3 Instant & Effective Ways to Stay Focused on Your Goals

Som Bathla
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readDec 27, 2017


“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not the things we fear.”- Brian Tracy

The precise truth is that our focus drives everything in our lives.

It almost solely determines if we’ll experience a high quality of life and accomplish things that are meaningful to us.

But then the key question comes How to stay focused in this most overwhelming information age. How to stay focused, when our list of goals and dreams is endless to achieve and more is being added to it on daily basis?

Brendon Burchard, the best-selling author of “The Charged Life” has explained three different ways, which may seem counter-intuitive, but could be really helpful to address your question i.e. “How to Stay Focused?”

Here you go:

1. Limit the number of decisions you make: Taking decision is not an entirely effortless activity. It takes your will power and energy to decide the things. Therefore the key is to minimize the number of decisions. For maximum small and routine things, don’t use your brain, will power and focus. Deliberately choose to have standard decisions for those activities. Save your willpower and focus for the key decisions of your life, which take you to the next level.

2. Define your mission. You mission will determine, what should you do with your precious time. So have a clear mission in your life, where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Once you do that, your all actions gets a direction. If it is towards that mission, then do it. If not, then simply skip it or postpone it, until you do your key things.

3. Say NO to everything immediately, as a first response, from now on. Don’t immediately commit to projects anymore. Check them against your mission and passions. Ask, “Should I focus on this right now in my life? Yes or no? Learn to say no to anything that doesn’t fire your heart with full commitment and enthusiasm.

Therefore, how to stay focused is one of the most important skills in life to achieve your goals and dreams.

“The successful Warrior is the average man with laser-like focus”~ Bruce Lee

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Som Bathla
Multiplier Magazine

Author of 20+ Books | #11 in Amazon Business Authors | Sold 100,000+ copies | I help people write & publish books & boost Income and Impact: sombathla.com