Multipolar Wins and the Evolution of Cooperation

J. Kelsey
Multipolar Win
Published in
17 min readApr 12, 2024

In the grand narrative of life on Earth, few chapters are as pivotal as the transition from single-celled to multicellular organisms.

This remarkable journey, which began over 600 million years ago, laid the foundation for the incredible diversity and complexity of life we see today.

However, the story of how and why this transition occurred is not just a tale of biological evolution, but also a profound lesson in the power of cooperation and the potential for overcoming what is known as Multipolar Traps.

The Prisoner’s Dilemma: A Metaphor for Multipolar Traps

Multipolar Traps, a concept from game theory, describe situations where multiple parties pursuing their own self-interests lead to suboptimal outcomes for all.

The classic example is the Prisoner’s Dilemma, where two suspects are interrogated separately and given the choice to betray the other or remain silent. If both betray, they serve a longer sentence than if both remain silent. However, if one betrays and the other remains silent, the betrayer goes free while the silent one serves the longest sentence.

The rational choice for each individual is to betray, leading to a worse outcome for both. This basic game has profound implications in the field of mathematics, biology, politics, business, economics and more, with some of the insights derived from this game leading to Nobel Prizes.

In the realm of early life, single-celled organisms were often caught in similar traps, competing for limited resources in a world where cooperation was rare. Yet, as the fossil record shows, life found a way out of these traps, and the key was the evolution of multicellularity.

The Gradual Path to Multicellularity

The journey from single cells to multicellular life was not a sudden leap, but a gradual process spanning millions of years. It likely began with simple colonies of cells, perhaps formed for mutual protection or more efficient nutrient acquisition.

Imagine a group of early cells huddled together in a hostile environment. A mutation arises in one cell that causes it to attach to others. This cluster of cells is more resilient to environmental stresses and can access nutrients more efficiently than individual cells. Over time, this trait spreads through the population.

As these early colonies grew, genetic mutations that favoured cooperation between cells would have been selected for, as they provided advantages in terms of survival and reproduction. These mutations might have included changes that allowed cells to communicate and coordinate their activities, and to specialise in different functions.

Each of these innovations would have made the colony more than the sum of its parts, able to exploit new ecological niches and cope with environmental challenges that no single cell could have managed alone.

One crucial aspect of this evolution was the development of mechanisms to ensure the fair distribution of resources and labour among cells in a multicellular organism. This can be seen as what this series is calling a “Multipolar Win”, where all cells benefit from cooperation and specialisation.

For example, imagine a mutation that causes some cells to specialise in nutrient acquisition, while others specialise in defence. If resources are shared fairly among all cells, the entire organism benefits.

In another example, oxygen, initially a toxic byproduct of the metabolism of ancient single-celled organisms called cyanobacteria, posed a significant challenge to life on early Earth.

Around 2.7 billion years ago, life on Earth was exclusively anaerobic until the evolution of cyanobacteria. As these organisms began producing oxygen through photosynthesis, the resulting rise in atmospheric oxygen is thought to have been toxic to many anaerobic life forms, leading to an extinction event that drastically altered the biosphere.

It has proved to be a difficult task for researchers to estimate the specific lineages that disappeared, due to lack of concrete fossil evidence and difficulty in estimating the species loss. However, conditions were ripe for the next big step in evolution: aerobic metabolism.

This seeming waste product eventually catalysed one of the most pivotal transitions in Earth's history. Through the evolutionary rise of aerobic organisms and what was once a poisonous substance became the cornerstone of a new, oxygen-rich atmosphere.

This transformation had profound implications and also created the conditions necessary for more complex life forms to emerge. This development shifted the dynamic from a world where single-celled organisms competed for scarce resources and created toxic waste in a zero-sum game to one where the abundant production of oxygen instead began to support a diverse array of life.

This shift illustrates a stark contrast to the earlier Multipolar Trap, where organisms competed intensely for limited resources and produced waste that led to their mutual detriment of most life on Earth. Instead, the abundant resources facilitated by photosynthetic organisms eventually flipped into a system of unspoken cooperation between photosynthetic life and and aerobic life, eventually leading to more stable, cooperative interactions among species, promoting biodiversity and ecological complexity.

The evolution of plants and the subsequent enrichment of the atmosphere with oxygen exemplify how the emergence of cooperative systems can transform a potentially destructive scenario into a thriving, diverse biosphere.

By evolving mechanisms for fair resource distribution and reducing competitive pressures, early multicellular organisms were not only able to escape the harsh constraints of their beginnings but also laid the groundwork for the rich tapestry of life that characterizes our planet today.

The Cambrian Explosion: A Triumph of Cooperation

As these multicellular forms diversified and evolved, they developed ever more sophisticated mechanisms for ensuring cooperation and managing potential conflicts between cells.

The evolution of programmed cell death, for example, allowed organisms to eliminate cells that were not contributing to the collective good. The development of specialised tissues and organs enabled a division of labour that made the whole organism more efficient and adaptable.

The culmination of this process was the Cambrian Explosion, a dramatic diversification of life forms that likely began half a billion years ago. In a relatively short span of geological time, the Earth became populated with an incredible array of complex, multicellular organisms, from trilobites to the first vertebrates. This explosion of diversity was made possible by the cooperative foundations laid down in the preceding millions of years of evolutionary experimentation, with genetic code favouring cooperation becoming more established and antifragile.

Frondlike creatures known as Ediacarans, which thrived around 570 million years ago, represent some of the earliest definitive animal fossils. Similarly, fossil spores indicate that multicellular plants, evolving from algae, emerged at least 470 million years ago.

Ancient Ediacarans, in a serene and tranquil prehistoric ocean environment gently swaying in the water currents, the inheritors of an even more ancient win-win revolution in their genetic code.

The journey to multicellularity appears to have occurred uniquely in plants and animals. However, in other biological groups, this transition repeated multiple times. For instance, fungi likely developed complex multicellularity, exemplified by fruiting bodies such as mushrooms, on roughly a dozen separate occasions. Various species of fungi, ranging from single-celled to multicellular forms, are interrelated. Algae demonstrate a similar pattern of diversity; red, brown, and green algae each independently evolved their own multicellular forms over the past billion years.

This theme of independent yet parallel development is mirrored in the independent rise of human civilisations. Civilisations in Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas each arose independently, yet they all share common traits of social complexity and cultural innovation, reflecting a global pattern of human progress and adaptation.

The Cambrian Explosion further represents a profound example of a Multipolar Win in the history of life. The dramatic diversification of life forms during this period was not just a quantitative increase in the number of species, but a qualitative shift in the complexity and interconnectedness of life on Earth.

The development of complex ecosystems, with many interdependent species playing diverse roles, created a web of cooperation that was far more resilient and adaptable than any single species could be alone.

Imagine a Cambrian reef teeming with life. Trilobites scuttle across the seafloor, grazing on algae and detritus. Above them, the first primitive fish dart through the water, preying on smaller organisms. Sponges and corals filter nutrients from the water, providing shelter and substrate for a host of other creatures.

Each species plays a role in maintaining the balance and productivity of the ecosystem, and each benefits from the services provided by others.

This is the essence of a Multipolar Win — a situation where the success of each individual is tied to the success of the collective, and where cooperation and interdependence lead to thriving, resilient systems.

The Cambrian Explosion shows us that this principle is not just a human or mathematical construct, but potentially a fundamental feature of life on Earth that repeatedly occurs over time.

By working together, life has been able to achieve feats of creativity, complexity, and resilience that no single organism could achieve alone. This has resulted in a world of diverse, rich life that would have been hard to imagine if looking at the very first multicellular lifeforms and imagining the future they were to become.

From Cells to Societies: Parallels in Human Evolution

But the story of cooperation’s triumph over Multipolar Traps does not end with the Cambrian Explosion. Indeed, we can see echoes of this same process playing out in the evolution of human societies.

Just like early single-celled life, human societies began as small, largely independent units, often competing with each other for resources and survival.

But over time, these societies developed ways of cooperating and managing Multipolar Traps. The evolution of language, social norms, laws, and governance structures have—at times—served to promote cooperation and mitigate the destructive effects of unchecked competition.

One of the most profound examples of Multipolar Wins in human societies is the development of social norms, laws, and governance structures that promote fairness, justice, and collective well-being. These mechanisms help align individual interests with the common good, overcoming the Multipolar Traps of unchecked competition and exploitation.

For instance, the evolution of the rule of law and democratic institutions has allowed societies to manage conflicts more peacefully, distribute resources more equitably, and make collective decisions that benefit the whole.

Similarly, the development of ethical norms and human rights frameworks has helped to protect individuals from abuse and ensure that everyone has a stake in the well-being of society.

In light of many recent events, one might question the effectiveness of our relatively new methods for mitigating Multipolar Traps, especially considering they represent a mere sliver of time in the vast expanse of human history, let alone compared to the entire history of life on Earth. Our current systems for managing these complex social and economic challenges could be as fragile as the earliest multicellular organisms emerging in a vast ocean dominated by single-celled competitors.

Imagine a society without these cooperative mechanisms. Individuals would be free to pursue their own interests without regard for others, leading to exploitation, conflict, and the erosion of public goods. In contrast, a society with strong cooperative institutions is able to channel individual efforts towards the common good, creating a Multipolar Win where everyone benefits from living in a stable, prosperous, and just community.

Consider the story of two neighbouring tribes. They often fight over hunting grounds, leading to losses on both sides. But then, a wise leader from one tribe reaches out to the other, proposing a truce and a system for sharing the hunting grounds. Initially met with suspicion, this proposal eventually leads to a period of peace and prosperity for both tribes as they cooperate and share resources.

If life can cooperate to create more than the sum of its parts, so can humans.

As human societies grew in size and complexity, they faced many of the same challenges that multicellular organisms did. How to ensure that all members of society were working towards the collective good? How to manage the inevitable conflicts that arise when individuals have different interests and goals? How to adapt to changing environmental and social conditions?

The answers to these questions were not always perfect, and human history is littered with examples of societies that failed to overcome their Multipolar Traps and collapsed as a result. But overall, the larger trend — so far — has been towards greater cooperation, specialisation, and adaptability.

From the first villages to modern global networks, human societies have become increasingly interconnected and interdependent.

The Evolutionary Pathway to Resilience and Antifragility

The evolutionary pathway of multicellular life, marked by a series of gradual genetic refinements that eventually led to robust and resilient organisms capable of thriving through the Cambrian Explosion, provides a compelling metaphor for the development and potential future of human societies.

Just as early multicellular life had to navigate and optimise genetic mutations for better coordination and cooperation, human societies continually refine and improve their systems of governance, economics, and social organisation to become more resilient, adaptable, and conducive to Multipolar Wins.

In early multicellular organisms, initial attempts at coordination, such as cellular adhesion and signalling, may not have been highly efficient and were subject to failures under stress. Similarly, our forms of human governance and social organisation have often faced challenges due to inefficiencies, lack of inclusivity, or poor adaptability to changing conditions. However, over time, both biological and social systems have evolved through incremental improvements, moving towards greater cooperation and mutual benefit.

In the biological world, genetic mutations that enhanced intercellular coordination and cooperation were naturally selected for their advantages, leading to more robust multicellular organisms. These mutations allowed for the emergence of Multipolar Wins, where the success of the organism as a whole was tied to the cooperative functioning of its constituent cells.

Similarly, in human societies, systems of governance, law, and economic exchange have evolved through both deliberate reform and the natural outcomes of trial and error, gradually improving their efficacy and resilience, and creating conditions for Multipolar Wins where the well-being of society is linked to the cooperative actions of its members.

This process of incremental improvement has not only made biological and social systems more resilient but has also contributed to the development of “antifragility.”

Antifragility, a term coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, refers to the property of systems that not only withstand stresses and failures but actually improve and grow stronger as a result.

In the biological world, antifragility is evident in how organisms and ecosystems adapt and evolve in response to environmental challenges. Stressors such as temperature changes, food scarcity, or predation pressure can spur adaptations that make the organism or system more resilient to future challenges. In the context of Multipolar Wins, antifragility implies that cooperative systems can become stronger and more beneficial for all participants when they are challenged and forced to adapt.

Similarly, in human societies, crises such as economic recessions, wars, or pandemics can sometimes lead to social, technological, and institutional innovations that make the society more resilient and adaptable in the long run, while also creating opportunities for Multipolar Wins.

For example, a global pandemic—although having a strong likelihood for chaos—also has the potential to spur the development of new forms of international cooperation in health care, leading to a more robust and equitable global health system. This potential is often only possible if we have first mitigated many other Multipolar Traps first.

The development of antifragility and the capacity for Multipolar Wins in both biological and social systems is not just about bouncing back from failures but about learning and growing from them. Just as a muscle grows stronger when subjected to stress and damage, societies can emerge from crises with new strengths, capabilities, and cooperative structures.

This process of learning and adaptation is evident in the way human societies have developed new technologies, social institutions, and cultural practices in response to historical challenges, often in ways that can facilitate Multipolar Wins by aligning individual and collective interests.

Moreover, the antifragility and potential for Multipolar Wins in social systems is enhanced by diversity and decentralisation. Just as genetic and species diversity enhances the resilience of ecosystems and their capacity for cooperative evolution, diversity in ideas, cultures, and approaches to problem-solving can make human societies more adaptable, innovative, and conducive to Multipolar Wins.

Decentralised decision-making and resource allocation, akin to the distributed control seen in multicellular organisms, can also enhance the adaptability and resilience of social systems, while creating more opportunities for local cooperation and Multipolar Wins.

As we look to the future, the lesson of antifragility and the potential for Multipolar Wins from both biological and social evolution is clear. To thrive in an uncertain and changing world, we must build systems that are not just robust but adaptable, not just resilient but antifragile, and not just competitive but cooperative.

This means fostering coordination, cooperation, win-win systems, aligned incentive structures, diversity, decentralisation, and the capacity for learning and growth. It means embracing the challenges and failures as opportunities for innovation, improvement, and the creation of Multipolar Wins that benefit all.

The story of multicellular life—and even some trends in human societies—is a story of the evolutionary pathway to cooperation, resilience, antifragility, and Multipolar Wins.

By understanding and emulating the principles of incremental improvement, learning from failure, and adaptive growth, we have the potential to build a future where our biological and social systems are not just able to withstand the challenges of an uncertain world, but to thrive, grow stronger, and create win-win outcomes for all because of them.

Facing the Multipolar Traps of the 21st Century

Today, we stand at a critical juncture in this evolutionary journey. The challenges we face, from climate change to economic inequality to pandemics, are global in scale and cannot be solved by any one nation or group acting alone. They require a level of cooperation and coordination unprecedented in human history.

These global challenges are quintessential examples of Multipolar Traps.

Climate change, for instance, is a trap where each country has an incentive to continue emitting greenhouse gases to boost its own economy, even though the collective result is a planet that becomes increasingly inhospitable for all. Similarly, economic inequality is a trap where each nation or corporation has an incentive to maximise its own wealth, even if this leads to a world of extreme disparity and social instability.

However, we are also seeing the emergence of Multipolar Wins in response to these traps. The Paris Agreement on climate change, for example, is a landmark international accord where nations agreed to work together to limit global warming. It represents a recognition that we are all in this together, and that no country can solve the climate crisis alone. Integral to this political agreement are incentive mechanisms like Carbon Credits, which create incentive structures for reducing emissions. By putting a price on carbon and allowing countries or companies to trade credits, these systems align economic incentives with the global goal of reducing emissions, creating a Multipolar Win.

Similarly, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a global initiative to promote a more equitable and sustainable world. They set out a shared vision for a future where all people can thrive, and where economic growth does not come at the cost of environmental destruction or social injustice. Achieving these goals will require innovative incentive structures that reward sustainable practices and cooperative behaviour.

In the realm of technology, the rise of decentralised networks also presents opportunities for Multipolar Wins. Like Carbon Credits, these systems often rely on tokenised incentive structures that encourage participants to act in ways that benefit the network as a whole. For example, many decentralised platforms reward users for contributing resources or validating transactions. By aligning individual incentives with the health and security of the network, these systems can foster cooperation and collective benefit.

These examples show that, even in the face of daunting global challenges, cooperation and collective action are possible. By designing intelligent incentive structures that align individual interests with collective goals, we can create the conditions for Multipolar Wins. Whether it’s through international agreements, sustainable development initiatives, or decentralised technologies, the key is to find ways to make cooperation pay off for everyone involved.

Of course, creating effective incentive structures is not simple. It requires a deep understanding of human motivation, game theory, and complex systems. It also requires ongoing experimentation, learning, and adaptation as conditions change and unintended consequences arise. It requires us to fundamentally rethink our relationships with each other and with the planet. It requires us to build new institutions and forms of governance that can manage our interdependence and align our interests. And it requires us to cultivate a new ethic of global citizenship, recognizing that our fates are intertwined and that we have a shared responsibility for the well-being of all.

But the potential rewards are immense: a world where our economic systems, technological platforms, and governance institutions are all working to promote cooperation, sustainability, and shared prosperity—not only for humans, but also for life itself.

In this context, the lessons from the evolution of multicellularity are more relevant than ever. They remind us that cooperation is not just a nice ideal, but a fundamental survival strategy. They show us that managing Multipolar Traps is not easy, but it is possible, and indeed necessary, for long-term flourishing.

The example shown by life itself, and the mathematics behind game theory demonstrates that we can overcome our short-term, individual interests to work towards a better future for all. By learning from these examples and continuing to innovate with incentive structures, we can hope to steer our civilization towards a more cooperative, resilient, and flourishing future.

The Power of Cooperation

The journey from single cells to multicellular life, and from competing tribes to global societies, is a testament to the power of cooperation. It is a story of how life has repeatedly found ways to overcome the Multipolar Traps of competition and individualism, and to create Multipolar Wins where the success of each is tied to the success of all.

At every stage of this journey, the evolution of both biological and social systems has been driven by the development of mechanisms to promote cooperation and collective flourishing. From the first genetic mutations that allowed cells to work together, to the social norms and institutions that enable human societies to thrive, the story of life is a story of the triumph of cooperation over competition.

And yet, the story is not over. As we face the global challenges of the 21st century, we are once again confronted with the need to overcome our Multipolar Traps and create “Multipolar Wins.” Whether it’s climate change, economic inequality, or global pandemics, the problems we face require us to cooperate on an unprecedented scale.

The good news is that we have the tools and the knowledge to do this. The lessons of evolution show us that cooperation is the key to survival and flourishing. The examples of Multipolar Wins throughout history — from the Cambrian Explosion to the Paris Agreement — show us that it is possible to align our interests and work together for the common good.

Looking to the future, we can envision a world where Multipolar Wins become the norm, driven by the potential tipping points for societal evolution. Global connectivity, enabled by the internet and communication technologies, could serve as a catalyst for cooperation and understanding, much like the development of nervous systems in multicellular organisms. Economic interdependence, with the recognition that the health of the global economy is tied to the health of each nation and the ecosystem, could drive a shift towards more cooperative and sustainable practices.

Moreover, cultural shifts towards values of empathy, sustainability, global citizenship and the understanding of how Multipolar Traps can be mitigated could lay the foundation for a new era of cooperation.

Policy innovations, such as global agreements on climate action, universal basic income, or participatory democracy, could institutionalise Multipolar Wins and ensure that the benefits of cooperation are shared by all.

These developments, if realised, could lead to a societal “Cambrian Explosion” of sorts — a rapid diversification of cooperative forms and a flowering of human potential. Just as the biological Cambrian Explosion was made possible by the cooperative foundations laid in the preceding era, a societal Cambrian Explosion would be the fruit of the seeds of cooperation we plant today.

But to get there, it will require us to fundamentally rethink our relationships with each other and with the planet. It will require us to build new forms of governance and new economic models that prioritise sustainability and equity. And it will require us to cultivate a new ethic of global cooperation, recognizing that our fates are intertwined and that we are all in this together.

This is the challenge and the opportunity of our time. Just as the first multicellular organisms had to learn to cooperate to survive, and just as the first human societies had to learn to work together to thrive, we must now learn to cooperate on a planetary scale to address the challenges we face.

The stakes could not be higher. The future of life on Earth may depend on our ability to overcome our Multipolar Traps and create Multipolar Wins.

If the history of life has taught us anything, it is that cooperation is the metric that points forward. By working together, by aligning our interests and our actions, we can create a future of shared prosperity and flourishing for all.

In the words of the renowned biologist Lynn Margulis, “Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking.” Beyond this insight is a monumental opportunity to extend cooperation — and also the opportunity to be part of the greatest story of cooperation in the history of life. Perhaps this insight can allow us to collectively find ways to rise to this moment, and let us create a future worthy of the incredible journey that has brought us here.

