I’ve Become a Meme Mum

Juliet Lara
Mum Hug
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2024
Photo by Carlos Quintero on Unsplash

I’m going out tonight for the first time in five years after I’ve become a mum.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but it’s true!

I’ve never had time away from my children after I’ve given birth to them, let alone spending the night away from them tonight.

I nervously scour through my makeup bag, tucked behind the medicine cabinet; oh yes, that’s where I keep them now because I have not used them in a very long time.

I opened the makeup pouch only to find each piece expired, dried up, and, worst, mouldy.

I get into a state of panic, sadness, and then survivor mode, trying to work out which ones I can still salvage.

As I go through a McGyver state of mind to magically conjure something remotely useful from my expired makeup, I realised that today, at forty-one years old — I’ve become a meme.

Ahh so this is where I find myself to be, I’ve truly become the ‘After kids’ mum!

Okay, I need to keep focus now.

I still need to get myself together to make tonight’s event. I wonder if I can keep my hunger at bay. I eat my dinner at 5.30 pm now, just like my kids!

Right, I also haven’t had alcohol in almost three years, thanks to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

I’m beginning to realise just how sad my current state is.

I get myself ready.

At least I had the foresight to rent a lovely dress that is my size right now.

As I put on the dress, I noticed that my breasts had become deflated, mishap-shaped things which gravity seemed adamant in pulling down. So, armed with chicken fillets and double-sided tapes — I manage to get into the dress.

I’m now ready to leave my door with my husband beside me, and we venture out into the unknown together -

A night out with other adults without the kids!

At this stage, I’m not sure how to feel.

Let me try to explain — the “Me” right now.

I look at her in the mirror in the bathroom of our event — who is she? What is she about?

She isn’t the 30-something anymore who loved a night out and dressing up. Yet, as I stare at her tonight, she isn’t the usual daggy, tired-looking mum running her children to daycare that I know.

She does look nice… so who is she?

I try to remember the sequence of actions and feelings that got me to this moment and realise I’m okay.

I give myself permission to feel okay.

All my makeup may have expired, but they are just makeup. I can get myself new ones. It doesn’t mean my life has expired.

Because I don’t expire.

I keep going.

I keep growing.

I don’t quite know yet who the woman in this mirror staring back at me. I know this is a new path we are forging.

She is me.

And I know she is worth taking care of.

This entry is for all mothers, mothers-to-be, and all women. We all get into a phase of our lives where we serve others first before ourselves. Then, one day, unintentionally, we lose ourselves along the way. I write this piece for you to note that you’re never truly lost; you have always been there, and your light will keep shining.

Today is International Women’s Day, and for the whole month of March — Happy International Women’s Month!

You are magic, and you are love.

