Flutter Widget Showdown: SizedBox vs. Container

Filip Doganowski
Tech Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2023
Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

When it comes to managing spacing and layout in your Flutter app, both Container and SizedBox offer unique strengths and benefits. In this showdown, we’ll dive deep into the similarities and differences between these two fairly simple widgets, and help you decide which one to use depending on the situation.

The Battle Begins: Container vs. SizedBox

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels


First up, let’s take a closer look at the SizedBox widget. As its name suggests, SizedBox is designed for managing spacing and layout by defining a fixed width and height. It’s perfect for situations where you need to create fixed-sized gaps between widgets or enforce a minimum size constraint.

Key? key,
double? width,
double? height,
Widget? child})

And because it’s so lightweight, SizedBox can help improve your app’s performance by reducing unnecessary rendering and layout computations.

Some might argue that the SizedBox is similar to a Container widget but with fewer properties to configure.


On the other side of the ring, we have the Container widget. As one of the most versatile widgets in the Flutter toolkit, Container can be used to define a wide range of layout properties such as padding, margins, borders. It’s also highly customisable, with options for changing colors, gradients, shadows, and more making it a valuable tool for creating both simple and complex UI designs.

{Key? key,
AlignmentGeometry? alignment,
EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding,
Color? color,
Decoration? decoration,
Decoration? foregroundDecoration,
double? width,
double? height,
BoxConstraints? constraints,
EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin,
Matrix4? transform,
AlignmentGeometry? transformAlignment,
Widget? child,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none})

As you can see, the Container widget has way more properties than the SizedBox widget, which makes it a more versatile tool for creating complex UI layouts that require precise control over spacing, alignment, and other properties.

Ok, but when should I use which widget?

Photo by Yan Krukau from Pexels

When to Use SizedBox

If you need to enforce a fixed size constraint or create a fixed-size gap between widgets, then SizedBox is the widget for you. And because it’s so simple and straightforward to use, SizedBox is a great choice for beginners who need to quickly create layouts without getting bogged down in complex syntax.

When to Use Container

If you need a highly customizable widget that can handle a wide range of layout properties, then Container is the way to go. With its support for padding, margins, borders, and more, Container is a great choice for creating complex UI layouts that require precise control over spacing and alignment. Additionally, if you need to add visual flair to your design with colors, gradients, and shadows, then Container has you covered.

The Verdict

In the end, both Container and SizedBox are fairly simple widgets that can help you achieve your layout and design goals in a Flutter app. Which one you choose really depends on your specific requirements and design preferences. If you need a highly customizable widget with support for a wide range of layout properties, then Container is the way to go. But if you need a lightweight widget that can enforce a fixed size constraint or create a fixed-size gap between widgets, then SizedBox is the clear winner.


SizedBox can be declared as a const, which is not possible with Container. It’s worth considering if this is something you need.

The linter recommends using SizedBox instead of Container for creating whitespaces, so just go with it.

Please share your thoughts on these widgets and let me know which one you prefer to use in specific situations!



Filip Doganowski
Tech Blog

Passionate Flutter Developer, Project Manager and Content Creator, visit my website: https://flutterdog.com