Is Your Content Getting the Attention It Deserves?

Cassi Lowe
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readSep 27, 2017

Publishing content week after week, month after month is difficult. It takes a lot of commitment and effort. Whether you are blogging, recording videos, podcasting, or some other medium, it all takes time and energy.

If you’re spending a significant amount of time producing content, you want to make sure it’s getting the attention it deserves. You have a lot of value to offer through your content and you want to make sure people see it.

When it comes to content marketing, creating the content is only the first step. Publicizing it and getting it in front of your audience is just as important.


There are often many places you will share your content after it’s published, so it’s a good idea to have a plan in place to help keep everything organized.

Create an outline to follow every time you publish content. This can be as simple as a checklist. Use the ideas below as inspiration for your checklist. You may have other specific channels to share your content depending on your industry.


The best place to start is your own email list. Share your content with your subscribers so they won’t miss out on any valuable information from you.

Some people struggle with not knowing what to share with their email list. Sharing your own content is a no-brainer way to stay in touch with your subscribers.

If you’re trying to decide which email marketing service to use, I recommend ActiveCampaign.


Be sure to share your content on your social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (and any others that you use). Use a service such as RecurPost to continue to share your content over time.

You can give your content an extra boost on social media with paid tools as well. One service is Quuu Promote. They spread your content to users in the network, so other people are sharing your content on their social profiles, too.

Another paid option is Facebook Ads. By advertising your content you can increase viewers, and pixel those viewers to target them in the future. If you use paid advertising, be sure to have a strong call to action to make it worthwhile.


After posting your content on your main website, you can syndicate it to other platforms to increase your reach. This means you post the same content on other websites, with attribution to your original post.

Two popular places to syndicate content are Medium and LinkedIn. There may also be other platforms that are specific to your industry that can be used for syndication.


Always keep an eye out for an opportunity to share your content online. This means sharing your posts in a relevant, non-spammy way in places such as Facebook groups, Reddit, and other online forums.

Here’s an example: Someone asks a question in a Facebook group about a topic you’re an expert in. You have produced a piece of content in the past that directly answers the question. Post a link to your content to help the person with their question.

These opportunities to share your content will come up naturally. You can also seek them out by searching for relevant questions on websites such as Quora.


Your content is valuable and deserves to be seen by people who will benefit from it. Create a plan using the options above (or your own creative ideas) to get it in front of your audience.

This article was originally published on

