5 Things You Can Spend Your Crypto On

Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2018

Multy Team has recently participated in WebSummit which was a great experience worth a special post. During this several days, we were lucky to find many useful contacts, get to know really cool teams and meet some really amazing people, like this cute couple from Estonia.

Meet Oliver and Agnes. They came up to the Multy booth during the second day of WebSummit and we had a great conversation. Oliver was amazed by functionality and simplicity of Multy wallet and told us that he is a crypto-enthusiast with 3 years experience of buying crypto and buying FOR crypto. Even the phone on this picture was bought for Bitcoin!

The conversation with Oliver and Agnes inspired us to find easy and simple use cases of cryptocurrencies. Many people think that crypto is still some niche thing which you can only use for ICOs and in DarkWeb. But that’s not true! We’ve made a research and here we go: 9 ways to spend your crypto.


Nowadays, paying crypto for travel is not something to be surprised by. Such travel giant as Expedia, and established travel agents such as CheapAir and Destinia accept Bitcoin as a payment method to book flights, hotels, and car rentals. If you prefer to stay in an apartment, here is a crypto-counterpart of AirBnb — CryptoCribs which takes not only BTC, but also ETH as a means of payment.

If you think that usual travel is boring and so last season — try this: commercial space travel company, Virgin Galactic, announced in November 2013 that is accepting bitcoin payments for space travel bookings.


Could you imagine a couple of years ago that you’d be able to buy a car with cryptocurrency?

Now you can! And not just “some car” — you can buy a Lamborghini using Bitcoin!

For instance, the luxury marketplace De Louvois offers a range of luxury goods such as sports cars, villas, art, and fine wines for those whose digital pockets are deep enough. All the payments are made using BTC.

Real Estate

If you’re not rich enough yet to buy a villa for 2,716 BTC, don’t worry: there are some other options available, more modest ones.

Propy.com is the world’s first international real estate that accepts cryptocurrency as payment to enable you to buy property.

Another example is MyCOINrealty.com. It advertises homes you can purchase using your Bitcoin. A few examples of transactions already made here include: the purchase of a spectacular villa in Indonesia worth 1000 BTC in 2014, 3 acres of land in Paradise Bay and 157,000 BTC home in Vegas.


Besides luxurious goods and travel tickets, you can pay with crypto for something even more important — education!

More and more schools are accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. According to Futurism.com, universities in Switzerland, Germany, Cyprus, and the United States have started to accept Bitcoin as payment. For instance, The University of Nicosia in Cyprus is the first accredited university in history to accept Crypto for tuition as well as other fees.


Not only expensive things can be bought with BTC and ETH.

Fast food restaurants are also getting a piece of cryptocurrency. Subway, a major player in the fast food industry, is accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment. They have followed suit by allowing bitcoins to be traded for meal items.

In this day and age, when the number of crypto enthusiasts is growing every day, more and more independent small crypto cafes and restaurants are opening. By the way, we’ve visited one during our WebSummit trip!

All in all, you can see, that even if some people don’t believe in crypto or think that it’s too early to start implementing it in our everyday life, you still have a lot of cool and easy ways of what to spend your BTC or ETH on. And speaking of easy-peasy: Multy makes crypto payments possible in just one click.

