Coronavirus: What we know, what we don’t

Sagar Suresh Kumar
MUNner’s Daily
Published in
9 min readMar 11, 2020

In the last couple of weeks, amidst of supposed escalation of threats having a political connotation like that between the US and Iran, one of a different nature has somewhat supplanted them; the novel Coronavirus COVID 19 has killed more than 4000 people across the world, the vast majority in mainland China.

Also Read-

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. — Word Health Organization (WHO) 2019

Thus, as the particular strain is ‘novel’, this gives scientists and doctors are having a hard time finding a vaccine even though clinical trials have launched, creating a situation of worldwide panic and attributing the disease as a ‘pandemic’ even though the WHO themselves have restrained from doing so. Firstly, let’s get down to the basic information and precautionary measures.

Live corona statistics-


The virus is said to have originated somewhere in the Hunan Seafood Market, Wuhan city, Hubei Province which sells wet food items (meat and fish). There is speculation that this disease could have been transmitted from an animal to a human being. Wuhan is the largest city in central China and is an important transit point as well. From Wuhan, it spread out to almost all provinces and later to all major countries across the globe.

The Symptoms

Cough, cold, high temperature; the usual symptoms of the flu. In severe cases, it can lead to even pneumonia and organ failure.

How it spreads

As with other respiratory infections, it has been presumed it spreads through droplets from a cough or a sneeze, although the mechanism hasn’t been fully understood. Close and physical contact with the bodies of infected people can also transmit the disease. The incubation period from catching the disease and developing the symptoms can get up to 2 weeks, as per the WHO. (Person to Person).

Over 80% of the cases are mild. Over 10–15% stand as critical. So even if you have corona symptoms, chances of it turning lethal are low.


  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds each time
  • Maintain 1m distance from people who cough or sneeze
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes.

WHO has now declared it a pandemic.

The WHO could be reluctant because of its past experiences, like the time it was accused of crying wolf, by creating a panic situation to aid vaccine companies when it declared swine-flu a pandemic. In the end, millions of vaccines and hence a lot of money was wasted.

However, rather quite ironic, the same organization was called out for being lax when Ebola broke out, which took five months to declare it as an international public health emergency after Guniea and Liberia had informed it of the outbreaks.

Yes, declaring the Coronavirus as a pandemic could indeed create a situation of worldwide panic, a disruption in the global economy due to restrictions on trade, movement of people if it already hasn’t been so. But just as a doctor is expected to put the life of a person before financial or other inconveniences, the organization must consider whether it should exist as a mere figurehead for medical standards that limits itself to the appeasement its funders, or as the doctor of the world that actively takes on medical dilemmas.

If the thoughts of the former Director-General Dr Margret Chan, in her exact words, that it would be a fantasy to think of the WHO as a first responder ready to lead the fight against deadly outbreaks around the world, are being reverberated by Dr Tedros, then the former role seems more appropriate even if it would eventually use the Pandemic for the Coronavirus.

EDIT: WHO has finally declared the Coronavirus as a pandemic.

Coronavirus and Geo Politics

Today as we speak, more 30,000,000 have been infected and 200000 dead, which means the death rate is just 3% and it's not so deadly like Nipah or Ebola. The virus has totally spread to around 210 countries, ie all the countries in the world. The USA leads with around 1 million cases.

There are a lot of theories are going viral, showing that prophecies have predicted this long time ago. Also there a set of theories that claim that this a technique used by China using this biological weapon to create dominance. But all these theories are flawed and no agencies have actually accepted this to be true.

Deserted Chinese cities

How is the world fighting COVID 19?

There are a lot of visuals flooding in media about the hospital that china built in 10 days which can hold up to 2000 people. Over 65k people across the globe have recovered.

This is a real example of how China is fighting disease and how much technologically advanced China is. These are all amidst the fact that there was a lot of speculation regarding China trying to cover up the outbreak of the disease and the death rate.

A lot of countries are in a lockdown state. The EU is on alert. India is also under alert amidst. The nation has declared an emergency and has asked people to avoid public gatherings and ordered to shut down educational institutions. The Kingdom of Saudi has stopped Umrah Pilgrimage for Muslims from all over the world. So did, Qatar put restrictions on travel. Pakistan has closed its border with Iran. India has cancelled the e-Visa facility for foreigners. All foreigners and Non-resident people travelling at the Airport have to fill legal declaration on their travel and also undergo a check-up. Isolation wards are present in all the affected areas to keep the patients away from the public.

Effects of Corona on the world- Economics and Politics

China was seen as the biggest culprit for spreading the virus. The major reason for the same was “Chinese New Year festival”.

Flight radar showing the map of china and the decreased no. of flights due to travel bans.

COVID 19, no wonder will spell a long-lasting effect on the global economy amidst countries including India are on the brink of slow growth.

  • Majority of the masks which are used as a preventive come from plastics which are manufactured in China and we are running shortage of it just because of lack of arrival from China. So there is no point in blaming the globalised world.
  • Oil prices are the lowest, which over 25% crash within few days, ever since Saudi and Russia are playing a trading game, involving OPEC nations, post a drop in oil consumption due to lack of trade and due to fall in imports from China which is the largest important.
  • Stock markets across the globe are crashing, investors are losing a lot of money. Richest of the richest, are losing their money.
  • People are losing jobs, due to the travel ban and public restrictions. Most companies are requesting for WFH.
  • Tech hubs like China, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore are down, causing fear in the electronics sector.
  • Majority of airports and airlines will see a big loss in their passengers, reducing revenue.
  • Effect on Imports and Exports

Corona Myths and Realities

Site —

  • This is a biological weapon- It’s not a proven argument
  • Drinking Alcohol cures the disease- No it doesn’t.
  • Don’t receive packages and letters from China- Virus doesn’t last long more than 9 hours, it is safe for you to receive and use them
  • Garlic and onions keep us safe- It doesn’t
  • It comes from eating poultry, seafood and food- False, FSSAI has said that poultry and seafood don’t transmit corona.
  • Corona came for the first time this year- No, the name of the virus is COVID 19 or Wuhan virus. Corona Virus is the family of many such virus-like SARS-02.
  • A hot bath kills virus- No, as the body temperature stays the same independent of external temperature. (That is why you don't freeze.)
  • Pets can spread the virus- No evidence
  • The vaccine against TB and Pneumonia is effective- It is not, this is a new one
  • Saline drops can cure the disease- It will not.
  • Coronavirus can be cured with medicines- Viral diseases often cannot be cured. COVID 19, cannot be cured with any presently known medicine. You are treated for the symptoms and not the disease. The virus will leave the body automatically after a few days.

COVID 19 dangerous or not?

With the spread of the disease, it truly is a disease that can reach miles away from where it is originated quick enough, through person to person. Although, its fatality rate is low and the majority fall in mild cases. What makes it dangerous is the way it spreads without knowing and the symptoms appearing after just two weeks only. The symptoms are also like fever and cold and don’t look anything distinct. A single test needs to be conducted which takes more than a 2–3 days to obtain results. Also, there are only very few laboratories which have the testing facility, so the sample takes time to transport and causes delay.

Things to be taken care of- What each and everyone can do?

  • Visit a doctor if symptoms appear
  • Avoid long travels and public transport
  • Stay safe at home
  • Avoid spreading of fake news and myth on COVID 19
  • The only site you can believe 100% is WHO-

The coronavirus covid 19 is spreading fast across the globe. WHO is yet to declare it as a global emergency but the world is still on an SOS alert. With proper precautions, we can contain the disease from spreading. The COVID 19 will undoubtedly affect the socio-political and economy of this world. Donald Trump has now fully failed here. China is fast recovering but other nations are being affected severely. Along with all these, they're a lot of fake news and myths being circulated in media and WhatsApp. Stopping them is essential to stop fearmongering. Always understand that you’re safe here. Doctors and Nurses are there to cure and rescue us all. The government is also fully set to take on any challenge.






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Sagar Suresh Kumar
MUNner’s Daily

MS Biomedical Eng from UniGlasgow| Writes on diverse issues with a focus on technology and healthcare. Research Profile: