Diverse Dimensions to a personality of a Multipotentialite

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2 min readSep 11, 2016

It’s that saturation point again in your life and you have started feeling choked in the job. Isn’t it? Well, dear Mr./Ms. Multipotentialite do not worry because it’s just another time to change gear and race to another achievement. Multipotentiality itself, gives different dimensions to personality of a polymath. Here is what commonly defines your personality –

Multiple Intelligences– You people do not have a flat tone to your character. It’s as simple as that! A Multipotentialite has as many colors to his/her personality as a rainbow. Sometimes, even more than that. You have several layers of interest and it’s okay to explore each one of them.

A spectrum as diverse as a beam
– New ideas, new concepts, new projects and new struggles are your forte. What others find daunting is simply intriguing to you. There can be a spectrum of facets to your persona and believe me, it is absolutely normal. Your infinite spectrum takes you to explore a multude of subjects unless you satiate your curiosity.

You are the finite learners– It’s not easy being a Multipotentialite. There is a society that needs an answer. There is work, family and survival pressure. So, how do you cope up? Your instincts of hopping around from one career interest to another definitely add a constraint to your learning, which more or less remains finite. That being said, there is always a scope of revisiting a career interest, like a long-lost love who you wish to say ‘hi’ again.

Diverse dimensions, multiple facets and 3-D personality makes a Multipod different and segregated from the rest. The aura of such a person is impeccable and absorbing, like the endless curiosity of a baby who wants to touch, see and learn everything that comes its way!

Originally published at www.multipotentialites.com on September 11, 2016.




Marketing Manager at Express KCS. #Multispecialist #learner #marketer #strategist #webdeveloper #foodie & #internetjunkie by heart