Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Multiversum Paves Blockchain Future With Fourth Generation Technology

2 min readApr 23, 2018


Multiversum team is back on familiar grounds, but London will forever remain in our hearts. Our two-day long event at the Olympia Blockchain Expo was a testament to the best the crypto community had to offer. Multiversum Founder, Andrea Taini, led our world-class in unveiling the revolutionary fourth generation blockchain technology to a rapt audience.

Blockchain Technology for Everybody

Presenting the perfect synthesis of three different generations of blockchain technology, Andrea demonstrated Multiversum’s groundbreaking relational data link system that facilitates limitless connections between any kind of data, and decentralized on-chain storage.

Multiversum also boasts of data sharding, resilient network with recovery nodes, autonomous hierarchical distribution of computation among cluster nodes, biometric input and a new consensus model based on cryptographic proof of server code (Proof of Integrity, PoI). This allows for an allows for an unparalleled speed of 0.02 seconds per transactions, eco-friendly footprint, scalability throughput of 64000TpS on a 64 core server with 64+ technology support.

Developing Partnership

Applauded by the audience as everything a business or institution could ever dream of, Multiversum was at the forefront of many a discussion with government representatives seeking to integrate blockchain technology into their infrastructure. One parliamentary group has even tasked us with creating a technical proposal for using Multiversum as technology for voting system. The proposal will be submitted to the Parliament in the first quarter of May and is expected to be voted into law by June.

The team was also able to network with over 20 blockchain-based startups across the globe interested in leveraging Multiversum as an infrastructure for their disruptive solutions.

Can I Get an Encore?

Buoyed by the interest and positive outcome of our London Expo (1000 flyers distributed in under four hours, more than 400 interested clients, and over 50 cooperative contacts from various sectors), our tireless team has applied itself to physically connecting with our community and will be attending future blockchain roadshows. Getting to know our community and their expectations of our project is the only way we can continue to shape the future of the blockchain.

Multiversum, here to stay.

