who provide “free” services, or at worse by a constellation of “partners”. What you “say” will be used against you in a future context that few could predict.

“Speech in person and in private far away from technology (hopefully) is ephemeral and designed to not be archived, we call this a private conversion. Today a vast majority of speech is in an archival format we call text on the device, app or internet. What was ephemeral and transient now is permanent.” — @BrianRoemmele, @ReadMultiplex, 2010

You have permission to use this quote.

This digression is important to note as we consider what paths and context are ahead. Right at this moment your context is being recorded (not be me or this site) it is also possible your likeness, your face and voice has been recorded on your journey doing the simple things in life like going to the store or a school.

Human Biometric Telemetry

Your biometric telemetry is everything your body creates or emits, from your pulse to your breathing patterns, from your sweat to your hormones. Today this biometric telemetry is slowly being sliced and diced and offered up for sale, and it is very, very early days. Do you recall giving permission explicitly? Do you recall being compensated?

Some examples of Human Biometric Telemetry.

In the United States, HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) became law on August 21, 1996 to protect your health data from access by unauthorized individuals and how this data would be stored and transmitted. Unfortunately, in the decades since HIPPA has been eroded. Protected health information (PHI) For example, your blood test data has been shared for quite a number of years. Today of course your COVID status is shared and openly displayed in the name of “public health”.

HIPPA Protected health information covers:

Physical storage

Until recently, physical storage has been the most common method of storing PHI. Physical safeguards for PHI include storing paper records in locked cabinets and enabling a control over the records. A security authority, PIN pad, or identification card could all be necessary to access physical storage of PHI.

Electronic records

Much of PHI is stored in electronic health records (EHR). Cloud computing and other services allow healthcare providers to store vast amounts of data for easy access. For example, Kaiser Permanente has over 9 million members and stores anywhere from 25 to 44 petabytes.

Wearable technology

In PHI, wearable technology often comes in the form of smartwatches, ECG monitors, blood pressure monitors, and biosensors. Wearable technology has faced rapid growth with 102.4 million units shipped in 2016, up 25% from the 81.9 million units shipped in 2015. According to Insider Intelligence research, the number of health and fitness app users will remain over 84 million through 2022. Health and fitness tracking capabilities are a target for companies producing wearable technology. Privacy concerns for consumers arise when these technology companies are not considered covered entities or business associates under HIPAA or where the health information collected is not PHI.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications have been proven essential, especially for the elderly or disabled. The adoption of mobile healthcare is said to be attractive due to factors like patient behavior, subjective norm, personal innovativeness, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention. The legitimacy of certain mobile applications that store PHI can be determined by the user reviews on the application.

Patient Privacy

In a study conducted by researchers, 14 patients were asked for their opinions on privacy concerns and healthcare perceptions. Researchers found that all participants agreed on the importance of healthcare privacy. Participants demonstrated a vague understanding of the legislated patient privacy rights. There were differing opinions on whose responsibility it should be to protect health information; some thought it was their own responsibility, while others thought that the government was responsible. Consent was rarely brought up within the discussion.

Because patient privacy is the reason for regulations on PHI, analyzing consumer data can be extremely difficult to come by. Luca Bonomi and Xiaoqian Jiang determined a technique to perform temporal record linkage using non-protected health information data. As standard linkage processes lack the ability to incorporate the time setting, they result in being ineffective. Bonomi and Jiang propose using the patient’s non-protected health information data to determine records and establish patterns. This approach allows the linkage of patient records using non-PHI data, by giving doctors patterns and a better idea of important diagnoses.

There are thousands of Human Telemetry points I have not covered. From heart rate variability to gait analysis from VO2 to speech cadence, all are unique and are part of your ownership. Over time there will be 1000s of other Human Telemetry points.

I started this article presenting the announcement of the Apple Watch device. Apple has gone much further than any large technology company to secure your privacy. But there are the beginning signs of this changing. Like all things, it starts with the best of intentions, in this case protecting exploited children (scan all iCloud images for exploited children). Who could support exploiting children? However, once a secret door is shown, it is a slippery slope for every country with any tin-plated dictator asking for the same access to private data. Apple failed and has not owned up to a trust failure. But it gets worse as these companies dance with China to gain access to new markets. They are very short of historic knowledge and look from quarter to quarter for good stock news. Adversaries and tyrants can force open this door and catalog most of the humans on the planet. Adversaries have a 1000-year plan, not quarterly earnings reports.

There is another layer to all of this sensing: Soon all of your emotions and moods will be captured by an array of devices using human biometric telemetry. AI Machine Learning models will be able to more accurately determent your mental state, feelings and emotions better than any loved one. It will know what you are looking at and precisely how you feel, and you may not own this insight. This affect emotional intent is a massive increase to tracking your clicks and paths though information as well as your signals as you like things. The precise capture of your emotional states as you not only move through information online, it will do this 24/7 offline.

I think it is valuable to take a moment to fully understand that your emotional intent is being extracted right at this moment. In January 10th, 2016 Apple acquired Emotient they were a startup that used the research of Dr. Paul Eckman to analyze the micro muscle movements in the human face to read emotional response. Thier technology labels up to 100,000 micro muscle facial movements daily to tract affect and emotion. They received dozens of patents, and in them, they claimed conservatively 85% accuracy. It was far higher as the technology improved. They sold this technology to companies like Macy’s who installed hidden cameras in the “eyes” of mannequins to judge the reaction of the clothes on the mannequin. Apple canceled these contracts after the acquisition, and some technology is built into Apple photo app. This technology can be also used as a “lie detector” and has been tested at a number of military sites. It is highly likely Apple will use this in the Apple Visor AR devices based on this acquisition and many patents I discovered. You likely do not hear about this “touchless” technology for a constellation of reasons.

The Emotient technologies are touchless, so are the technologies of another Apple acquisition: PrimeSense in 2013. They created some of the first “light coding” depth sensing Kinect technologies that were part of the Microsoft Xbox motion sensor technologies in 2010. Although Apple also uses LiDAR laser scanning technologies also, the PrimeSense AI software can sense your pulse, heart rate, breathing and other human telemetry at a distance of over 100 feet. Again, this is silent and touchless technology.

As early as 2001 researchers have been able to use samples of a person’s voice to diagnose depression, anger, rage, fear and other conditions. There has been an array of academic studies using simple AI from the cloud to produce accurate diagnosis more recently.

Another voice stress technology was developed by TRUSTER in the late 1970s for the Israel army. The technology has been upgraded over the years and has been used in the field for decades to some level. It can detect at a distance if there is stress in the voice and if there is the potential of deception. This technology has been used on some modern phone voice systems at large corporations and has been successfully hidden from most of the public and press. Of course, this is touchless technology that has already likely been used on you.

One final touchless technology is Iris Scanning. This technology has been used in computer systems since the late 1970s at some US defense department sites. Although it was said to be used for access control. Later versions were able to scan stress levels in response to questions (a sign for potential deception). This touchless technology has been used by Las Vegas casinos for decades on staff and customers. There is a high chance you have been scanned with this system.

Here are some common devices from smartphones to watches, from refrigerators to TVs are collecting data on you and about you at this moment.

Some sensors and devices include:

  • Cameras
  • Microphone
  • Infrared
  • Ultraviolet
  • Rings
  • Watches
  • Neckleases
  • Cuffs/Bracelets
  • Visors
  • Glasses
  • Clothing
  • Smart tattoos
  • Smart pills
  • Smart implants
  • Brain implants
  • Ocular implants
  • and much more

It will get orders of magnitude more invasive and invisible. NeuroSWARM3 are gold-plated nanosensors which are the size of a single virus particle that can travel to the blood stream and pass through the brain-blood barrier. Once in the brain, they can read neural activity, your thoughts and transmit them to a receiving device. Sounds like a plot to a science fiction movie? It is already taking place. The University of California, Santa Cruz has already built and is testing this technology. This of course can be given to someone without their knowledge or consent.

Elon Musk’s Neural Link brain implant system and other systems pose a tremendous number of concerns. One concern is who owns the data and telemetry transmitting from this device? Is it stored in a cloud? What controls are in place to protect your implant from receiving data that you did not authorize? We are talking about implanting “memories” of data, information and knowledge? This is literally your brain on the cloud and quite likely to be sliced and diced with data sold to the highest bidder. Although I do not have space for it in this article (I will write a separate one) I firmly assert there is no secure way to present brain level or nervous system level private data in a cloud. I advocate only local, no Internet connected “cold” storage.

Thus, we have human telemetry that has access from deep into your cells all the way out to a a few 100 feet of distance. You own your universe, you own this universe, even in a public space, it is the work product of your body and mind.

A good case in point today, how technology companies and governments have joint ventured into “owning” you and what you do is Singapore. The country has always prided itself on a technocracy that became a necessary evil to protect the population. This country was one of the first to install surveillance cameras at scale and the first to adopt wide use of facial recognition. Today as a citizen, it is compulsive to own a smartphone with bluetooth tracking of your location minute by minute. This is tied to Singpass and HealthyHub. Non citizens have to register with TraceTogether. This central database has been “hacked” quite a few times, One example is the blood test results of men with HIV in a culture that equates HIV with homosexual sex, which is technically illegal. Additionally, some large employers are using image recognition to monitor employee use of the bathroom and other visual data points with AI systems to determine the health of the worker and if they should get a raise or even get fired.

Singapore has also connected these and many other databases with a tracking system of everything a citizen does online, from likes to shares to content, it is tracked. It is all done under the Protection From Online Falsehoods And Manipulation Act. From medical records to biometrics, from financial records to what you like online, it is all today being tested by an entire country.

I chose Singapore as the primary example because of the perception of being a relatively open society. But of course there are others that are years ahead.

Now one could argue China is doing the same, and they are. They may be far more advanced, Chinese companies are collecting the DNA information of the entire world, This is not a misprint they openly admit it and have paid health care companies around the world for the data. There are also some very advanced technologies developed or in development that will identify a person by DNA and attempt to predict if they pose a threat to the current region.

The very same type of thing is going on around the world by countries and companies, and it is always coated with a patina of good will and protection or “free” stuff. All have the same intention: to own a part of you and/or what you do.

It is important to present that one endpoint to DNA collection is cloning. Yes, full Human Cloning. This would be a clear example of how you can fully lose your ownership rights to yourself and everything that defines you. To think this is still science fiction would be naive. There is evidence that some Human Cloning is has already started. Thus take a moment to understand that if a government or company has no laws to hinder them from owning your DNA and cloning, you can bet that at some point, and not as far off as some experts present, you may run into a version of you with your exact DNA. If you happen to be a famous person, imagine competing with stolen versions of you. If you are less notable, imagine your DNA left at a crime scene. It gets orders of magnitude more complex when there is a mixture of DNA stolen from dozens of DNA donors.

I assert that once the dimensions of the DNA cloning issues reach the mainstream world, it would be far too late to retract the “horse that has left the barn”. This endpoint is one reason it is vital to understand why The Declaration Of Individual Ownership.

I know this way of seeing the world is radically different from the current status quo, even from overt privacy advocates. This is not by accident, I am not really approaching this subject from the point of view of “privacy” as we currently know it. I am approaching this from then elementals of property ownership. It also has a far longer and robust history. It is this single:

If you do not own you, then someone else does.

This is a sovereign, elemental, inalienable, fundamental human right not granted to you by a government, king or corporation, it is a divine right of ownership.

I will not dwell on the religious or political aspects of this ownership, but taking an opposing position aligns with the tyrants and inquisitions of our past. It is a very slippery slope when even a single ownership is taken with no clear permissions given, not under duress.

This is the human rights subject of the next 500 years, and we are just getting started.

I propose a declaration, The Declaration Of Individual Ownership. I started building this in 1980 when it became clear to me that if the arc of history replays and the arc of technology sustains, we would be at this crossroads. I, of course, patterned this on the United States Declaration Of Independence. This declaration will assert your natural rights over you and all of your thoughts, actions and processes. This declaration is a non-negotiable life-long statement of ownership.

The Declaration Of Individual Ownership

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to dissolve the commercial bonds which has removed the powers of individual human rights of self ownership to which has been established in the laws of nature to be indivisible from each person and assume these powers on Earth and through the universe of an individual natural sovereign human right. The laws of nature entitles upon each person a unrescindable right of ownership and this ownership rights shall survive 1000 natural Earth years from the time of natural passing of life of each person. This natural right of sovereign ownership can not be taken by duress or force.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all humans are endowed by nature (god) with certain non-negotiable, unalienable ownership rights that among these are ownership of their entire person, and their thoughts, actions and processes and their by their biological by-products, biometric by-products, brain by-products and work products, visual likeness, audio likeness, biometric likeness, biological likeness, chemical likeness, DNA likeness, data from physical monitoring, data from internet usage, data from computer software usage, data from computer hardware usage, these and other elements that are part of, and/or a process by or from a person. This includes any changes of technology that would usurp these natural rights.

To secure these natural rights of sovereign ownership, all people and every institution and all governments shall hold these rights above any other rights, natural or earned. There can be no rule or law that usurps these natural rights. Nor can there be an offense that may cause a usurping of these natural rights.

It shall be established that the punishment for usurping these natural rights of ownership shall be equal to the punishment of intentional homicide at the time of the incidence. This sentence and punishment shall be directed to the individual and/or groups directly responsible for the usurping. If the usurping is done by computer or mechanical means, the fiduciary or owner of the computer or mechanical means shall hold direct responsibilities. No other deterrence is more monumental and appropriate for usurping the natural law and right of a personal ownership. For oppression, bondage and slavery arises from any other party but the individual person to own themselves and their work-products and by-products.

We therefore solemnly publish and declare that any prior ownerships be dissolves in favor of the sovereign person. We therefore hold that the person may desire to register explicit ownership in a manner of a patent or trademark, as appropriate, to further assert their natural ownership rights. However, no registration is required to assert your ownership. Furthermore, a person may choose to license, for clear and limited use and duration, elements of their ownership to a another party with the provision that it is registered like a patent and agreed to by the owner with proof this license was not coerced or made under any duress.

We form this declaration with divine province, and we mutually pledge determined support of these natural laws.

This is just the latest rough draft of The Declaration Of Individual Ownership. I tried to keep within the format of the Declaration of Independence and tried to stay brief but to the point. I cover the basic ownership points, length of term and punishment. Some find my punishment choice harsh. Unfortunately, as this technology runs rampant, there needs to be a deterrent that is notable and profound and also fits the crime. For if any part of a single person can be brought and sold, without explicit permission, we have entered into a clear form of slavery. Any simple overview of history will show this has been one of the largest basis for the downfall of any society.

I encourage your input and revisions to The Declaration Of Individual Ownership. If you are a lawyer, your input would be appreciated. I have studied maritime law and also feel much of this applies here (deep subject). I also encourage you to share the image above and post it to any social media with your (hopeful) support. I am not naive, I know we may not yet be in the world where this may be widely understood and accepted, but we will be. It is my sincere wish and hope we move to this point rapidly and not through the inevitable rebellion and revolution that will come about at some point. We have this moment to think soberly and act rather than react. Your input and support is vital and will be seen in generations as historic.

The practical implementation of The Declaration Of Individual Ownership does not need to be complex. Existing patent and trademark laws and systems could be used to explicitly state ownership. However, newer technologies will likely be an open ledger and blockchain, like Bitcoin, or Bitcoin could be used to register ownership and to declare a licensee. This system could also be used to pay royalties to the licensor. Thus, for example, a person may choose to share how they use a particular element of how they use the Internet with a company or companies and they would pay a license fee in real-time to the owner. Another example is a drug company that finds your intestinal flora has a particularly good immune response to a new virus. They would pay a royalty to the owner based on a prior agreement.

With the rise of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats or CRISPR, gene doping or the cut and pasting of DNA sequences from one or many individuals can be used to create a “super race”. In this article I will not present the ethics of this path, but I will cover it in a future series. It is vital to know for CRISPR to work, another individual’s or individual’s DNA sequence will have to used. And it is here where we can clearly see the absolute requirements for The Declaration Of Individual Ownership. It is easy to see a future law less world where individual ownership rights are not honored, with black market DNA stolen and sold without permission or knowledge of the owner. How can this be stopped today? There are many approaches. One is to have your unique DNA sequence encoded into a blockchain by your parents the moment you are born as a patent claim. There are literally more unique DNA sequences than stars in the universe. You own yours.

I have many more ideas I will share in the future on how you could help build this future and absolutely profit from it by being some of the first pioneers. Just knowing that there will be an ultimate rebellion to this stealing of you, gives you an almost decade heard start to build around this vanishing point and invent paths. But also profit by betting against thoses that will steal and continue to steal from all of us.

We will be seduced in to a “post-human” “singularity” world with an array of augmentations that on their own presumably sound harmless. It will be argued that the history of humans is to build tools that arguments capabilities. And of course this is accurate. However, we have reached the point where each step forward will continue to steal your birthrights. All argumentation will promise a better version of you, but at a cost of taking more from you than you may have ever imagined.

Additionally, on the other side of the “Post-Human” world is the offers of being part of a new Metaverse that will entice us to continue to value the real, for the simulated, as an induced life philosophy. We will be told our body no longer matters, and thus all of it’s by-products and work-products are nearly worthless in the new Metaverse. This philosophy may on the surface seem harmless, but it is anything but harmless. The adoption of finding your body and ultimately your mind to be of little value is the dream of all tyrants and dictators of the ages. And the sad truth, if we do not have an understanding of a Declaration Of Individual Ownership, humanity will happily walk in to the self lobotomy of the Meteverse promise. It always starts out as a toy or game until it is every part of your life. Of course, to make the Metaverse as “real” as possible, every human telemetry sensor will be used to make your avatar more “life-like”. And of course, someone will own this data of “you” in the cloud. It is the hope that we get so addicted to the Metaverse that our real life will have no value without the “life” we have in the Metaverse. Those that own “you” will know that at some point you would do anything to maintain your Metaverse life and avatar, anything.

How will The Declaration Of Individual Ownership come to pass? The actual path it will take is not clear, only the ultimate destination. Now that you know about it and share these ideas, you are actively part of shaping the path. Of course, there is no magic wand. Trillion-dollar companies will not go silently into the night, nor will their partners in government. But as more and more of you is overtly stolen, there will be a boiling point, this is clear from history. You are a very real part of shaping this history. You need not be outraged, but understandably, when you first fully see the implication it is expected. You must stay aware of every single Fork In The Road you make. Each one will remove some sense of ownership in you. Be very sure it is worth it to give up these pieces.

It is now more clear than ever, what our Forks In The Road are. If we continue to “Click Here To Agree” we will wind up in a dystopian world where humans will be owned and sold with and without their knowledge. It is really that simple, although there will be many apologists to the old system that will claim this is not the case, you get “free stuff in return”. As you now know the level of how you will be sold and purchased, that claim is at minimum, comical and at worse a complete lie. It is not going to be simple. There are massive companies who have lived off of owning a piece of you for decades in technology sectors and thousands of years in other sectors. There are governments that clearly believe they own their citizens. There are religions that clearly believe they own their flock of worshipers.

It has taken me a very long time to assemble these ideas in this series of articles and be motivated enough to publish it. It will not earn me many friends in the side of people that are now profiting by this. What I present here if taken out of context may sound anti-technology. It is not anti, but pro-human rights above the technology. You are some of the first to see these ideas assembled in this way. This forms the foundation for a book I am working on exploring this subject in detail.

As you may surmise, these ownership ideas, if understood will spread and become viral and make many folks, inconveniently uncomfortable. It is not my intention to call all these emperors are naked, but they are. They have no rights of ownership over you, not now, not ever.

Once you see the world through this new enlightened point of view, you begin to note hundreds of possibilities and begin to see the true value of each unique human. It will bring about a new epoch for humanity where every unique part of you becomes highly valuable. It flips the current system back to the rightful owner-you. The opportunities ahead for you knowing just about this element of our future is boundlessly valuable. Because rest assured, this is our future, and hopefully it is sooner than later. This is humanity’s path. This is our birthright. This is our manifest destiny. This is truly who you really are.

When we wake up to a new world where every human is seen as valuable, every human is worthy, every human contributes in ways few have ever thought of, we may finally enter in to the true human epoch.

This is the epoch of humanity.

Stay aware and stay curious,

🔐 End: Exclusive Member-Only Content.

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