Towards Machine Learning - Cloud Services

Fatima Mubarak
Tech Blog
Published in
5 min readDec 27, 2022

Machine Learning and Cloud Computing are the most powerful technologies in today’s technology-driven society. Both of these technologies are critical to the growth of small and large enterprises.


This article explain why cloud computing is essential for machine learning. Then it illustrates some of the machine learning services offered by leading cloud providers.

This is the fourth article of the “Towards Machine Learning” series. You can check the previously published articles on the following links:

Why Cloud computing is important for Machine Learning?

Cloud computing is the transmission of computer services such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence through the Internet to provide faster innovation and more flexible resources.

Machine Learning assists users in making predictions and developing algorithms that can learn independently from past data. However, various machine learning algorithms require a lot of storage, making it difficult for machine learning specialists to work with. In such cases, cloud computing becomes a turning point for implementing machine learning models. Cloud computing aids in the enhancement and growth of machine learning applications.

Machine learning creates intelligent devices or software, whereas cloud computing offers storage and security for these applications.

Cloud ML (Reference: Javatpoint )

Machine learning needs a large amount of computing power, data storage, and multiple servers running simultaneously. At the same time, cloud computing offers new servers with pre-defined data and transferring resources over the Cloud (internet).

Machine learning services provided by top cloud platforms

Although there are different types of cloud computing platforms available on the internet, only a few are widely used for machine learning. This section lists the main ML services offered by leading cloud providers.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon web service (Reference: sccenlared )

The products that are provided by AWS:

  • Amazon Sage Maker: This product assists in the creation and training of machine learning models.
  • Amazon Forecast: This product increases the precision of ML model predictions.
  • Amazon Translate: It is used to translate languages in NLP and ML.
  • Amazon Personalize: This product creates a variety of personal recommendations within the machine learning system.
  • Amazon Polly: It is used for converting text into speech format.
  • AWS Deep Learning AMI’s: This product is mostly used to solve deep learning issues in ML.
  • Amazon Augmented AI: It implements human review in ML models.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure (Reference: CEYENNE)

Microsoft Azure is also a popular cloud computing platform offered by Microsoft in 2010. It is popular among data scientists and machine learning professionals for data analysis.

  • Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service: This product allows you to deliver smart cognitive services for ML applications.
  • Microsoft Azure Bot Service: The main focus of this product is the creation of intelligent bot services for ML applications.
  • Microsoft Azure Databricks: This product provides Apache Spark-based analytics.
  • Microsoft Azure Cognitive Search: This product focuses on mobile and web applications within Machine Learning.
  • Microsoft Azure Machine Learning: This product is responsible for the deployment of ML over cloud.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Cloud ML(Reference: springml)

Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing platform owned by Tech Giant Google, developed in 2008. It provides its infrastructure to clients to develop machine learning models over the cloud.

  • Google Cloud Vision AI: This product enables machine learning applications to easily integrate vision detection functions such as image labelling, text detection, face detection, etc.
  • Google Cloud AI Platform: This product enables machine learning models to be developed, sampled and managed.
  • Google Cloud Text-to-Speech: This product assists in transmitting text data into speech format for training machine learning models.
  • Google Cloud Speech-to-Text: This product support 120+languages for transmitting speech data into text format.
  • Google Cloud Auto ML: It helps train a machine learning model and generate automating machine learning models.
  • Google Cloud Natural Language: This product is used in NLP for analysis and classification of text.

IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud (Reference: wikipedia)

IBM Cloud is open-source cloud computing. It includes a variety of cloud delivery models that are public, private, and hybrid models. IBM Cloud ML products are:

  • IBM Watson Studio: This product helps in developing, running, and managing machine learning and Artificial Intelligent models.
  • IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding: Helps in analyzing and classifying text in NLP.
  • IBM Watson Speech-to-Text: This product is responsible for converting speech into text.
  • IBM Watson Assistant: This product is used to create and manage the personal virtual assistant.
  • IBM Watson Visual Recognition: helps machine learning to search for visual images and classify them.
  • IBM Watson Text-to-Speech: This product is responsible for converting text into voice format.


Machine Learning in parallel with cloud computing is vital for next-generation technology. Cloud computing is enhancing the need for machine learning since it provides an excellent platform for machine learning models with an immense amount of data. It may also train new systems, find patterns, and make predictions. The Cloud provides a scalable, on-demand data collection, storage, curation, and processing environment.



Fatima Mubarak
Tech Blog

Data scientist @montymobile | In my writing, I explore the fields of data science , machine learning and related topics.