3 Quick Ways to Tell if Your Lead Magnet is a Dud

Cassi Lowe
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readNov 8, 2017

If you have a lead magnet on your website, you are already ahead of the competition. But is it performing how you expected? Are people signing up or ignoring it?

There are a few ways to determine why your lead magnet isn’t performing well. You’ll need to take an objective look at it and see it through the eyes of your customer.

Below are 3 ways to take a fresh look at your lead magnet and make improvements.


The worst lead magnets are open ended. The call-to-action is something like “Join My Newsletter” or “Download My Top 10 Tips.” This leaves a lot of uncertainty in the mind of the reader. There is no clear benefit for signing up.

A specific lead magnet sparks curiosity. The reader knows exactly what they will receive, and they’re interested in consuming the information. It also has a promised outcome. By accessing your lead magnet, the reader will improve their life in one small measurable way.


The purpose of a lead magnet is to draw in your perfect client. It should speak directly to the person you’re trying to attract. For example, if you are focusing on owners of tech companies, you may not want to only focus on the technology side of things. It’s better to focus on a business issue they’re facing, because they most likely have employees handling the technical issues.

If your lead magnet is geared toward the wrong audience, your ideal clients will ignore it because it doesn’t speak to them. Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. What are their biggest struggles?


A good lead magnet provides a quick win. It should be just long enough to provide the intended value to the reader. It’s common for people to download a lead magnet then never actually read it. You don’t want yours to gather virtual dust on someone’s hard drive.

Your lead magnet provides a good sample of your knowledge and expertise. If it’s easy to read and take action on, your readers will get more out of it. We all have busy lives, and most people won’t commit lengthy periods of time to your lead magnet.


Even if you have the perfect lead magnet that speaks to your target audience, it’s of no use if people can’t find it easily. Too often business owners will tuck the lead magnet away on a secondary page or in the footer. Visitors will probably not spend much time on your website, so you want to make sure they see the lead magnet right away.

The goal is to capture as many leads as possible on your website. Give your lead magnet the prominence it deserves.

This article was originally published on rosypost.com

Visit RosyPost to download The Big List Of Lead Magnet Ideas That Attract Ideal Clients + How To Decide Which One To Implement In Your Business > Click Here

