Ashlin S Biju
MUNner’s Daily
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2022

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic was the most difficult time. The abrupt transition from offline to online mode of learning took us quite some time to get acclimatized with. From referring textbooks, we moved on to referring PDF files. Although it took time to adjust to this system, we soon blended into this new system. We were all at our homes, attending online classes and tests. While being at home meant more productive time for many, for some people, it just meant the opposite. Laziness became part of our daily lives. Some of my classmates were even facing depression during this period.


However, things are gradually returning to normal now. After making us go through a different system of learning for two long years, in this post-Covid era, we are all back at our institutions, like how it used to be two years ago. This was also a sudden change. Going back to the ‘old normal’ was also hard for many. Let us look into some difficulties that most of the students faced.


Most of us were accustomed to taking exams online and using our electronic gadgets to do assignments. Now it could take us a long time to get back into the habit of writing and taking notes. Many may first struggle with losing their connection to the material in their textbooks and being out of practice . It is important to us to work on our time management skills, as it is one of the many attributes that we lost during the pandemic era.


Some may find it difficult to deal with the stress and tension of once again being thrust into the commotion and strain of getting back to their old lives, which leads to the deterioration of mental health. Apart from these, prolonged social isolation has caused many people to develop social anxiety and awkwardness. It would be challenging for them to make new acquaintances and find the time to engage with their peers and professors.


As we all know, physical and mental well-being are the two important aspects of very person’s life. But when the pandemic brought us all indoors, our mental as well as physical health started to deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important that we maintain a routine in this post-Covid era, distributing time for our physical and mental well-being.


Now let us think about the solution to these problems. Changes are unavoidable. Hence, we should be ready all the time to adapt to anything new or old.

· Develop your writing skills by writing whatever you like. Exercise daily, and maintain a healthy routine.

· Maintain contact with friends and social circles by participating in activities organized by your institutions. Always stay positive and motivated.

· Above all, keep in touch with yourselves. Know your problems and the ways to find solutions to them.

· Keep a check on your mental health. Mental health is as important as physical health. Allocate some time daily to do things that give you happiness, for example, talking to your loved ones, taking a walk, listening to music, dancing, etc.

· Develop your communication skills by attending meetings, seminars, etc. Always remember that communication is the key to getting to know people better.

· Be ready to take on challenges and get yourself used to the normal routine by exposing yourself to it in every possible way.

By following all these methods, we will be able to successfully get back to the normal track faster. So, take it slow, and be ready for your future.



Ashlin S Biju
MUNner’s Daily

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