Developers and the Rise of LLMs

Fatima khanjar
Tech Blog
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2023



In technological world, the arrival of Large Language Models (LLMs) caused debates regarding their ability to replace human software developers. As we investigate this issue, it is critical to recognize the historical background of software engineering and the role these models play in transforming the industry.

Will Large Language Models End Programming? (

Historical Background

Software engineering has grown significantly from its earliest days, when programming was regarded less important than hardware-related jobs. Over time, initiatives have been made to simplify programming and reduce dependency on software engineers, with languages such as FORTRAN as well as COBOL trying to allow non-programmers to create code. However, rather than making developers outdated, these developments have highlighted the importance of talented engineers in the face of growing complexity.

Large Language Models 101: History, Evolution and Future (scribbledata)

What is the role of LLM models?

The recent development of LLMs, such as GPT-4, brought back worries about software engineer specialization. LLMs are powerful AI models that can interpret and generate human-like writing.

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While these models may automate everyday tasks like auto-completion and data sorting, they lack the deep understanding and skill that human engineers possess. LLMs follow pretrained patterns and lack a solid understanding of the different requirements and interactions inside a program.

Implications for the Tech Labor Market

While LLMs may increase productivity by automating everyday tasks, history has shown that seeking to reduce the role of developers frequently results in increased complexity. Human insight and creativity remain important as LLMs automate tasks. Developers will instead focus on problem solving, design, and strategic thinking, collaborating with LLMs to increase efficiency and creativity. The development of tools like compilers, which were originally intended to ease programming, has allowed developers to focus on more complex components of software design.

The Inevitable Rise of LLMs

As the digital century begins, LLMs emerge as serious competitors in the field of software engineering. Doubters say that these models only help developers, yet there is challenging proof to suggest they have the capacity to reshape the industry.

The rise of large language models (LLMs) (durgeshrai2510)
  1. The Capacity of LLMs:
    Each generation of LLMs delivers a significant improvement in capacity. With more training data and updated algorithms, they will be able to understand and produce advanced code. Today’s autocomplete suggestions may turn into completely functioning software modules later.
  2. Cost Efficiency:
    LLMs provide a one-time investment that may be used to complete endless programming tasks without the cost of human resources. Their cost-effectiveness makes them a good choice for companies wanting to speed up development processes.
  3. Speed and Scalability:
    LLMs may produce, test, and debug code in real time and operate continuously. This makes them ideal for large-scale initiatives that require quick development.
  4. The Trade-off Between Human Error and AI Hallucinations:
    While LLMs can reduce traditional human mistakes, they can bring new kinds of errors called “hallucinations.” “Hallucinations” in this context refers to the generation of incorrect or inaccurate data. Addressing these AI-specific weaknesses would need careful management and validation.
  5. Integration with Other AI Systems:
    LLMs will not function in isolation. As they connect with other AI systems in responsible for design, testing, and deployment, completely automated software development systems may form.
  6. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
    Language models are always learning and growing, adjusting to new data and tasks in the same way that a human brain could. This refers to LLMs that keep up with the constantly evolving world, providing ever-increasing accuracy, relevance, and understanding.

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Some people argue that LLMs cannot match the level of complexity and originality that human engineers provide. While this is true to some degree, the issue remains: as LLMs grow, will the difference between machine-generated and human-generated code become indistinguishable?


The trend toward LLMs suggests a future in which they play a more significant role in software engineering. While it is doubtful that human engineers will become completely outdated, their responsibilities may change significantly. They may become supervisors, directing and fine-tuning AI outputs, or they could specialize in more abstract areas like software design and architecture, leaving ordinary tasks to machines.


[1] Ozkaya, I., Carleton, A., Robert, J. E., & Schmidt, D. (Vanderbilt University). (2023, October 2). Application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Software Engineering: Overblown Hype or Disruptive Change?

[2]Odendahl, M. (2023, March 23). LLMs will fundamentally change software engineering. DEV.

