We are Democracia en Red

Don Powa
Democracia en Red
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2019

Democracia en Red was created in 2014 from the convergence of a group of entrepreneurs and professionals from a variety of disciplines: programmers, designers, political scientists, engineers, artists, educators, anthropologists, and sociologists all together with the objective of building a space to imagine, design and implement innovations in the political institutional system, through technological tools that expand the access of decision-making spaces to citizens.

From the begining, Democracia en Red it’ s been becoming part of the ecosystem of exchange between innovators In Latin America and this has been the heart of its institutional mission. It also has numerous bonds with various actors in the formal political system. Over the course of 5 years, Democracia en Red has consolidated a team of young professionals from a variety of disciplines who have chosen the organization a place to drive social change.

We work with the design and implementation of innovations that facilitate, and strengthen citizen participation in public decision-making. In particular, we develop comprehensive participation strategies for public institutions (national or local: executive or legislative) based on the use of digital technology such as the development of tailored digital platforms that encourage social awareness, foster communication strategies and have immense territorial impact.

Mission — Vision

Our mission is to experiment and innovate in politics, to redistribute decision-making.

Our vision of success can be reflected in having a greater number of citizens, from various socio-economic profiles, engaging with participatory processes that achieve results within public policy.

Areas of work

The projects of Democracia en Red can be divided into three strategic lines of work.


Political participation facilitated by Technology.

We develop innovative participatory processes using technology and non-digital tools.

In this line, we developed DemocracyOS, a participation platform that allows citizens to inform themselves, debate and vote more quickly and easily.

This platform has been used by more than 40 institutions and we have actively been involved in targeted use with local governments such as the municipality of Vicente López, the national government of Argentina and the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Argentina. These projects each required different technical specifications and integrated strategies that included a communication plan to reach the citizens and organizations involved


Teaching and tools for collective action.

We develop civic education projects with innovative pedagogical approaches. In 2018 we developed a guide, aimed at young people, to discuss, inform and exchange opinions about public issues on social networks for the production and spreading of content.


Regional networks for innovative political social projects.

We are part of regional networks for political innovation, such as the Political Innovation Network and the Latin American Connections of Political Innovations (LCPI), which work from the political system and civil society to create that suit scalable/expandable/extensible solutions in/for different countries, to learn from local experiences and discuss implementations of the same tools in a variety of socioeconomic contexts and institutions.

At the local level, we help form the Open Parliament Network of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Argentina and OGP Argentina, together with other organizations, working to promote open government and legislative transparency.

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