Hustling Makes You Tired, Not Rich

Reggie Davis
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readNov 27, 2017

The most craziest mentality I have ever had as a business owner and entrepreneur is “No Sleep, keep Hustling.”

I wish that somebody would have told me, “Struggling is a choice” when I was building my business 5 years ago.

Does building a business take time, have a process, take energy, have moments of “oh fuck” scarcity followed by exhales of being supported?


Here are a few tips that have helped me make money and not make myself tired by doing it all:

Stop Working For Free

People don’t value free shit, and your time also isn’t free.

I can talk about this all day but I won’t lol ( leave comments tho)

Take a Full Day Off at least once a Week.

You know what hustle, hustle, hustle gets you?

Burnt out.

Make time for yourself

Intelligent business owners/ Entrepreneurs do not check their emails at 2 or 3 am.

They do not sleep with their phones , because they trust that if they walk away from their business for a day, nothing will fall apart that they can’t fix.

Change Your Prices As You Grow.

We are so afraid to charge more than what everybody else is, but we choose our worth and other people pay what they believe they are worth.

And the fucked up thing, is that many of us think that if something is more expensive, that it’s better.

Not always the case, but undervaluing ourselves is not doing ourselves any favors just like not shifting our prices to mirror our experience isn’t either.

When I changed my prices at my marketing agency one of my clients replied, “I have a nephew who graduated with his masters in marketing, and I believe he can help my company. Thank you for your services but I no longer need them.”

When you change your rates, you will loose clients. But the people who truly want to work with you will expect to make an investment for they will know your worth.

The question is, do you know your worth? And are you charging it?

Hire An Assistant.

I jumped on a call with a clothing store owner 6 months ago and when I asked her how her day was she replied, “To be honest, I just opened up my own boutique recently and today I spent 3 hours trying to teach myself how to use this invoicing service. It’s frustrating.”

The first week I hired an assistant to help me with emails, calls and other work, I went on a 2 day trip to Miami (it was my brothers birthday) and because I hired her I was able to still work while I was on a flight and partying for my brothers birthday!

She gave me back 15 hours of my life back in that week, and the week after, and my business is still able to flourish .

Hire an assistant now!

