
Munich Restaurant Notes
1 min readApr 16, 2015

Open the doors and slide into the “striking ambiance” of the third addition to revolutionary gastronomer Anh Thu’s group of upscale Vietnamese restaurants. The dragonfly inspired design is “the closest Munich ever gets to London or New York” and delivers an “immediate urban buzz”. Accordingly there’s a premium on the prices charged here, compared to “exactly the same dishes” you can get at the sister Restaurant (Anh Thu / note: “Banyan” was sold to another owner in July 2014). This doesn’t mean however that the food isn’t tasty — indeed Cochinchina offers a very wide range of dishes that give you “authentic Vietnamese specialties, with just the right degree of adaptation to German tastes”. Despite being “a bit salty at times” the freshness of the ingredients, the beautifully arranged plates, with piles of herbs and crunchy vegetables yield a very pleasing sensorial experience. The service is courteous and efficient. “There’s even a greeter, which is extremely rare” in the German “Servicewüste (service desert)”. Only when the terrace opens in the summer, the typical “Munich understaffing syndrome” holds this “otherwise professionally-run” establishment in its grasp.

Kaiserstr. 28, 80801 Munich

Ratings (out of 20)

Food: 14
Decor: 18
Service: 11

