Digital Marketing | Is it Only Hype that Sells?

Beacon Social Media
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readFeb 24, 2018
Following the lead

Originally published at

In the marketing industry using emotion or hype to sell a product or service has very much become today’s trend. In fact, the use of this so called ‘enticing’ energy has become so deeply ingrained in society, that many of us do not even realise the hooking tactics businesses and marketeers are using to ‘draw us in’, and sadly, this is what marketeers are taught in their study and training.

This ‘hooking’ method of marketing for business is not unlike fishing. You bait the hook, with something that will appeal to the emotions of your desired catch, then sit back and wait for the haul to roll in. It is a method based purely on manipulation of people wants and desires.

Stop. At what point did we drop our standards in business and in life to allow such a game to go on, for go on it does and if we truly look around us, it is not only occurring in big industry, but it has now infiltrated all industries and all sectors of business marketing.

Today’s Marketing industry has lowered its standards to become a game that plays on people’s emotions, wants and desires.

Is it possible there is an alternative approach? One that is true and in fact honouring of the people it goes out to? Is it possible we have tainted the word marketing, which should simply be a term to describe ones sharing of their business as an offering to others around them?

These are big questions, however they are questions that can be answered simply.

The answer is yes. There is another approach, and yes, we can still market our businesses, but in a way that is not imposing, hooking, or manipulating of the people.

Yes, the word marketing has been tainted, and yet is it we, the industry and the people it targets who have allowed this to occur. Equally so, it is we who can turn this around.

It is true that emotional content is something people respond to. But does that give us permission to use manipulation tactics? This is a great question to consider.

On the other side of things, what of genuineness, honesty, integrity and the like. Do these things not appeal to each and every one of us? Could it be that perhaps they hold even more appeal then the tantalising energy of excitement or drama?

We say yes. It may not seem as exciting, but what it offers is something of unsurpassed and lasting value. And that is, true relationships with the people that we serve in our business and a pure joy in knowing we hold a level of integrity that we will not drop in any case. There is no reward greater than this.

You can read more about the author of this blog (pictured below) here

Anna McCormack — Founder of Beacon Social Media



Beacon Social Media
Multiplier Magazine

A Social Media Management and Consultancy business based in Australia with the approach being ‘People first’.