How to speed up your Elixir compile times (part 2) — test your understanding!

Tim Gent
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2022

This post gives a few examples to help you get your head around how the Elixir compiler deals with dependencies. Try your best to work out the answers without reading ahead — it’ll do wonders for your understanding! You can find the examples on Github. I also recommend reading part 1 of the series which explains some key details of how Elixir compilation works. Part 3 is now available which covers strategies for improving your compile times.

Challenges (solutions below)

1. Starting simple

If we edit a.ex below which files will be recompiled?

# a.ex
defmodule A do
def a, do: "a"
# b.ex
defmodule B do
def b, do: A.a()

2. Little harder…

Part a) If we edit a.ex below which files will be recompiled?
Part b) If we edit b.ex below which files will be recompiled?

# a.ex
defmodule A do
def a, do: "a"
# b.ex
defmodule B do
@a A.a()
def b, do: @a

3. Keep that brain working…
If file a.ex is changed which files get recompiled?

# a.ex
defmodule A do
def a, do: "a"
# b.ex
defmodule B do
def b, do: A.a()
# c.ex
defmodule C do
@b B.b()
def c, do: @b

4. Still with me?
If file b.ex is changed which files will be recompiled?

# a.ex
defmodule A do
def a, do: "a"
# b.ex
defmodule B do
def b, do: A.a()
# c.ex
defmodule C do
def c, do: B.b()
# d.ex
defmodule D do
@a A.a()
def d, do: @a

5. Let’s go round again…
Part a)
If file b.ex is changed which files will be recompiled?

# a.ex
defmodule A do
def a, do: C.c()
# b.ex
defmodule B do
def b, do: A.a()
# c.ex
defmodule C do
def c, do: B.b()
# d.ex
defmodule D do
@a A.a()
def d, do: @a

Part b)
Same question but with the following tweak to the files:

# a.ex
defmodule A do
def a, do: C5.c()
def a2, do: "a"
# b.ex
defmodule B do
def b, do: A.a()
# c.ex
defmodule C do
def c, do: B.b()
# d.ex
defmodule D do
@a A.a2()
def d, do: @a

6. Let’s think about structs

# a.ex
defmodule A do
defstruct [:name, :age]
def a, do: "a"
defmodule B6 do
def b(%A{name: name}), do: name

Part a) If the field height were added to the struct defined in a.ex which file(s) would be recompiled?

Part b) If A.a() were updated to return "b" then which file(s) would be recompiled?

7. More structs…

If the field height were added to the struct defined in a.ex which file(s) would be recompiled?

# a.ex
defmodule A do
defstruct [:name, :age]
def a, do: "a"
defmodule B6 do
def b(%{name: name}), do: name

8. What about using import?

# a.ex
defmodule A do
def a, do: "a"
defmodule B6 do
import A
def b, do: a()

Part a) Which files would be recompiled if change A.a() so it takes 1 argument?

Part b) Which files would be recompiled if we add a new function foo to the A module?

Part c) Which files would be recompiled if we make a return "a2" instead of just returning "a"?

9. And Macros?

# a.ex
defmodule A9 do
defmacro a(_clause), do: "X"
def woo, do: "woo"
# b.ex
defmodule B9 do
alias A9
require A9
def b, do: A9.a("some clause")

Part a) If we change the implementation of the a macro which files will be recompiled?

Part b) If we change the implementation of the woo function which files will be recompiled?


Have you answered all of the above challenges? Check below to see how you got on!

  1. Only a.ex will be recompiled. b.ex only has a runtime dependency on a.ex, not a compile-time dependency
  2. a)a.ex and b.ex will both be recompiled because b.ex has a compile-time dependency on a.ex. Remember that any code outside of a method will be called at compile-time.
    b) Only b.ex will be recompiled — the dependency is only from b to a, not the other way around
  3. a.ex will be recompiled because it was modified. c.ex will be recompiled because it has a transitive compile-time dependency on C. Remember anything with a compile-time dependency on another file, will also have a transitive compile-time dependency on all the other files runtime dependencies
  4. Only b.ex will be recompiled, no other files have a compile-time or transitive compile-time dependency on it!
  5. Part a) This is a bit of a trick question. What will happen is the compiler will hang indefinitely in an infinite loop. At compile-time module D needs to call A.a() , which calls C.c(), which calls B.b() which calls A.a(), and so on in a never-ending loop.
    Part b) Fixes this issue, so in that case b.ex and d.ex will both be recompiled. d.ex will be recompiled because it has a compile-time dependency on a.ex. Because a.ex has a runtime dependency on c.ex, and c.ex depends on b.ex, d.ex therefore has transitive compile-time dependencies on a.ex, b.ex, and c.ex. You may have noticed a, b, and c form a dependency cycle, which is something to avoid if you can!
  6. Part a) Both a.ex and b.ex would be recompiled — a.ex because it has been modified. b.ex because it depends on the struct from a.ex and that struct has been modified.
    Part b) Only a.ex would be recompiled. Because b.ex has an export dependency (because it depends on the struct from A), it will need to be recompiled only if the struct itself changes. Other details of A can change and not impact B at all
  7. Only a.ex would be recompiled — as B no longer references the struct from A it doesn’t have any dependencies on A.
  8. Part a) a.ex and b.ex would both be recompiled. When you use import then if any of the function signatures (i.e. names of functions or the number of arguments) change then
    Part b) a.ex and b.ex would both be recompiled. Again because we used import any change in the function signatures (including adding a new function)
    Part c) Only a.ex would be recompiled because only the implementation changed — the function signatures in A didn’t change (all function names and numbers of arguments remained the same)
  9. Part a) b.ex has a compile time dependency on a.ex because it calls the macro from a.ex, which is executed at compile-time
    Part b) As with part a, both files will be recompiled. Remember compile-time dependencies are just known about at the file level, so even though we haven’t changed the macro itself, b.ex still needs to be recompiled. Of course the compiled version of b.ex will be identical, but the compiler doesn’t know that

What next?

In the next final article in this series I’ll share strategies to help improve compile times. Also Multiverse is hiring so if you love working on interesting technical challenges and would like to help us build an outstanding alternative to university we’d love to hear from you!

