MultiToken VS Competitors

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4 min readOct 11, 2018

Of the many questions we receive from the community, perhaps the most frequent is regarding what sets us apart from our competitors. MultiToken emphasizes a unique set of features that place us at the head of decentralized cryptocurrency investment products.

Take a look at these head-to-head comparisons to learn why MultiToken is the most advanced decentralized crypto fund available today:

Kyber Network: An exchange built upon the core concept of infinite liquidity. Kyber lets liquidity providers earn commission for the exchanges that use their liquidity. For dApps that use Kyber, there’s a Fee Sharing Program. New token listings are carried out in a centralized manner by the Kyber team.

MultiToken: Utilizes the same idea of the infinite liquidity via a simplified architecture which, importantly, lowers gas costs. Moreover, it won’t be necessary to overly engage liquidity providers since, to provide additional liquidity, investors’ funds are used, a process which provides additional income to investors.

Any MultiToken with the auto-rebalancing feature can be used to exchange the tokens which make it up — meaning, token listings on the MultiToken exchange are done in a decentralized way by the public.

The more exchanges operating with the idea of the infinite liquidity, the better it is for the market. Adding liquidity leads to spread reduction and, as a result, lower trade costs.

Bancor: A well -known exchange which is also built upon the idea of the infinite liquidity. Token listing process is centralized. Bancor has the highest gas expenses among the exchanges of its type.

MultiToken: The advantages MultiToken has over Bancor are the same as the advantages we listed versus Kyber.

UniSwap: Another exchange built upon the idea of infinite liquidity. They promise very low gas expenses per exchange operation. Difficult to gauge the advantages and disadvantages of UniSwap since the project hasn’t been released yet.

WandX: A decentralized exchange which uses Ethereum and NEO blockchains. It also utilizes token baskets to reduce trading fees. Assets are bundled into one token (a “basket”), but the baskets don’t make a profit because they are without rebalancing.

MultiToken: Multitokens, as opposed to WandX baskets, use rebalancing which is the key for generating a profit from a diversified portfolio.


TokenSets, GetBskt, CryptoBaskets: These are simple decentralized token baskets. They enable bundling tokens into a basket and unbundling them back into individual assets (tokens). There’s an additional fee for those creating baskets using CryptoBaskets. No rebalancing option for any of them.

MultiToken: Multitokens use rebalancing which is the key for generating a profit from a diversified portfolio.

Decentralized Funds

Melonport: A tool for a decentralized fund building. The funds are non -fiduciary. Portfolio diversity works through integration with decentralized exchanges (0x, ForkDelta). The Melonport system includes several modules and maintains smart contracts. It also has tools in place that reduce the risks of destructive portfolio manager actions (ie. selling portfolio below market value, frequent/inopportune deals, and so on).

MultiToken: MultiToken is Melonport’s direct competitor. With manually auto-rebalancing features that let us create and manage funds in a decentralized non-fiduciary format, we’re competing with Melonport by offering a better user interface and superior marketing to bring high liquidity to the MultiToken network.

RigoBlock: A decentralized platform for fund management. Their asset management feature works through DEX-connected interfaces. The DEX design is their own. Other features include a vault for tokens and an automatic fund return calculator. The project is in its early stages so additional advantages/disadvantages are unclear.

Centralized Funds

Blackmoon: A centralized fund. Provides different investment strategies for crypto and traditional assets alike.

MultiToken: Provides a decentralized non-fiduciary solution for transparent portfolio management. Since all the deals are conducted on the blockchain and the funds are not maintained outside of MultiToken smart contracts, Multitoken maintains ETH, tokens, and tokenized assets without putting them at risk from third parties.

Fund Platform: An instrument for funds with a unified trading interface and API access to several exchanges. The smart-contract is used for logging fund’s activities.

MultiToken: Provides funds with a decentralized non-fiduciary solution. Manages investors’ assets securely and without custody over them.

ICONOMI: A platform for investing in token baskets. The platform itself is wholly centralized but the ERC–20 baskets are assigned to the investor.

MultiToken: Provides a totally decentralized non-fiduciary investment process without reliance on a centralized point-of-failure or custodial services.


ShapeShift, Changelly: Centralized exchanges. They allow cross-chain coin swaps.

MultiToken: Enables cross-chain coin swaps in a decentralized, non-fiduciarily manner.

Trading Platforms

Yudi Token, Atlas Quantum: Arbitration platforms. Users invest funds, and the system uses them for spatial arbitrage among exchanges.

MultiToken: Doesn’t compete with arbitration platforms. Instead, MultiToken can be integrated with them.

Shrimpy: A platform for personal portfolio management. Enables auto-rebalancing based on user-specs. Access to exchanges happens via an API.

MultiToken: Provides a few rebalancing strategies similar to Shrimpy strategies but with expanded reach and improved rebalancing time frames. Moreover, MultiToken provides auto-rebalancing and non-fiduciary portfolio investments.

Investy: Platform that allows users to copy the strategies of popular VCs. The user’s money is settled in their accounts on exchanges. Deals are conducted automatically through an API.

MultiToken: Enables users to get a share in popular, top-performing funds without any fees to be paid. Users receive income based on the funds’ deals without having to copy them.

Genesis Vision: Platform for investing in traders. Traders are rated and users can invest money in traders’ investment strategies and receive a part of their profits. The mainstreaming of traders’ activity is conducted centrally and without transparency.

MultiToken: Enables users receive a funds’ portfolio share and receive a profit in proportion to the share without any fees to be paid. The interaction works transparently on the blockchain and users remain in constant control of their funds.




MultiToken enables anyone to create and manage baskets of tokenized assets.