You Only Need These 5 Pages on Your Website to Generate More Leads

Cassi Lowe
Multiplier Magazine
3 min readMay 25, 2018

Many business owners struggle with what content they need to have on their website. It’s difficult to know which pages should be included. Sometimes it’s even more difficult to know what can be excluded.

If you’re a professional who provides services or consulting to other business owners, you only need the 5 main pages outlined below.


Often your Homepage will be the first impression you give your visitors. It’s important to make it immediately clear what you do and who you help. There’s no need to be subtle with this. Near the top of the page include a clear and direct headline.

Here are a few examples:

“Your website should gather leads, not dust.
We create websites that attract new clients for professional service providers and consultants.”
(From my own website,

“We Build and Optimize Ecommerce Sites.
We have years of ecommerce UX, conversion and AB testing experience.
We also have a dedicated team for Shopify site development.”

“Better Content. Better Customers.
Grow your audience, your email list, and customer-base with done-for-you content by Audience Ops.

Use your Homepage to display a quick overview of your expertise. Describe the problem you solve, and provide some immediate assistance. Showcase a few helpful pieces of content and provide a helpful lead magnet. Your lead magnet is a great call-to-action for visitors who may not be familiar with your work yet.


An About page isn’t only about you. Many business owners use this page as a biography of their accomplishments. But website visitors don’t really care about biographical information.

Your visitors want to know how you can help them. Use the About page to describe what you can do for your clients and what results they will receive by working with you.

The About page is the second most visited page on a website on average. People want to know if you’re the right person to help them. Your About page can be a more personal place to let them know you understand their needs.


Make it easy to get in touch with you. If a potential client has a question, give them several ways to contact you. Don’t bury your contact info in a place that’s hard to find.


Your Sales page (or Services page), is the perfect place to fully explain what you do. Cover the Who, What, Why, and How of your offering. I often see business websites that don’t go into detail about their services, which leaves their visitors guessing and unsure.

Draw people into the page by describing the problem you solve. Then transition into how they will feel after you provide your service. This helps your prospects visualize the problem and solution.

Provide as much detail as possible that will help your prospect make the decision to contact you. Try to answer their questions and overcome their objections.

Be sure to include a strong call-to-action. Make it easy to take the next step with you. This could be a sign up form, a phone number or email address. Give your prospect a clear and easy path to continue.


The final section of your website is the Content area. This might be a blog, a collection of case studies, a podcast, a video series, or some other type of content.

The point of this section is to provide extra value to your website visitors. Help them start to solve their problem immediately. It will build trust in you as an expert. It gives you the opportunity to show off your knowledge on the subject.

Your content has the added benefit of helping with online marketing and SEO. It can be shared on social media, and found on search engines when people search for your service.

Continue to add content to this area over time. Your library of helpful and relevant content will grow and become even more effective at establishing you as an authority.

This article was originally published on

