The Essence of True Marketing

Beacon Social Media
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readApr 27, 2018

Originally published at on April 27, 2018.

Anna McCormack — Founder — Beacon Social Media

At the core of every society is people. At the core of every person is heart. We are flesh and bone….each of us, sensitive beings who feel much more than we care to admit. Many of us spend a lot of time denying this fact or doing our utmost to numb ourselves to it, but alas, no amount of denial and or numbing can take away the fact that, we are and always will be incredibly sensitive. We feel it all!

Why such an introduction in an article about marketing?

It’s simple. The Marketing Industry has lost sight of this all important truth. Instead it is focus driven on increasing sales, meeting targets, pushing this way and that to achieve so called ‘success’ in business. The sad part is that we, the people, have allowed it.

These days when we attend events that are well intentioned to support businesses to ‘grow and prosper’, rarely is the subject of relationships within business discussed. Why is this? Should relationships not be one of the first topics of conversation when we discuss success in business?

True success in business comes from the daily interactions we have with our colleagues, clients and customers. No monetary value can be placed on this.

Lived in its truest sense this approach to business is magnetic.

The thing we all want the most in a business is real integrity…..not the half hearted kind, not empty words, but deeply felt to the core integrity, and there is nothing more appealing in business then the person who places people before profit.

The funny thing is that when we do this, everything tends to take care of itself. Things just start to flow and we are supported from every angle possible. And yet, it is so easy to fall back into the fear or wanting that can lead to a less then human approach to business.

So long as our skills are sound, and we are smart with our business planning and budget, all we need is to make it about people first. Its not rocket science at all….in fact we don’t even need a degree for this part — and yet it is indeed the most valuable part.

When we approach business in this way marketing becomes simple. A simple practice of sharing your business out into the community, be it online or off — all you need is the practical know how to do this.

True marketing is any form of marketing that genuinely holds people at its core.

And at the risk of putting myself out of work, it is through this practice that you will discover you need very little marketing at all for a business that is true. For ‘true’ business has an undeniable magnetism that will see people coming from far and wide.



Beacon Social Media
Multiplier Magazine

A Social Media Management and Consultancy business based in Australia with the approach being ‘People first’.