Unleashing the Power of Serverless Computing

Batoul Srour
Tech Blog
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2024
Created by Gencraft

Imagine a life in which you can develop and deploy applications without ever using a server. There is no provisioning, patching, or scaling issues — just pure code that swings into action when it’s needed. This is the expectation of serverless computing, which is an entirely different cloud computing approach that is quickly changing the world of software development.

But “Serverless”? Doesn’t that look challenging?

Behind the scenes, servers remain the workhorses, but the magic is in who runs them. Instead of having to deal with infrastructure, your cloud provider will handle everything for you, allowing you to focus on what really matters: writing creative code.

A definition of serverless by Martin Fowler :

Serverless can also mean applications where server-side logic is still written by the application developer, but, unlike traditional architectures, it’s run in stateless compute containers that are event-triggered, ephemeral (may only last for one invocation), and fully managed by a third party.”

How it works?

Serverless computing allows you to create functions that are triggered by problems (user clicks, APIs…). The cloud provider allocates the resources required to run your code, easily scales it up or down based on demand, and shuts it down when the task is completed. You simply pay for the milliseconds your code takes to execute, resulting in significant cost savings and enhanced efficiency. It’s similar to renting a car that you just use when needed and someone else cleans and maintains it!

Exploring the perks of serverless computing

Enhanced developer productivity

Developers can focus on developing application code and company logic without having to worry about setting up, supervising, or developing infrastructure.

Improved Cost Efficiency

Developers only pay for the resources they use and never have to pay for idle capacity with pay-for-use invoicing. Compared to standard cloud models, this can result in significant price reductions.

Cloudflare (https://twitter.com/Cloudflare/status/1181892248981688320)

Scalability and availability

Serverless applications can scale up and down dynamically based on demand and are resistant to failures and outages. For serverless apps, the cloud provider manages load balancing, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery.

Faster Development

Serverless eliminates the obstacles of traditional infrastructure administration, enabling developers to build and deploy code at breakneck speed. This short development cycle encourages creativity and experimentation, allowing you to get your applications into the hands of users much faster.

Generated by Copilot

In comparison to PaaS

Given the similarities between Serverless FaaS operations and Twelve-Factor apps, are they simply another sort of “Platform as a Service” (PaaS)?Adrian Cockcroft provides a simple answer.


PaaS applications weren’t created to handle large-scale triggered by events applications, while FaaS platforms are. This variation in functioning has a substantial influence on application development and programming. Scalability is the primary operational distinction between FaaS and PaaS. PaaS applications need careful scaling planning, but FaaS apps are more transparent and cost-effective.

The main purpose for implementing a PaaS is for devices, and some people make use of platforms such as Cloud Foundry to give a cohesive development experience across a hybrid public and private cloud. However, at the time of writing, there is no developed FaaS opposing direction.

Eco-friendly computing

The worldwide growth of data centers over the past decades has resulted in huge power requirements, pushing organizations such as Apple and Google to locate some of their data centers near renewable energy sources.

Typical servers in business and enterprise data centers deliver between 5 and 15 percent of their maximum computing output on average over the course of the year.


However, powered servers that are idle waste a huge amount of energy, necessitating the construction of bigger and larger data centers. This waste has a severe environmental impact.

Cloud infrastructure has helped to mitigate this impact by allowing businesses to purchase more servers as needed, but it may have exacerbated the problem if many machines are left without sufficient capacity control. Companies no longer have to make capacity decisions on their own with a Serverless strategy, allowing providers to offer exactly enough computing capacity for their needs in real-time.

Compared to traditional capacity management systems, this leads to more effective consumption of resources across data centers and a lower environmental impact.

Code Snippet

This code snippet represents a basic structure for serverless functions that:

  • Accept input data from an event.
  • Perform some processing or interact with external services.
  • Return a response with the results or generated data.
  • It’s commonly used in platforms like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, or Azure Functions.
  • Actual implementation of processData() would vary depending on the specific task the function performs.
exports.handler = async (event) => {
// Access data from event object
const data = event.body;

// Perform data processing or call external services
const processedData = await processData(data);

// Return response
return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify(processedData) };

Key Vendors in Serverless Computing

Serverless computing services are offered by a variety of organizations in the tech sector. The following companies are market leaders in serverless computing:

  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • Alibaba
  • Oracle Corporation
  • Firebase

Quotes from industry experts

Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon

“Serverless is the natural evolution of cloud computing. It allows you to focus on building great applications without having to worry about infrastructure.”

James Governor, RedMonk analyst

“Serverless is a game-changer for developers. It enables them to build and deploy applications faster and with less operational overhead.”


Afterward, serverless computing isn’t just about technology; it’s about people. Serverless frees developers from the boundaries of server maintenance, allowing them to focus their talents and efforts on what matters: writing amazing code and designing exceptional user experiences. This shift in focus encourages creative thinking, generated by the knowledge that infrastructure will not be a bottleneck. So, if you are interested in attracting and retaining top talent, enabling your engineers to realize their full potential, and unleashing the power of code, serverless is more than a feasible alternative; it’s an essential strategic decision.

So, unplug the wires, embrace the serverless revolution, and start coding code that honestly scales on demand. The future of cloud computing is here, and it seems to be extremely fluffy.



