Getting it Done with Communication

One of the disadvantages of the Information Age we live in is the abundance of false, unworkable information that’s broadly pushed out via the Internet, newspapers, televisions, etc. The subject which has taken one of the biggest beatings is communication. It has been made so complex and with those complexities, we get less and less done in life.

Here is how simple communication truly is:

  1. You think of an idea
  2. It is common agreement today that we use words, pictures and gestures to share ideas with others. So next we pick the words, pictures and gestures that best share the idea
  3. Next we structure the words, pictures and gestures so they can be communicated in what we have commonly agreed to be grammatically correct (by the way, lots of confusion in the area of grammar)
  4. Now you send the idea across a distance to another or others with the intention of them understanding the original idea fully

Nothing esoteric or complex about it. Yet, we have a world filled with people out of communication despite how simple the process can be. We have people falling short of achieving their goals because they can’t communicate their ideas to others.

There are other mechanics to communication but the above are the fundamentals. And with them in use, you can get a lot more done, including the goals you want to achieve.

Communication Drill:

  1. Get an idea
  2. Decide who you want to communicate that idea to in your life
  3. Recall what words they commonly use in your conversations
  4. Pick the words most familiar to them that fit best with your idea (this is very important if you want your idea to be received)
  5. Structure your words on their most commonly used communication line — text, email, phone, face-to-face, etc .— and send the communication
  6. Ensure they understood your communication

Getting things done in life has everything to do with your ability to communicate. If you drill being a better communicator daily, I’m certain you will see a lot more get done, faster, in your life.

By Erik Bayersdorfer, Co-Founder/Co-Owner, Élite

“Throughout my years as a business owner, I have worked with a number of consultants and business coaches. And, while I’ve been incredibly blessed to have some great coaches, Erik is undoubtedly one of the best!

“Not only is he incredibly knowledgeable about how to implement processes and systems that will improve your business operations, he is also a coach that genuinely wants to help you achieve all your personal and professional goals” — Inc 5000 Business Owner

