It’s all in your DNA

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3 min readJan 7, 2016

I’m usually not into labels given by the society. I always felt that it draws the boundaries around my abilities and locks me in a closed box.

When I graduated I had to decide what next. I took a job in a bank, later switched to a consulting career but soon realized that I should teach children hence joined NGO for next sometime. Meanwhile, I knew that I had a fascination about Astrology; it feels awesome because through astrology, I could at-least identify and validate my interest areas. I wanted to know how planets influence us. My curiosity helped me dive deep into this subject and in a few years’ time, I was able to unlock one of biggest secret which I am going to share with you all here. Actually, this helped me broke the ice leading to acceptance of the truth that I am a multipotentialite.

Multipotentiality — An Astrological Perspective

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. While all this is happening all the time (24*365), some planetary conjunctions in a person’s birth chart influences and controls the field in which person will be interested to work i.e. what we call, THE TRUE CALLING. Any exception(s) to this rule leads a person to become a multipotentialite.

For example, when Saturn (planet of career) conjuncts with South-Node (Ketu — the creative energy), it results in a multidisciplinary career. Another example, when different planets conjunct in person’s first house of true self, it results in a career that moves in a different directions one after the other. Now, the question arises, is it good or not?

I will leave this to everyone reading this, because it all depends how much we know of our own self and how we are going to utilize it during our lifetime. I can just tell that these combinations have also produced some great inventors & leaders who have shaped the world in some way. So through studying this art (astrology) I have wholeheartedly:

  • Accepted that I am not alone since this conjunction of planets (according to my calculations) exists in at least 1/12 of world’s population. Yes, you read it right! That comes to nearly 60 million people worldwide.
  • Accepted that I am blessed to be able to be good at several things at once as idea synthesis and problem solving pretty easily comes to me.
  • Accepted that I am destined to pursue different interest areas and fulfill the life purpose in this way only.

In a nutshell, astrology has helped me to bridge the gap between the following two mindsets:

Negative Mentality

“What’s wrong with me? Why I can’t settle into a single field in my life. I feel confused at most of the time; a general feeling of loneliness had overpowered me. Sometimes, I don’t know why I’m doing this particular job and where will it lead me”.

Positive Mentality

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with me. This is the way I am wired to be. It’s in my DNA. It is a rare gift that has made me curious towards doing several things in my life. I am confident and feel energized most of the time. I am like a Free Bird without any societal pressures. I know I will die happy in the end”.

“I did not choose multipotentiality, multipotentiality chose me”




Marketing Manager at Express KCS. #Multispecialist #learner #marketer #strategist #webdeveloper #foodie & #internetjunkie by heart