Acharang Sutra

Ria Shah
Muni Speaks
Published in
8 min readNov 22, 2020
Agam Series — Ang 1 — Acharang Sutra


Shri Aacharang sutra is the first of the 12 Angas and 45 Agams. In Prakrut, it is known as “Aayaro Sutra”.

According to its name, this literature describes the 5 aachars or conducts: Gyanachaar, Darshanachaar, Charitrachaar, Tapachaar and Viryachaar. After attaining kevalgyan or pure knowledge, Tirthankar’s preaches conduct first. These preachings are compiled as Acharang Sutra by the Ganadhar. It is written in the Niryukti of Acharang:

“Anganam Kim Saaro? Aayaro !”

i.e. “Which agam captures the essence of 12 Agams? It is Acharang Sutra”

From the perspective of the 4 anuyogs, this agam expounds Karan-Charan-Anuyog. This agam is kept as first among agams because it is the most important agam that explains Conduct. The foundation of religion lies in the observance of its core principles. In the absence of the same, the religion itself does not make sense.

In olden days, only after studying the first chapter “Shastra-Parigya” the great 5 vows of Sadhus as part of “Badi diksha” were given to Sadhu. Today after learning “DashVaikalik Sutra” Badi diksha” is given.


  • In ancient ages, this literature used to have 18000 stanzas. In each stanza, there were crores of shlokas. But now, only 2254 shlokas of the same are remaining with us.
  • On this sutra, Shrutkevali Shri Bhadrabahu Swamiji has written 352 shlokas long Niryukti, and its available even today.
  • Even 8300 shlokas written by Acharya Jindas Gani is available.
  • Hon. Aacharya Shri Shilankacharyaji has written 12000 shlokas
  • And Khartargachh Aacharya Shri JinSinhSuriji has written 9500 shlokas on the same.
  • In total, 40529 shlokas literature exists in the present.


The scripture is divided into two main parts called as ShrutSkandh:

  1. First ShrutSkandh: It is named as “Aachar” or “Brahmacharya” . This soul insightful literature has 9 Adhyayan which are further subdivided into 44 Uddesho.
  2. Second ShrutSkandh: It is named as “Aachar-Agra” or “Aachar Chula”. This shrutskand comprises of 4 Chulika that is divided into 16 Adhyayan.

First Shrut-Khand : Achar

In the first shrutskand named Aachar, the path to proper Saadhu jivan from nischay perspective is given. A brief introduction to 9 adhyayan follows:

1. Shastra parigya: The sole goal of saadhu life is to protect the lives of 6-Kay Jiva. How can these beings be harmed or injured is taught in this first chapter. In the very beginning, the existence of soul is proved and then there’s life in rocks and stones is proven by strong reasoning. Either by your own self or by something else these beings can be harmed or injured, and how dangerous its after-effects can be or how can your bad karma be accumulated by it and how can you avoid that is described in those 177 sutras of the first chapter.

2. Lok vijay: Other than one’s own Atma, everyone else father, mother, brother, sister, wife,friends etc. are called as “lok”. The attachment to the Lok is the major reason for the cycles of sansar. Even if we take diksha by renouncing the world, it would not make any sense if we are still attached to our family or closed ones. By leaving out the attachment, the wise men have told us to redeem from all the sins like anger and hatred, etc. By forgiving you can get ride of anger, by being humble you can get rid of ego, by being simple you can get rid of alluring, by being satisfied you can get rid of greed. In these 186 sutras, the ones who have renounced the world are told to be aware of these things for their soul liberation.

3. Shitoshniy: Favourable conditions are known as Sheeth parishah and unfavourable conditions are known as ushna parishah. Among 22 parishah, favourable behaviour of women and people treating you with respect is considered as sheeth parishah and the remaining 20 are considered as ushna parishah. All 22 parishas should be faced with equanimity. You should not be too happy in favorable conditions and not too sad in unfavorable conditions is what is taught in the 87 sutras of this chapter.

4. Samyaktva: Faith on the 9 Tatva is considered as Samkyaktva. Samyatva is the foundation towards the liberation of your soul. Samyakta should be not violated by Doubt-Ambition etc.. One can achieve victory over 4 Kashya through pure Samyaktva. There are 53 sutras in this Adhyayan.

5. Lok saar: In this world, dharm is the essence. Dharm is cause of knowledge, conduct and liberation. The Muni who considers dharm as the essence, obtain state of detachment of the worldly pleasure, relinquish Paap Kriya(sinful activities) and always effortful of Moksha. In the 140 sutras of this chapter, contains preaching to strengthen Vairagya Bhaav(detachment). Mahopydhyay shri Yashovijayji maharsaheb has narrated this adhyayan in his 125 stanzas poem.

6. Dhut: meaning to wash away or leave. It is of 2 types: physical(dravya) and spirit(bhav). Cleaning a dirty object is Dravya Dhut, cleaning the self and puryfying the soul is Bhav Shut. Renunciating the attachment towards kin and clan, and concentrate on your own soul rather than body is what is taught in the 113 sutras of this chapter.

7. Mahaparigya: To know and practice the core qualities(Mul Gun) and the additional qualities(Uttar Gun) of saadhu jivan is a part of this chapter.

8. Vimoksh: It is being free of all the karmas. Laymen(Shravak)’s partial destruction of Karma is called Desh Vimoksh and Sadhus who are free from all karma are known as Sarva vimoksh. In the 130 sutras and 25 shlokas mentioned herein, the suitable and unsuitable, Sambhogik and Asambhogik behaviour, Bhakt parigya, Ingini maran and Padpogaman Anshan’s procedure has been explained herewith.

9. Updhaan Shrut :The word Updhaan Shrut means “Support”. 70 shloks long this adhyayan tells us about Lord Mahavir’s lifestyle, his place of wandering and gives a heartfelt description of the Upsarg that he tolerated before KevalGyan. This gives inspiration to give up laxity and to become more tolerant.

Second Shrut Skand : Aacharaagra

It comprises of 4 Chulika containing 16 adhyayan.

  1. First Chulika: It contains the following adhyayans : 1.Pindaishna 2.Shaiya 3.Iirya Rahna 4.Bhashajaat 5.Vastra Eshna 6.Patra Eshna 7.Avagrah Pratima
  2. Second Chulika: It contains the following adhyayans: 1.Sthaan 2.Swadhyay sthal 3.Sthandil Bhumi 4.Shabh 5.Roop 6.Parkriya 7.Anyonya Kriya
  3. Third Chulika: It contains Bhavna Adhyayan
  4. Fourth Chulika: IT contains Vimukti Adhyayan

The Second Shrutkand covers various vital topics left out in the first Shrutkand.


In the past, Bharat had a great debating tradition. In order to defeat the Jain’s, one of the Buddhist followers named ‘Govinda’ decided to take Jain Diksha to find loopholes in Jainism. But soon enough as he studied the Aacharaang Sutra and got to know about Nigod and other one-sensed living beings, he realised this is not possible without omniscience. He accepted Jainism took Diksha again in true sense and followed the path of right perspective, knowledge and conduct.



Meaning: There are four types of people in regards to Vows:

1. Ones who take these vows bravely like a lion and follow them like one.

2. Ones who take the vows bravely like a lion but follow them cowardly like a Fox.

3. One’s who accept the vows cowardly like a Fox but follow them fearlessly like lion

4. One’s who accept the vows cowardly like a Fox and follow them like a fox.

One should bravery in the matter of vows.

2) Araim aaute se mehavi, khnansi mukke

Samsar and Moksha, Attachment and Detachment are mutually exclusive. The ones who are drawn towards worldly pleasures cannot have a liking towards moksha and the ways to achieve it and vice versa. In this sutra, its said that you should have a liking towards diksha or sanyam.

3) Raag Samupaaya Samupanjanti

Due to the attachment with worldly matter, the soul accumulates karma. Owing to the fact that karma is attached to the soul, the soul suffers from misery and due to this misery, the body experiences sickness. And hence the cause of sickness and other misery is attachment. So we should always try to get rid of the attachment with worldly pleasures.

4) Je agam jaanayi te savvam jaanayi, je savam jaanayi te agam jaanayi

All the matter in the world have infinite properties. Every substance has one positive property. But there can be infinite negative. For example, if the color of a substance is white, any color other than white is the negative. So to understand anything, you need to know both the positive and negative side of that thing. So in the aforementioned line, it is said that the one who knows a particular matter properly knows everything and the one who knows everything can only understand a particular matter. This is the speciality of Syadvad.

5) tummev tummam mite kim baahiyan mitmichasi

Everyone has a friend in life to share his happiness and sorrows. But who knows whether the ones whom we consider as our friends would stay loyal to us or not. Owing to this fact instead of having expectations from people around you, here the focus is mainly on your own soul, referring to which it is said that : “Hey soul, you yourself are your friend, then why do you keep expectations form other people?”

6) atte loye

Everyone in this world is in mournful concentration(Arta Dhyan). The poor is tensed about how to earn a lot of money and the rich is worried about how to protect his money. Everyone is worried about something or the other. There are very few souls who are into religious activity and who don’t waste their time in worthless worries. Rather than worrying about the worldly pleasures, one should concentrate on his soul and its purification.

7) hayam nanam kiyahinam haya anaanao kriya

To move forward on the path of nirvana, both knowledge as well as deeds is important. Let us understand this with an example, there are two people in a jungle, one is blind and the other one is lame. Assuming that the forest catches fire, the lame person can see the fire coming towards him but cannot run. On the other hand, blind person cannot see the fire and is running here and there without knowing which way to go. In this case, if both the blind the lame meets, then with the help of each other’s knowledge both of them can escape the forest fire safely. In the same way, knowledge is considered as the eye and deeds the legs of the soul in the path of attaining nirvana.

Knowledge without deed is like a blind person’s walk to and fro without knowing where to go. And deeds without knowledge is like the lame person seeing the fire coming towards him. In the world of religion, the path to attain nirvana can be crossed only when both of these are attained together otherwise the soul keeps on doing uncountable life cycles without knowing the end of it.

8) khanam janahi pandiye

Everyone wants to excel in their life. As said, Opportunity knocks the door only once. As a matter of fact, one should grasp that opportunity and gain the maximum out of it. In the spiritual word, it is said, a wise man makes the appropriate use of the opportunity through his efforts much before it is gone.


According to Shree Umaswamiji Maharaj Saheb (Author of 500 Dhamagranth) praises in verses 112–119 of Prashamrati Prakaran,

”The one who studies and follows everything that has been said in the Aacharaang Sutra never fails”.


[1] Arhad Divya Sandesh Sr 364, Sept 2020. Inspired by Marudhar Ratna Pujya Acharya Shrimad Vijay Ratnasen Suriji M.S. Compiled by Muni Shri Sthulbhadra Vijayji M.S.


Translation: Ria Shah, Moksha Kalpeshji

