Find Success and Overcome Fear By Holding Yourself Accountable

Nicole Royer
Multiplier Magazine
2 min readOct 23, 2017

Accountability. No one wants to hold themselves accountable, but everyone else should be. And you are the only one who can pave your way to success…or failure.

So why aren’t you holding yourself accountable for your own success?

There are 4 fears that cause a lack of accountability:

Fear of failure –

Are you so afraid of failure that you cannot hold yourself responsible or liable for your own actions? Do you lack trust or faith in yourself? Fear of failure is a deeply embedded, nagging thought that can stop us before we even start a task.

Fear of success –

Some of us are afraid of what would happen if we are successful. Will we be able to keep up with family obligations? How about a social life? Will you be more scrutinized if you find success? Fear of success is just as debilitating as fear of failure.

Fear of being thought of as a fraud –

Impostor Syndrome impedes success. The fear of being seen as not qualified enough by others, or not feeling like you know enough yourself can cause stagnancy. Even when you have an MBA and 12 years experience, you can feel like you aren’t enough of an ‘expert.’

Fear of not being taken seriously –

Ideas and products die before they are even launched due to the fear that others won’t understand or see the value. People are afraid to talk about their business plans or ideas, thinking that they’ll be laughed at or ridiculed.

And all of these fears can be cured by one important resource: your business coach.

A business coach listens. A business coach leads. A business coach gets you from the current level to the next, by teaching you to hold yourself accountable.

Clearing the 4 fears: failure, success, Impostor Syndrome, or not being taken seriously, all happen with the right coach. There will be a future post about finding a business coach and what other added benefits they add, but for now understand that before you start that next business, launch your next product, or decide to jump ship from a corporate life to an entrepreneurial one, check in with your coach.

Success is waiting — and it’s not terrifying. It’s attainable. Build your support network, and include a coach!

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Nicole Royer
Multiplier Magazine

Innovation and Emerging Technologies Consultant sharing stories of business and life. |