Say NO to these 5 things and your life will be far simpler

Sandeep Kashyap
Multiplier Magazine
4 min readSep 4, 2018

Many people have hard times saying no to things that are harming them and they blurt out “yes” even after counting several “no”.

I find trapped for some time by my excessive urge to be agreeable to things with a thought that it could disappoint someone, hurt them or be rude ― it got me thinking. It’s quite exhausting to always say yes to things but mostly I suffered anxiety with the thought of saying no to anyone. To get out of this trap, I understood that the fallout from saying no will definitely be less bad than we actually think. If you do not want to fall into this trap, you need to be able to set boundaries. Here’s what I did to simplify my life. It’s best to say no to things I’ve outlined here:

  1. Say NO to extra workweeks

You may want to help your boss in all ways to stay in their good books. But you definitely need to draw a line somewhere if you feel overworked. If you are always feeling overstressed and have to spend extra working days, analyze the daily tasks you are involved in. There is no connection between your success to the extra number of hours you put. The next time you are asked to work overtime, say NO and explain your situation to your senior in a friendly way. This will also ensure that your personal relationship is not suffering due to your exaggerated work schedules.

Get your work on track to avoid extra working hours. Manage it on ProofHub.

2. Say NO to not being you

I am not saying you shouldn’t try new things and mold yourself up for the new excitements. But always trying to change yourself for others, will not make you feel good at all. Everybody wants a different life but wearing masks will make your life meaningless.

How to do be yourself:

  • Spend more time with people who value you and less time with those who criticize you.
  • Be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of someone else.
  • Spend more time in an environment that supports your dreams and makes your life more exciting.

If you want to live a different life, develop self-confidence to take actions, you don’t need to mimic others.

3. Saying NO to negative self -talk around

Constant negativity is definitely one of the worst things for our mental health. On your way to a happier life, your inner critic can be a big obstacle. You inner voice ― positive or negative, will drag you down or keep you up. If it tells you are ugly, you will feel the same. “Negative self-talk feeds anxiety and depression,” says Dr. Natalie Dattilo, Clinical & Health Psychologist. We all have those moments, but being able to turn the inner critic around will make positive changes in your life.

How to do it:

  • Simply talk to yourself in your mind telling it not go there where it’s a negative trap
  • Remind yourself of its long-term harmful effects
  • Give yourself a positive traits list

So, relax your standards and your thoughts!

4. Say NO to toxic people

Some people bring in negative impact or create chaos in life. You want to live a simpler life, you have to start saying no to more people. Toxic people will never be worthy of your time and energy, so don’t give them the power to control you.

“People inspire you, or they drain you — pick them wisely.” — Hans F. Hansen

Here are people to stay away from:

  • People who try to control you
  • People who disregard your boundaries
  • People who turn you into your worst version
  • People who slight your accomplishments

5. Say NO to the comfort zone

The most dangerous place for you to live is not a place with a high crime rate but a place within your comfort zone. It is true that innovation occurs outside your comfort zone. Whenever you push yourself out to do something out of comfort, you are probably going to discover about yourself. It’s all about pushing yourself, moving forward, building a strong foundation, and taking on new and big challenges. Try taking a tiny step every day to make a huge leap outside your comfort zone.

The Key to Saying NO!

According to Steve Jobs, “And it comes from saying no to 1000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much.” It is really hard to please everyone, to grab hold of everything, to say yes beyond what is your threshold. When someone asks you for things, do you find it difficult to say NO and then later regret the fact that it should have been a NO? Just give a thought, take a moment to call up respect for yourself.

The ability to saying no is a little-less known secret to happiness. So, do yourself a favor, take self-worthy decisions that will take you down the road towards success in the coming years. Did I miss anything? What are the other things in life, you feel it necessary to say no. Share it in the comments below!

Author Bio:

Sandeep Kashyap is the Founder and CEO of ProofHub — a leading project management and collaboration software. He’s one person always on a lookout for innovative ideas about filling the communication gap between groups, teams, and organizations. You’ll find him saying, “Let’s go!” instead of “Go!” many times a day. That’s what makes him write about leadership in a way people are inspired to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.



Sandeep Kashyap
Multiplier Magazine

Internet Entrepreneur, CEO of SDP Labs and Founder of ProofHub