Becoming a Multisport Dad

Brandon Dorman
Multisport Dad
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2022

Way back in 2007 I was challenged to do a triathlon after being a bad land athlete for most of my life (but good at swimming!). That ended up changing the course of my life, and from 2007–2014 I was engaged in a whole new world of local cycling, triathlon, mountain bike, running, and cyclocross races.

Then the first kid happened in 2014, and at the same time I moved to the Bay Area to work for my first startup. Going from a predictable teacher schedule to very unpredictable schedule/job insecurity and a second kid meant for about 6 years, life was about managing the day to day and squeezing in a workout when I could.

Finally in 2020 I started riding my road bike regularly again thanks in large part to a friend gifting me a trainer so I could somewhat train in the garage, making road rides much more fun. I even summited Mount Umunhum at about 3500 feet.

In 2021 we moved to Eugene, and the excellent riding around Eugene plus both kids in school meant I was able to ride more often for commuting, although a bit less on the weekends because of my wife’s doctorate work. But, work is getting into a rhythm and I’m learning how to be a middle aged triathlete and not a 23 year old who didn’t have any other responsibilities other than work.

I’ve signed up for the Silver Falls Half Marathon in November so am working on creating a training plan I’ll share here.

I’ve been considering signing up for an Ironman next year because it’s been a goal to do that before I turned 40, but one I sort of figured I’d never be able to do so gave up until about a year ago. However, eventually I decided there’s no real rush so I’ll do a full Half Ironman conveniently in Oregon next summer and then a full destination Ironman in 2024 when I actually am 40. 2023 already has some trips planned.

I’m excited to share my journey as well as how I’m incorporating my family into training, adventures, camping etc as we make our home in Eugene Oregon!



Brandon Dorman
Multisport Dad

Believer in Human Potential; want to help people get there through software and learning. Classroom teacher, adjunct professor, data science enthusiast.