MEC MUN: The Forum for Change.

MUNner’s Daily
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2019

Discuss. Deliberate. Debate.

Out talk. Out wit. Out win.

Lobby that delegate refusing to compromise into your bloc.

Ask unanswerable PoI’s and see your competitor glitch.

Not to mention Motion to Entertain, confessions and socials!

Yes, we are talking about the greatest diplomatic circuit of youth, Model United Nations. Where you meet all sorts of personalities and characters, the ones that are here to win, to play and to have fun.

For those wondering what these jargons are, head over to Google and search about MUN’s. Or better, read this article on MUN’s and why you should be MUN-ing.

MUN’s are a great place to learn, network and much more! It’s been less than a year since I started attending these conferences but I would recommend every person reading this to attend a MUN. You’ll know why once you attend it.

Model Engineering College launched its first edition of MECMUN in the year 2017 and since its inception, has been one of the prominent MUNs in the circuit with delegates coming in from various parts of the nation. The MEC Model UN Society (called MUN SOC by its members), is a club formed in the college to inculcate and develop the MUN culture among the student community of MEC.

With an array of brilliant speakers and diplomats, the MUN SOC has several accolades to its credit just with 6 months of inception.

The first ever Intra-MUN of MEC (and probably in the entire circuit) was hosted by MUNSOC at college on the 30th and 31st of March this year simulating two committees: The United Nations Environment Program(UNEP), All India Political Party Meet(AIPPM) and International Press(IP).

United Nations Environment Program Committee
All India Political Party Meet

The conference saw the participation of around 60 delegates from various years and branches, most of them being first timers in the game.

Despite lack of experience, the two days were of fruitful and constructive debate, the credit going to the meticulous planning and execution by the Executive Board and Secretariat. Special care was taken by the executive boards of both the committees to make it beginner friendly.

UNEP Committee session.
AIPPM Committee Session.

The month of April saw another achievement of MUN SOC; IARC Certification Course. 32 students from MEC wrote a direct certification examination by the IARC Centre for United Nations for RIO+24 War and Peace- Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures. Special discussions and talks were conducted to help students prepare for the same.

IARC Certification for MEC.

MUN SOC also conducts mock sessions in preparing delegates to attend other MUNs. The delegations from MEC has won several awards, including Best Delegate awards in the latest editions of CUSAT MUN, MACE MUN and IIST MUN.

MEC MUN 2019: The third edition rolls out in few months with exciting committees and renowned executive board members from around the nation. For those who want to voice their opinions, this is the forum for change. Ensure your presence at MECMUN 2019, for an exhilarating experience.

