Five Reasons Why you Totally should have been at IntraMUN…

Lakshmi Sreekumar
MUNner’s Daily
Published in
7 min readApr 12, 2020

Opinion and Experience

I’m not much of a MUNner. I’d like to tell you it’s because my parents don’t like me travelling too much, or that it’s because I’m too cool for MUNs, and not because I’m a total broke.

Alas, I cannot.

This has constantly been a great source of misery to me. But thankfully, the MECMUN Society initiated the first-of-its-kind local MUN, intending to provide hands-on knowledge to aspiring MUNners regarding the Rules of Procedures (ROPs) and the decorum expected at all MUNs, last year. I’d attended the first edition of IntraMUN and had thought that it was amazing. But this year, as I attended the second edition, my mortal brain was completely bamboozled as it conveniently made the first IntraMUN look like a big shiny piece of trash.

Now, the MEC IntraMUN is the largest of its kind in Kerala, thanks to the generous sponsors it got this year, Big Bazaar and Santa Monica.

The day began with an ode to the almighty, followed by the presidential address by the Principal of Govt. Model Engineering College, Professor Dr Vinu Thomas. The stage was then taken by Professor Dr M V Rajesh, who gave a very inspiring speech on the necessity to think outside the box, after which the Chief Guest for the day Shri P M Sasi delivered the keynote address. The annual report of MEC MUNSoc was subsequently presented by President Aswin Shanil, following which the Secretary-General Allen Joseph declared the conference open. The delegates were then dispersed to their respective committees.

Ah… the committees.

I should probably tell you lot what they were, in case you’re like me and have got zero clue about the intricate mysteries of MUNning. So here goes:

1) The UNHRC

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. The participants role-played as delegates from around the world and addressed several key issues pertaining to its agenda, Gender Equality and Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The Chairman of the Committee, Harinarayan Shaji, explained in great detail the ROPs governing the MUN. All the delegates proved to be remarkable learners and presented themselves with grace and poise throughout with their eloquent speeches. Vice Chairperson Rose Benoy and Director Niranjana carried the committee forward with elegance.

2) The AIPPM

The All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM) witnessed one of the most spectacular debates of the MUN, as delegates took up the roles of the most revered political leaders in India and debated on the agenda, addressing the issue of CAA, NPR, NRC and the outbreak of protests regarding the same. Quite obviously, the committee was a riot of controversies and excitement, wrapped within a shroud of fun. The Speaker, Jairam R Prabhu, Deputy speaker Anand Raj and Scribe Sandra Sam did a remarkable job of keeping the committee in order and in keeping things interesting.

3) The CCC

The Continuous Crisis Committee(CCC), true to its name, revolved around a crisis. Namely, World War 3. Delegates were given a series of events which led to the formation of the next World War, but fortunately enough, all countries represented came to a consensus that the world didn’t need another war on its mind and that it had problems of its own. Chairperson Aswin Shanil, Vice-Chairperson Noel Thomas Bejoy and Director Sarada M took turns guiding and mentoring the delegates to get the committee going in all of its glory.

4) The ICS

The International Corporate Summit (ICS) had its delegates have a remarkable discussion on its agenda- Concerns on privacy and data security during the AI era. This particular committee was held in collaboration with the IEEE MEC SB, and thus, for IEEE members, this committee was free to delegate. The delegates represented the numerous big shots in the corporate world including Google and Twitter and engaged in a deeply thrilling debate under the leadership of Chairperson Shyama S, Vice-Chairperson Christeena Zachariah and Rapporteur Devdutt Shenoy.

And my personal favourite…

5) The IP

The International Press (IP), my dears, sees all, hears all, knows all. They are everywhere… capturing your every move, noting your every speech… just waiting to pounce on you at the right minute. The journalists were allotted different committees and photographers were sent in rotation by the Heads Ema Arun in charge of Journalism, and Amal D B in charge of Photography. As always, the Press Conference session on the second day was a true challenge for the delegates of every committee. In fairer terms, they were roasted to bits.

Now we come to the real deal. The five reasons why you totally shoulda made it, and why you should totally show up next year:

1)You save some serious Dough

Now I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this to you or not, but I’m completely broke. Sigh. I really can’t afford regular MUNs. But thankfully, this little brainchild of the MEC MUNSoc offers delegates subsidised rates for participation. You also receive attractive cash prizes. Furthermore, if you want to be just a spectator, to learn the proceedings without actually participating, that too is possible. For free. With food. For real. Which brings us to our next point.

2) Food

For all the right reasons, IntraMUN makes it a point to feed its delegates. Sure, it asks for a little sum, but trust me, you get to eat way more than what you pay for. And you know the drill. Never. Miss. Food.

3)It sheds a different light on you

Now, kids, I know y’all are tired of seeing your buddies every day, but hark! You see them in uniform every day. On the dawn of this particular day, every delegate seems to unlock their inner chick/hunk. It’s an uncanny supernatural transformation that only happens in MUNs, trust me. No one knows how. But it’s true. IntraMUN shall transform you, dear reader, into a total bomb.

4)Great communication

Now if you don’t know already, several of the debates include words like “Moderated caucus” and “initiate” in regular speech, which kind of makes you feel like you’re the incarnation of Shashi Tharoor himself. Plus, the usage of these words pretty much increases your level of comfort with them in regular speech and English comes to you easier. It’s a total win.

5) Socials event

On the evening of the first day, you will be having a social night with music, dance, DJ, snacks and a lot more. This IntraMUN we had socials with third years performing on the stage. Also, we had an open mic session where anyone could express present their talents.

The underlying factor that governs IntraMUN though, is the togetherness that you’re left with at the end of it all. You meet people just like you. You find yourself reflected in most of them. And mostly, you leave that place with more friends and bigger smiles than you thought you were capable of.

The end of the second day left the delegates and the Executive Board rather exhausted but content. The closing ceremony witnessed the makings of several, great future MUNners, presided over Brigadier Joseph Mathew. Mr Joseph shared several pearls of wisdom from his experiences growing up, and then the much-awaited part of the ceremony, the prize distribution, commenced. Many first-timers received verbal mentions, special mentions and some bagged the title of Best Delegate.

The Best Delegate of UNHRC was Ananda Sai A, a first-year student from MEC, and that of AIPPM was Abhishek Premnath. In ICS, Amith Tony became the Best Researcher and Esther Maria Therese became the Best Speaker. The Best Reporter title went to Abhiram Vijayakumar and that of Best Photographer went to Sreehari Sudevan. The ceremony ended with a photo-session, some of which were supporting the #AllForEqual campaign, and THAT went viral amongst the newspapers, including those like New Indian Express and Deshabhimani.

The Team

So. It’s up to you, folks. The second issue of IntraMUN definitely succeeded to best its precedent to a remarkable extent in ways of conduct, professionalism, and relevance, thanks to the fantastic efforts of the Organising Committee, constituted by Allen Joseph, Niranjana, Alan Antony, Adil Rafeek and Arjun R Nair. Next year’s IntraMUN is sure to be bigger and better. The choice is up to you. Will you take it, or break it.

Yeah. Me too.

See you next year.




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Lakshmi Sreekumar
MUNner’s Daily

Temperamental nuthead, with an annoying habit of seeing weird dreams..