Maximize Your Website Conversions with This Subtle Shift

Cassi Lowe
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readFeb 1, 2018

Do you ever wonder if you’re being too self-centered? Most independent professionals I’ve met are generous people who want to help others succeed. They enjoy sharing their specialized knowledge with their clients. Most of them are not selfish or self-centered.

But when you look at many professionals’ websites, they are too focused on themselves. They talk about what they can do and their accomplishments.

If you want to convert more website visitors into leads, there is a subtle shift you need to make: Focus your website on your potential clients, not yourself.

It’s only natural to talk about yourself on your website, and sometimes it is necessary. However, overall your site should be more focused on the people you serve. Below are 3 ways to accomplish this.


What’s the first thing your website visitors see when they land on your website? Is it a statement about you, or is it a statement about how you solve a problem for someone? It’s a subtle difference.

Your messaging helps a prospect know that they are in the right place. They are likely looking for a solution to their problem. The messaging on your site lets them know that you have the solution.

Communicating your messaging clearly and quickly is important. Website visitors won’t stick around on your website for very long. If they don’t understand what you can do for them within about 15 seconds, they will leave and visit a competitor instead.


Once a visitor determines you have a solution to their problem, what else can you offer them? Helpful, relevant content can draw your visitors’ attention deeper.

Your content displays your knowledge on the topic. It shows your prospects that you have a desire to help them. Your content doesn’t have to be overly complicated — it only needs to be helpful to your target audience.

Content comes in many forms: blog articles, case studies, videos, podcasts, etc. Pick one format that is easy for you to produce consistently. The content you produce establishes you as an authority who is knowledgeable about your topic.

Ease of Use

Focusing on your website visitors, and potential new clients, also means providing a website that is easy for them to use. Your important information should be easy to find immediately. Don’t make people hunt for what they need. They’ll get frustrated and leave your website.

Here are a few other ways to make your website user friendly:

  • Clear and concise navigation
  • Functional contact forms
  • Interesting calls-to-action
  • Mobile responsive design
  • Logically structured content

Ask a few friends or clients to look over your website and provide feedback. Everything might make perfect sense to you, but to someone else it could be confusing. Asking for feedback from others will help you identify any areas that are frustrating.

Focus on the Visitor

Even though your website is all about you and your business, it’s important to put the focus on your potential new clients. You’ll earn their trust faster with this subtle shift.

This article was originally published on

