Photo by ©Diego Caravana


Nadia Camandona
MumHugger in London


One day, talking about children’s clothes with my Italian friend -who has been living in London for many years-, I offered, for her kid, a pair of my child’s trousers that were tight. She immediately accepted and offered me some of her daughter’s clothes for mine. She said: “I wanted to offer them to you before, but I know that Italian moms don’t like used clothes”.

I wasn’t surprised. Why? Because only an year and half ago I lived in Italy and I saw with my own eyes that, despite the economic crisis, people prefer to buy new things rather than used things. In London, not only for children, but also for adults, buying used things is normal.

My children are always excited to wear their friends’ clothes. What is a shame for adults, is happiness for children.

Using second-hand things does not mean being poor but, rather, being smart people.

Wealth is not in our pockets and in the things we buy but in our brains and in our ability to understand the absurdity of the waste that surrounds us.
When we buy a new item, let’s ask ourselves: “Is it really necessary?” And if the answer is “Yes”, ask yourself: “This second-hand item would not be the same?” If the answer is always “No”, don’t worry! Obviously your brain is still brand new and needs to be used a bit!



Nadia Camandona
MumHugger in London

A MamManager in London, between brushes and cookers, happily in (de) growth. Una MamManager a Londra, tra pennelli e fornelli, in felice (de)crescita.