The Jiva Element

Vardhaman Jain
Muni Speaks
Published in
7 min readApr 26, 2020

Classification of Jiva(Soul)

1. One type from perspective of consciousness

Every soul possess an infinite fraction of cognitive and literary knowledge at the minimum. There are infinite-infinite worldly soul in this universe. All of them possess consciousness, there is none without consciousness. Hence from the perspective of consciousness, there is just one type of soul.

2. Two types from perspective of mobility

From a different perspective, all worldly soul can be classified into mobile or immobile. Those soul in their worldly bodies are able to move on their own will are called mobile and those that can not are immobile.

3. Three types from perspective of gender

From a third perspective, one can think of all the worldly soul being one of either genders: male, female and neuter. This way, all the worldly soul can be divided into these 3 genders. Hence from the perspective of Gender there are 3 types.

4. Four types from perspective of life forms

From the fourth perspective, all the worldly souls can be divided into celestial (dev), human(manushya), Animals(Tiryancha) and Infernal(narak) beings. Hence from perspective of life forms, there are four types

5. Five types from perspective of sense organs

From the fifth perspective, worldly soul can be divided into those have

  • one sensed — Sense of touch
  • two sensed — Sense of touch and taste
  • three sensed — Sense of touch, taste and smell
  • four sensed — Sense of touch, taste, smell and sight
  • five sensed — Sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing

6. Six types from perspective of bodies

If we look at worldly soul from the sixth perspective, they can be classified into Earth-bodied, water-bodied, fire bodied, air bodied, plant bodied, mobile (Tras) bodied. Thus all worldly souls can be classified into these 6 types.

14 Types of Worldly Soul

Micro and Macro One-sensed, two-sensed, three-sensed, four-sensed, intelligent and non-intelligent five-sensed — These seven are each complete or incomplete making up 14 types. More details as follows:

  1. Micro One-sensed(Sukshma Ekendriya): These have just one sense — the sense of touch. However, these one-sensed organism are so micro that even an arbitrary collection of their bodies are still invisible and imperceptible through touch. Further they are spread extremely densely throughout universe. There is not a point in entire universe where these can’t be found. These can’t be harmed through fire or any other means, they are not useful to any human or any other beings. Through mental resolve one can imagine harm to them but they can’t be harmed through speech or body. Also these organisms can’t harm others. These have one of the five types of bodies — Earth-body, water-body, fire body, air body or plant body.
  2. Macro One-Sensed(Badar Ekendriya): These have just one sense — the sense of touch. However, they are large enough that atleast enough collection of their bodies are visible. These have one of the five types of bodies — Earth-body, water-body, fire body, air body or plant body. Some of these organism can be sensed through just one of the senses for example air, while others can be sensed through two or more of the five senses. Unlike Micro-One-Sensed, they are not found through the universe but certain spots which are conducive for their growth. They can be harmed and they can harm others, example fire. Some of these can harm other of the same type.
  3. Two Sensed(Beindriya) : These have two senses — sense of touch and taste. Conch shell, clamshell, earthworm, woodworm & various types of worms etc. All two sensed and above organism are macro i.e they are visible as per aforementioned definition.
  4. Three Sensed(Trindriya) : These have three senses — sense of touch, taste and smell. Bug, Lice, Larva, Snail, Ant etc.
  5. Four Sensed(Chaturindriya) : These have four senses — sense of touch, taste, smell and vision. Butterfly, Fly, Spider, Scorpion, Cockroach, Locust, Mosquito, Bee etc.
  6. Non-intelligent Five Sensed(Asangni Panchendriya) : They have five senses — sense of touch, taste, smell, vision and hearing but dont have far thinking intelligence(Deergh-Kaliki-Sangya) i.e. who dont learn from past experience or can make educated guess about the future. These include: a) Spontaneously Generated Animals — those that emerge without descent from mother-father but natural elements e.g. frog, fish etc.. b) Spontaneously Generated Human — those that emerge in 14 impure excreta like stool, urine, spit, perspiration etc...
  7. Intelligent Five Sensed(Sangni Panchendriya) : They have five senses — sense of touch, taste, smell, vision and hearing but also special types of thinking capacity. These include: a) all animals and human being that descent from mother’s womb b) all hell being that are born in kumbh c) all heavenly being that are born through upa-pat.

This way we have 7 types of Jiva, again which can be further classified as Paryapt or Aparyapt making 14 types. Paryapti will be explained in detail later in the article.

Defining Characteristics Of Jiva

Here we will discuss unique characteristics of Jiva. Those characteristics that are found in an entity but not in others is said to be the defining characteristics of the Jiva. These characteristics need to be uniquely applicable only to that entity and should be found at all in any other. Besides it needs to be found in all things of the same entity. For example a cow’s loose skin below the neck. It can only be found cow but not in any other Indian cattle. However, a horn can’t be called unique characteristics since it can be found in many other animals besides the cow.

Soul has infinite characteristics, the following can be called defining:

  1. Knowledge(Gyan) : Literary(Shrut), Cognitive(Mati), Clairvoyant(Avadhi), Mind-reading(Manhparya) and Omniscience(Keval) are five types of knowledge for the one with right perception. For wrong perception, the first three are ignorance. These 8 are definitely found in every Jiva in different strength. But there are no jiva that is completely devoid of Knowledge.
  2. Perception(Darshan) : Perception through sight or other sense, Clairvoyant and Omni-perception are the four types of perception. Again like knowledge they are definitely found in all Jiva to different degrees.
  3. Conduct(Charitra) : Samayik, Chedosthapan, PariharVishudhi, Sukshma Samparay, Yathakhyat, Desh Virati and Sarva Virat are seven type of conduct that lead to Salvation.
  4. Penance(Tap) : Restraint of desires is called Penance. Thesee are twelve types: 6 external and 6 internal. That effort of the soul to rid itself of the Karma enabling one to attain soul’s divinity is called Penance.
  5. Energy(Virya) : Enthusiasm, Energy, Strength, courage etc.. is called Virya. These are of two types: a) Karan Virya — That which is channeled through the Mind, Speech and Body b) Labdhi Virya — That which is supported by Knowledge, Perception and Conduct.
  6. Focus(Upyog): These are of 12 types as follows: 5 Knowledge, 3 Ignorance, 4 Perception. The ability to focus can be found in all Jiva but not found in anything other than Jiva.


Paryaptis means the ability of the soul to obtain matter, convert it and use it. In other words the life living capability acquired by souls with the help of matter. At the time of forming a body, and/or after forming it, it each soul acquires capabilities as per it body types.

There are 6 parayaptis:

1. Food Acquiring Capability(Ahar Paryapti)

The power by, which a soul acquires suitable matter, converts it into proteins/ vitamins with this capability.

2. Body Acquiring Capability(Sharir Parypati)

The power by which a soul converts the fluids into blood, flesh, fat, bone marrow and vitality

3. Senses Acquiring Capability(Indriya Paryapti)

The power by which a soul is abIe to convert matter into the required body parts, capable of senses from the matter from which it has formed the body (like tongue, nose, eyes, ears etc.)

4. Respiration Acquiring Capability(Swasoswas Parypati)

The power by which a soul accepts matter relevant for breathing, converts it into breathing, utilizes it and then discards it.

5. Speech Acquiring Capability(Bhaasha Parypati)

The power by which a soul accepts matter relevant for speaking, converts it into Speech, utilizes it and then releases it.

6. Mind Acquiring Capability(Mana Paryapti)

The power by which a soul accepts matter relevant for thinking, converts it into thinking, utilizes it and then discards it. ‘

Life Force(Pran):

Those which enables life of a worldly soul is called Pran or the life-force. There are 10 such types of Pran. They are as follows:

  1. 5 Senses — Sense of touch, taste, smell, vision and hearing.
  2. 3 Powers that of Mind, Speech and Body
  3. Respiration — Jiva inhales suitable elements(e.g. oxygen) and converts it to elements suitable for it to live.
  4. Ayushya — Dravya Ayushya in the form of Ayushya Karma Particles and Time(Kal) Ayushya in the form of lifespan.

Purpose of knowing Jiva Element

Jiva is the base of virtues such as knowledge etc. Jiva enjoys and endures of happiness and griefs. Every Jiva is potentially divine and has infinite knowledge. However the worldly soul is bound by karma which supresses its virtues.

Consciousness is the same in a liberated soul or a worldly soul. By knowing the Jiva element, the knowledge we gain is that of oneness with all souls. That knowledge enables one to strive towards the goal of spiritual enlightenment. And also empowers one to cultivate the feeling of friendship towards all Life-forms and in essence all Souls.

In my worldly state, my natural soul qualities are covered by Karmas. To remove the covers of Karmic Matter, I need to try to obtain the knowledge of what to know, what to forsake and what to accept.

I need to forsake Pap-Ashrava-Bandha which are an obstacle to the path of Liberation. And I need to accept Punya-Samvar-Nirjaraa which would assist in achieving liberation.

There is differentiation amongst different beings due to their good and bad karmas. Due to these differentiations only, there are various types and categories of Jivas (Life forms) with 2–3–45–6–14 types and in more detail 563 types.

In the present, we are Sangni Panchendriya (Beings With Five Sense organs with mind). We are more capable than other lesser living beings in this universe. We need to continuously strive to use these special powers and capabilities for spiritual upliftment. That is the prime goal of one’s human existence.

