Trasa — Mobile Living Beings

Jinashrit Shramanopasak
Muni Speaks
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2020

Jiva Vichar — Part 2. Tras Jiva and their Types

Tras(Mobile Living Beings)

Living beings that can move as per their own wish in reaction to the surroundings are called Tras(mobile) living beings. In the Part 2 of this series, we describe the 4 types of Tras Jiva. This series is extracted from Shri Shantisurishwarji Maharaja’s “Jiva-Vichar”. The English translation of the same is done by disciples of Pujya Achary Shri Gunratna Surishwar Maharaj. Read part 1 here.

The Tras are classified into Viklendriya(two, three or four sense organs) and Panchendriya(five sense organs)

Viklendriya jiva

Living beings that have more than one sense and less than five senses i.e two, three and four senses are called viklendriya jiva. It includes Beindriya jiva, Teindriya jiva and Chaurendriya jiva — Living beings with less sense of organs.


Beindriya jiva(Two-sensed)

Living beings having two senses i.e touch and taste are called beindriya Jiva.

e.g. Conch Shell, Cowries worms, Maggot growing in stomach, Aayariya, Earthworms, Roundworms, Hookworms, Water Louse, Chudel (found in stagnant water).

Teindriya Jiva(Three Sensed)

Living beings having three senses i.e. touch, taste and smell are called Teindriya jiva.

Eg bedbugs, lice, ants, termite, maggots found in wheat, dheemel (found in spoilt ghee), saava, gingodani jaat, gadheya, dung worms, worms found in gains, paper eating insect,snail, red velvet mites.


Chaurendriya jiva(Four Sensed)

Living beings that have four senses i.e touch, taste, smell and sight are chaurendriya jiva.

E.g. scorpion, flea, wasp and honeybee, grasshopper, locust, all kind of flies, dansa, mosquito, cricket, flea, spider, bombardier beetle etc.


Q. Define samurchim living being?

A. Those living beings that are naturally born as a result of various climatic and environmental conditions without the need of biological parents are known as Samurchim living beings ( samurchim means without desire or affection).

Q. Where do samurchim living beings are born?

A. Ekendriya and beindriya living beings are born when under suitable climatic and environmental conditions. Samirchim Teindryia are born in the excreta dung of the living beings having same characterstics. Chaurendriya living beings gets reproduced in the saliva, excreta of living beings having same characteristics (of same types)


14 Rajloka

The shape of 14 rajloka is like a man standing with stretched legs with his hands on his waist 14 Rajloka is divided into three equal parts that is 14 rajloka consist of 3 loka. The place where the living beings of Naraka stays in lower loka. The place where we stay is middle loka and the place where Vaimanik Deva stays is Upper Loka.

1 Rajj = Innumerable Yojana

14 Rajj = Loka

To understand innumerable Yojana it is imagined that if any powerful Deva throws an iron ball weighing around 100,000 sheers from Devloka, then that iron ball takes more than 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days and 6 hours of time to reach on Sambhutala Earth. Exactly in centre is Sambhutala Earth. Above that exists Deva in 7 rajj and below that exists Naraka in 7 Rajj. The names of Naraka are according to their qualities.

1 Raj

The distance covered in that period of time is known as 1 Rajj. Likewise 14 Rajjloka is the universe. In that, the infernal beings are the ones who are suffering the highest pain. Above them stays the one who are suffering less pain and more happiness and above them stays the ones who are enjoying only happiness.


Living beings that have five senses — Touch, Smell, Taste, Sight and Hearing are called Panchendriya Jiva. They are of four types — Human beings, all birds and animals, Celestial beings and Infernal beings.

Panchendriya — 4 Gati

