Basic needs of a Multipotentialite

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4 min readSep 29, 2016

A NEED is something that is wanted or required. From the start of the civilization, human needs kept evolving. Moreover, the evolution of needs also depends on the stages of growth in human life cycle. As a Polymath, we are always passionate about our life interests, dives head-first into topics of interest, but eventually gets bored after some time and feel the need to move to the next thing. This cycle continues throughout our life, and at one stage we get frustrated and devastated.And all this is because most of us are unable to understand our needs clearly and prioritize them. This brings us to a conclusion that we ought to understand first — What exactly do I need from my life? Let’s discuss about needs of a multipotentialite.

To begin with, lets understand the hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow has beautifully portrayed the hierarchy of needs in his paper published in 1943. He used the terms “physiological”, “safety”, “belongingness” and “love”, “esteem”, “self-actualization”, and “self-transcendence” to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through.

The set of needs which I think are the most important for a Multipotentialite is “Self Esteem” & “Self Actualization”.

Needs of a Multipotentialite

Self Esteem

I want to be recognized by the society I live in. I want to feel respected and valued. People often engage in a profession or hobby to gain recognition. These activities give the person a sense of contribution or value. However, psychological imbalances such as depression can hinder the person from obtaining a higher level of self-esteem or self-respect.


This level of need refers to what a person’s full potential is and the realization of that potential. Maslow describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be. Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very specifically.

For example, one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, the desire may be expressed athletically. For others, it may be expressed in paintings, pictures, or inventions. These all are self-actualization needs that a person may fulfill in one’s life cycle.

Why is Self-Actualization important?

Most people have a need for stable self-respect and self-esteem. Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex may result from imbalances. People with low self-esteem often need respect from others; they may feel the need to seek fame or glory. However, fame or glory will not help the person to build their self-esteem until they accept who they are internally. Maslow also believed that to understand self-actualization, the person must not only achieve the previous needs, but master them and then move to the next.

Self actualization either help people achieve more in their life. Moreover it could also become the biggest hinderance in the path of progress. Self Actualization is also very important because this need is directly controls behavior, thinking and actions of people at a certain age and level. Along with self-esteem, this becomes the biggest factor that drives one’s life cycle.

How Hierarchy of Needs affects Multipotentialites?

As we discussed earlier, Multipotentialites always feel the need to move to the next thing because they get bored easily. This cycle continues throughout our life, and at one stage they get frustrated and devastated. And all this is because most of us are unable to fulfill our “Self Actualization” needs.

For Multipotentialites, these needs change over the course of time. For example, I wanted to be a football player in my childhood, then I grew up and started loving computers; graduated with Computer Science as my main subject. Later on I got thrilled by idea of joining Marketing and took career as a Marketer. So yes my needs and goals in life kept changing over the course of time and believe me, this could be very frustrating sometimes. I faced multiple challenges as I hopped through my interests all these years and I believe that all other polymaths out there have faced similar problems in their life.

So how are we going to overcome this. These problems are one of the biggest hurdles in the path of our progress. It is very important for us to understand what do we really need — To Think and To Do

I just realized that I’m a Multipotentialite — what should I do?

To grow and succeed as a Multipotentialite, one is required to identify their primary NEED i.e. to understand themselves. This starts with an exercise of self-exploration and self-assessment. You should always embrace all your interests and never underestimate yourself. Remember, being a polymath, you’ve good knowledge of multiple skills/subjects and therefore you always have that “Advantage”.

Identify and segregate your interests in two categories — one which can be taken up as CAREER and the others which can stay as HOBBIES. The segregation is important because our first priority is to satisfy our basic needs of food, shelter and security.

Your skills or interests that you’ve put under CAREER can help you earn money and the HOBBIES part can help you to enjoy your life. This fact may sound awkward and many of you will disagree, but trust me this is the best thing to start with. Always remember, we’re the special ones who are born to fly — so don’t underestimate your abilities.

When we don’t, we loose.
When we do, we thrive.

Compiled by Prateek

(Note: This article is a compilation of thoughts from the author and reference have been taken from internet)

Originally published at Multipotentialites.




Marketing Manager at Express KCS. #Multispecialist #learner #marketer #strategist #webdeveloper #foodie & #internetjunkie by heart