Secretary of Modernization of the Nation // 2016/17/18/19
# Implementation in Areas of Government: 20
# Consultations: 24 general (219 specific)
# Collaborations: 1.040◎ Argentina
The challenge: create an open and transparent channel, easily scalable and replicable that allows the government to engage with various interest groups in a constructive collaboration ✔
What we did
⚫ Design and development: we developed a code based on DemocracyOS to support for citizen queries. We redesigned the graphical interface to prioritize the user experience and we implemented new functionalities such as: voting, hierarchical structuring, support, accordance gradients and multiple choice.
⚫ Implementation: since 2016 we have accompanied the various government areas that were involved throughout the process. The agencies that carried out the most consultations were the Ministry of Modernization, the Ministry of Transport and the Anti-Corruption Office. Thus, more than 20 consultations were published.
⚫ Training: we carried out trainings of the various government agencies involved, to promote meaningful and effective consultations to the citizens, focusing on mapping and involvement of affected communities and stakeholders. In this way, we facilitated the establishment of an open dialogue and a two-way participation.
Go to the portal of CONSULTA PUBLICA.
Citizen consultation: is a non-binding mechanism by which the government enables an institutional space for citizens to express themselves on draft resolutions, laws or public policies.